Title: Years Pairing/Group: ShinGoro Rating: R Genre: Romance, a taste of smut Summary: He just lived with those feelings for years. Never bothering to make them known.
Title: Demon's Temper Pairing/Group: TakuGoro Rating: R Genre: PWP Summary: Goro has one of his temper tantrums all over Takuya
Note: I normally don't put warnings on my stuff but this has a lot of BDSM and some playful humiliation. All very obviously consensual but if that's not your bag you might want to just avoid this one.
Title: Interrupted Pairing/Group: TakuGoro [slight ShinTsu] Rating: R Genre: PWP Summary: They get caught in the middle and have to hide but that doesn't mean the fun is over.
Title: Stealing a Little Calf Pairing/Group: 2Top Rating: R Genre: PWP Summary: Someone is stealing some cattle and he wants one little Calf in particular.