Title: Three Days - a triptych of drabbles Author: Kortirion Character: Estel, Halbarad, Dunedain Rating: Violence Source: Pre-Ring War Disclaimer: Tolkien created these characters and this world - Kortirion just visits
Title: Preparation Author: Kortirion Character: Estel Source: Pre Ring War Rating: G Disclaimer: Tolkien created this world and these characters - Kortirion is just playing with them gently.
Title: Schoolwork - all six prompts Author: Kortirion Characters: The Fellowship Rating: G Source: LotR Disclaimer: Tolkien constructed this world and it’s peoples, Kortirion just plays with his artistry.
Title: Small Furs and Sentry Duty Author: Kortirion Character: Estel Rating: G Source: Pre-Ring War Disclaimer: Tolkien’s characters, his world - Kortirion’s small glimpse into it.
I was going to write a drabble for each prompt, but I have some sewing to do so I thought I might as well complete it in one swoop. I'll ignore the unposted 6th prompt, seems a bit late now
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Title: Journal Entries - a set of three drabbles Author: Kortirion Character: Lady Finduilas, OFC Rating: G Source: Pre-Ring War /Alt Uni. Disclaimer: Tolkien’s world, Kortirion’s OFC
Title: Nosegays Author: Kortirion Character: Finduilas Rating: G [warning for depiction of depression] Source: Pre-Ring War Disclaimer: Tolkien’s world and those therein
Title: Beach Games Author: Kortirion Characters: Yong Boromir, Young Faramir, OFC Rating: G Source: Pre Ring War Disclaimer: Tolkien’s world-building, his characters, etc - with extras.