Title: Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair
Author: Annmarwalk
Character: Mostly Eowyn
Ratings/Warning: None
Disclaimer: Not mine, merely borrowed for 100 words.
Author's Note: Originally written and posted in July, 2004, but revised somewhat, now that I know my Rohirrim a bit better. For the "Furry" challenge.
Black Is the Color of My True Love’s Hair
Surely she had seen dark-haired men before, but none like him. His hair shines blacker than the sable trimming her finest gown. She wonders if it feels as soft.
The future had always seemed a faraway land, but she sees it in a flash: husband, home, children. Shadow or no, the future shines beacon-bright, with a dark-haired man at her side.
“My little cousin,” Théodred presents her, laughing, ruffling her hair.
“A pleasure, my lady,” Lord Boromir smiles. He bows low, as if she were a great lady of Gondor, not a thirteen year old girl with scabby knees.