OOC: My computer died a tragic tragic death. I was sad. There was a funeral. Cake was had. I have a new computer now (Better, faster, stronger. Old Sci-Fi refrences ftw. More expensive. I shan't be eating for a few months.) Sorry about the AWOLness but it shouldnt happen again since I spent most of my break mourning my computer. That is all.
Okay, so, I lied. Quizness )
Comments 23
IC: Aw, I can just picture responsible little Tommy always answering the teacher with a "yes ma'am" "no ma'am!"
Oops, Cap came in wondering why I'm laughing so hard.
IC: Um. No. It was more like 'Little Tommy hiding in the back of the room so the bigger boys didn't hit him'. Though, I suppose, teachers were fond of me. I think because I was quiet and kept to myself.
Because Cap is a bastard! ...wait, that probably wasn't where you were going with that. It just seems like the right response no matter what.
IC: Uhm... Oh. *awkward*
I just made sure to look really pouty and told him to leave me alone.
IC: Hmm...he might be headed this way. *shifty look*
Don't worry about it. I blew the school up so everything is cool now.
IC: [Oh crap. Iron Man's looking for me? What is ge upset about this time? Is it still about "going off half-cocked" to rescue everyone?]
[Yes, yes, you're the evil corrupter, just like Socrates.]
I don't think I've ever been compared to Socrates before.
Where is Billy and his brain bleach?
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