Small and Furry challenge - all prompts

Oct 22, 2021 17:04

Title: Small Furs and Sentry Duty
Author: Kortirion
Character: Estel
Rating: G
Source: Pre-Ring War
Disclaimer: Tolkien’s characters, his world - Kortirion’s small glimpse into it.

He looked at the sky, mild and blue as any summer’s day, though nights here could catch the unprepared as swiftly as snared rabbits. At Autumn’s equinox, cold night-air tapped the skin like cat’s paws… frosty scratches easily fended off by a good fur hat and collar.

Estel shrugged deeper into his still stiff Ranger’s leathers, folding his collar down from where his new beard prickled against mouse-brown fur. He wasn’t used to not shaving, his brothers wouldn’t have dreamed of growing beards, but here… he was the young cub, to be guided in the ways of his new pack.

character: estel, challenge: small and furry: hobbit's foo, challenge: small and furry: cat or rabbi, author: kortirion, challenge: small and furry: pup or cub, challenge: small and furry: fur hat or c, challenge: small and furry: rat or mouse

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