Title: Wildman Takuya Pairing/Group: TakuGoro [this chapter is all 2top bromance though] Rating: PG-13 [this chapter] Genre: Adventure, Romance Summary: The basic story of Tarzan but with Smap.
Title: Stealing a Little Calf Pairing/Group: 2Top Rating: R Genre: PWP Summary: Someone is stealing some cattle and he wants one little Calf in particular.
Title: Locker Mischief Pairing/Group: 2top Rating: R Genre: PWP Summary: These two thought it would be smart to hide in a locker in the girls locker room to spy. It wasn't
Title: P-chan and the Cat Lover Pairing/Group: 2Top [with hint of NakaGoro] Rating: NC-17 Genre:PWP Summary: P-chan decides he wants to irritate that little cat lover into feeding him.