Mujihi na Anata, part 3

Apr 02, 2012 17:10

UPDATED: 04/02/12

Still looking forward to chapter 4, but in the meantime, I shall be declaring my love for September Scanlations and comparing the translations for chapters one to three :)

Fangirling rants: Mujihi na Otoko part 1 | Mujihi na Otoko part 2 | Mujihi na Anata part 1 | Mujihi na Anata part 2 | Mujihi na Anata part 3 | Mujihi na Anata part 4 | Mujihi na Karada part 1 | Mujihi na Karada part 2 | Warui series

(03/03/12): Oh my, I wasn’t expecting to update until sometime in April, but new translations result in new interpretations, so there you go :D

First off, thank you so much to ariocanas and company for all their work so far. If I had to wait until now to read the first chapter, I’d probably have gone crazy from the lack of KuonxNanao, so I'm very grateful *nods*

And just when I thought that September Scanlations couldn’t get any better (been a fan ever since Love Stage!!, and now they’re probably my favorite group), they went and picked up my favorite series >.< Love you guys! (And love you too, Gaby, for telling me <3) Ah, I do hope that once they’re caught up with Mujihi na Anata, they’ll go and do the Mujihi na Otoko extras. Because after all this time, those still haven’t been scanlated, and I’m determined to wait until they are. I don’t mind leaving Parallels’ scanlations as is because after reading Mujihi na Otoko so many times, I’ve gotten used to everything, even the parts that make me go ‘WTF?’ (case being “Ordinary people like you, who always preach, will not have any dreams to speak of”, which still makes no sense in or out of context), and a different translation would probably send me into shock. So yeah, I’m crossing my fingers for just the extras.

Oh, and a bit of a side note. Since the seventh chapter for Warui ko Demo Ii? came out recently, I decided to reread the sixth ‘chapter’ (can two pages really be called a chapter?). Loving the Shirahane-cest again, but this time I noticed that Nanao has an earring in his left ear O.o Why did I not see this before?! I can’t remember him ever wearing earrings anywhere else (pretty darn sure not in Mujihi, but I don’t know about elsewhere). Was this just a one-time thing? Perhaps Sakuraga Mei forgot about it later on? Maybe Nanao only wears it (them?) when he’s out of the public eye and can act however he wants?

Anyways, onto the chapter.

Ooh, I didn’t expect to hit a snag on the very first page/cover. So it looks like the English title is ‘Ruthless You’. PROBLEM. While I’m sure that this is a more accurate translation, I have spent the past couple years knowing this series as ‘Mujihi na something’ and ‘Merciless something’. Ruthless, merciless, same thing, but yeah, I personally like ‘Merciless Lover’ much better than ‘Ruthless You’. But I am happy to see that the phrase towards the bottom of the page has been translated :D And the Japanese characters do look quite different from the Chinese ones.

On an unrelated tangent, I was looking at a lyrics video for Lacrimosa (by Kalafina, one of the OP/ED songs for Kuroshitsuji season one) when I heard the word ‘mujihi.’ Lo and behold, the word ‘merciless’ popped up on the screen, and I was like “Ha! I know what that word means thanks to Mujihi na Otoko! :D” Heh heh heh, I’m so lame XD

Hoooooly cow. While reading this, I was seriously wibbling the entire time. The quality of these scanlations were so good that I really wanted to cry XD

I really was intending to only look at the difference in translations, but once more, I found myself cooing over Nanao lurking it the background ^.^

Oh! Nice to see know what the little sound effects and bits of speech attached to the dialogue bubbles finally say :D And ah! Kuon refers to Nanao as ‘Nanao-san’ after all. The world is turning again ^.^ I remember how surprised I was when ‘Nanao-san’ had become ‘Nanao-sempai’ in the previous scanlations.

I’m an idiot. The little box on the upper left corner that says ‘Nanao’s immediate image’? I read ‘immediate’ as two words and was wondering for a good several seconds what ‘immed’ and ‘iate’ meant OTL But wow, what Kuon says in the bottom panel is significantly different (playing around with [Kuon] vs. window shopping. What.) Once again, I found myself thinking that the way Kuon is drawn in the middle strip is a little off (maybe just his fist?).

La di la (some pages have roughly the same meaning, so I’ve nothing to say there)

La di la again, I’d like another three-day weekend myself…

Ooh, and a difference between Kuon being direct vs. being originally heterosexual!straight. The context sure changes things :D As for what Kuon says regarding people who sleep around, I find that the new scans (I’ll just call them this for simplicity’s sake) convey his disdain more, but I’ve no issues with the old scans because ‘loose’ is the word that’s used everywhere in Mujihi na Otoko (‘promiscuous and overly loose’ comes to mind).

“What if I am” vs. “Something like that”. Ha ha ha, so Kuon=porn! Oh that’s hilarious…but very true XD Mmm, the new scans sure do convey the cousin’s personality more in regards to the stuff he says (ah, the slang~). And Nanao too! In the old scans, everything they all said had this air of politeness about it, but here seems a lot more casual (like, a looooot) seeing as words like ‘asshole’ and ‘fucking’ show up regularly. In the middle section: so it’s the cousin speaking after all and not Nanao telling him to get off. The lower left section is certainly different as well: uncle-killer (I thought it meant that Nanao and his uncle had a very good relationship) vs. ‘had a thing for old farts’ (I suppose people like the sensei would be considered old farts to the cousin).

WHOA. This page really had me thinking. So the cousin’s name is Masato rather than Seijin? I most likely won’t remember it anyway, but wow, that’s quite a leap O.o But more importantly (for me, anyway) is the cousin’s parting words. With the old scans, I took it as the cousin saying that Nanao is not normal, a most likely unintentional attack on Nanao’s insecurities since the sempai says pretty much the same thing and hurt Nanao badly.  But if I had just been reading the new scans, then I wouldn’t have been paying attention at all since ‘getting serious’ and ‘gone weird’ aren’t exactly as hurtful as ‘not normal’.

Yeah, I feel like ‘not normal’ is a harsher insult and would better explain why Nanao becomes more solemn. I’m gonna have to wait for the next chapter to see what the sempai says in the flashback to compare this properly.

‘sorry about yesterday’ vs. ‘nice seeing you yesterday’. Here I also find that the former works better because they were interrupted the other day and it would be very much like Kuon to apologize for that.

La di la

New scans make it clearer at the top left as to who’s talking, and also brings up on the bottom right Nanao’s constant worry that Kuon is doing stuff he doesn’t want to.

Huh, the old scans had ‘is that for real?’ at the top middle section (the mostly empty toner-filled block) while the new ones don’t have anything in that space *scratches head* “you think too much” vs. “there’s nothing in particular”, where the former is more a teasing/defensive jibe and the latter is kinda avoiding the issue (both of them work with Nanao’s personality).

For some reason, I like that Nanao says ‘Geez’ at the bottom of the new scans XD He never says stuff like that in the old scans or Mujihi na Otoko (both of which were translated from the Chinese scanlations).

“I know what you’re thinking about” vs. “I know how you think”, the latter being much deeper (and proven again and again in later pages that Kuon does know how Nanao thinks in addition to his thoughts at that exact moment). Ooh, but the subtle difference there changes the stuff at the bottom right a lot more: “Fine, it is” vs. “Do you now?”, a reluctant confirmation vs. more avoiding the issue.

I guess “Do you now?” would be better since Nanao does have a tendency to deflect serious issues and since Kuon doesn’t press any further and just mentions the reservations. Yay for Kuon being prepared XD

For some reason, I never noticed the buildings at the top of the page before XD And it looks like those robes really are called yukatas (wasn’t totally sure about this when I first read the old scans).

And here’s where the little bits of speech make a difference. Since they weren’t translated in the old scans, I didn’t pay attention to them and only looked at the random couple. As a result, I thought that both of them were staring at Nanao (which made me laugh so hard). But here, it’s more like the woman is doing the staring while her guy is protesting (in my opinion, the guy started off protesting, got a good look at Nanao, and joined in on the staring, hence his slight blush/sweat drop).

Random: if I were in a more mystery/psychological mood (new chapter of Judge the other day! ^.^), I’d say that it could almost look like Kuon’s about to choke Nanao *shrugs*

Heh heh heh, the very first page of Mujihi na Anata I saw, which sent me into such a fangirling fit that I had to stop looking XD Nanao’s looking as sexy as ever (jealous of a bathtub much?), and the translation for the bottom makes more sense.

Oh, the top is pretty different. In the old scans, it’s like Nanao’s inviting Kuon in and going straight to seducing him, while in the new scans, it’s Nanao inviting then Kuon slowly accepting then Nanao seducing (it ends well either way ^.^).

Gah, I’m still a bit confused over these next couple of pages. What is Kuon stubborn about? What is the ‘that’ that Nanao’s referring to?  It seems like they had steamy bathroom sex that was a bit more than Nanao expected XD (I wanna see said steamy bathroom sex!). But if that’s the case, then why isn’t Kuon wet? Maybe he took a bath first (even though it looks really cramped) and then dried off while Nanao took a bath afterwards? If so, did Kuon not bring towels out with him?

I guess they did have bathroom sex since it appears that Nanao thinks Kuon doesn’t like kinky stuff like that. I’d originally thought that Nanao was apologizing for seducing Kuon since Kuon doesn’t like that kind of, I dunno, underhanded seduction.

Once again, I’m alarmed at how close Nanao’s hand comes to Kuon’s crotch. That would be painful XD And I suppose ‘…!!’ works the same as Nanao going “Whoa!” though I think it’s more likely that Nanao would make a statement of surprise. Also, you can see Nanao’s thigh more clearly in the old scans :3

A step backwards, la di la

I like ‘and likely tomorrow more than today’ more than ‘when tomorrow comes’ since it goes better with the bit that Nanao thinks right before it (kinda a parallel). But I’m more fond of ‘I will definitely be tied down blah blah blah’ than ‘I’m a coward’ only because it doesn’t sound as self-deprecating. Kuon’s hand on Nanao’s thigh ^.^

Sleepy/just-woken-up Nanao is gorgeous, la di la

I once more find Nanao’s apparent sleeping position to be weird (how’d he end up with only half a leg under the blanket?). And the old scans at the bottom left (because of the ‘another’ seem to imply that either Nanao is currently at a convenience store or Kuon makes frequent trips to convenience store, so the new ones make more sense.

Ah, that “Don’t leave me alone” bit gets me every time >.< *hugs Nanao* Though I like ‘softly’ a bit more than ‘mutter’ since the former gives a sense of wistfulness and goes with the toner while the latter gives a sense of mild sulkiness.

Not important to the storyline, but feel like the talk about the coworkers and the onsen at the bottom is slightly different. In the old scans, I thought it was some hotel is big and since everyone was already there for the hot springs they might as well stay in the hotel. In the new scans, I’m getting that the sempai has a house nearby that unfortunately can’t fit everyone but it’s okay since everyone’s at the onsen where the sempai wanted to go anyway.

Key case… heh heh, that one KirishimaxYokozawa short story (I now rather like the word ‘trifecta’~)  ^.^

And dun dun dun, the sempai still looks like a dog to me XD

Well, looks like that’s about it for the first chapter, and I look forward to the second one ^.^  Thank you again to September Scanlations for such high-quality scanlations; you guys are the best!

More (03/10/12):

And naturally the week that I was busy would be the week that chapters two and three were released XD Can’t really complain though since September Scanlations has done a wonderful and speedy job as always (because all three chapters of Mujihi na Anata were basically released in a week)~

Once more, thank you to ariocanas and company as well because I really don’t know how I would’ve survived without these chapters.

Random: I was going through the Mujihi na Otoko/Anata tags on Tumblr, and I saw pictures of Shinonome and Yuki-chan XD Fail~ But granted, Shinonome and Yuki could sort of pass for Kuon and Nanao depending on the picture and if you’re not looking very closely.

Alrighty then, chapter two.

Maybe it’s just me, but sometimes the scans for the new chapters seem slightly lighter in color *shrugs* But anyways, this is the chapter that makes me feel a bit like a pedophile since HIGH SCHOOLER!NANAO IS ONE OF THE MOST ADORABLE THING EVER *flails everywhere* Still fangirling over him in the blazer uniform even now ^.^ And of course, it’s great to know what the text on the cover finally says.

La di la

Oh, the sempai’s name is different (not that I could remember his name before, but still). To be expected I guess, and at least it’s not as big a change as the cousin’s name. Though it looks like Nanao doesn’t say “The wallet’s been returned” or something to that extent (then where did that come from?).

Coworker-san’s name is still the same though (Miya-tan! Can’t wait until the next Merry Checker chapter comes out~).

Hi there, Kuon, la di la

Just a small difference, but ‘he didn’t make it’ vs. ‘we completely missed’. Isn’t that so sweet? Kuon skipped breakfast as well since he couldn’t go with his dearest Nanao ^.^ I’d thought before that he’d eaten already.

Ah, the word ‘fragile’ has been replaced with ‘delicate and sweet’. Such a shame since I’d gotten very fond of the word ‘fragile’. I wouldn’t really use ‘delicate and sweet’ to describe Nanao (‘delicate’ seems a bit too…girly(?), and Nanao’s personalities don’t seem very ‘sweet’ to me), but I suppose they’ll do. Not sure where the ‘makes people want to care for him’ in the old scans went (more like ‘makes Kuon want to care for him’ ^.^), but I do like ‘habit of cruelly tearing himself down’ in the new scans more. It comes across more strongly and goes better with Nanao’s breakdown in chapter three.

‘more straightforward with me’ from the new scans work a lot better in context than ‘more fixated on me’ since Nanao is already fixated on Kuon but still holds back a lot. Though it’s too bad the ‘you don’t take a step forward’ isn’t there anymore since it would go with the whole taking-a-step-back thing from the previous chapter.

Oh, that’s good- ‘haven’t seen you since graduation’ makes more sense than ‘haven’t met since we graduated’ since Nanao certainly didn’t graduate at the same time as the sempai. ‘What part of me’ also makes more sense than ‘where did you’ since they’re talking about the sempai (don’t know what the rest of ‘where did you’ would be).

Hmm, ‘you got tricked by me’ vs. ‘I was able to trick you’. I think the active tense in the new scans would be better than the passive tense in the old scans because rather than putting the blame on the sempai, Nanao is putting the blame on himself for doing the tricking, which fits with Nanao’s tendency to tear himself down *nods* And because so many years of English/writing classes have drilled into me that active tense is better than passive tense XD

‘yell in front of my room’ vs. ‘loud in the corridor’. Maybe Nanao’s vaguely worried that Kuon might be back already and overhear rather than Nanao being concerned about making a scene in public? :) ‘you were never home’ vs. ‘they kept saying that you weren’t around’; before I’d thought that ‘they’ could’ve referred to the cousin (because the cousin knows about Nanao sleeping around in the past, and surely the cousin has a bigger role than just showing up in the first chapter), but now the chances of the cousin intercepting the sempai are lower *shrugs* But come to think of it, where was Nanao whenever the sempai came to his house? Because Nanao seems a bit surprised to hear this. Oh, though ‘you forced yourself on me’ is much better than ‘I was seduced by you’ since, once again, the blame is completely on Nanao.

In the middle, I’m not sure if Nanao really did only say “Sempa…” or if it’s a typo. I think ‘oww…!’ is better than ‘it hurts’ since the latter is a bit too calm for something that looks rather painful.

I like the addition of the exclamation mark after “Wait…” since it better conveys Nanao’s shock, la di la

Oh, ‘grab’ vs. ‘pulls apart’ for the effects at the top. I think I sort of like ‘pulls apart’ more since, uh, that’s exactly what Kuon is doing XD

GLARING!KUON IS ONE OF THE HOTTEST THINGS EVER *flails everywhere* Though the sempai and Kuon sure love manhandling Nanao…

Oh, so the sempai actually says “Later, I’ll…”, implying that he shall stalk Nanao’s house in the very near future. So that’s probably where Kuon is going at the end of chapter three to confront the sempai :D

Ooh, Kuon’s wincing at the bottom left, the poor guy *pats Kuon’s head*

‘the two of you are more than just friends’ vs. ‘that’s not all he was to you’; the old scans make it seem like Kuon is accusing both the sempai and Nanao together, while the new scans make it clearer that Kuon is concerned only about Nanao (and what the sempai means to Nanao).

La di la

“Come stay at my house, instead” is a bit nicer than “Please come to my place” since it’s like offering an alternative end to their trip rather than being a polite request-borderline-command.

The focus on Nanao in ‘I was closer with Kiryu-sempai’ (for some reason, I keep expecting it to be ‘Kiryuu-sempai’), is good, but we still don’t know what club Nanao is referring to T.T

Oh, though ‘gave myself to him’ vs. ‘let him have me’. I actually think the old one is better since it would go with the whole Nanao-actively-blaming-himself thing rather than just being relatively passive. And have I mentioned how much I adore Nanao as a high school student? ^.^

Yes, yes, yes! The sempai still says that Nanao is not normal :D Well, that’s not really something to be happy about, but at least I can keep my line of thinking. As a result, I still would’ve liked in chapter one for the cousin to say something about Nanao being not normal, because that definitely would’ve made Nanao remember this instance and hence become more serious.

The old scans clearly stated that the sempai climaxed a lot (my goodness, that must’ve been one long session), but it doesn’t really say that anymore. Maybe it was supposed to be “If you hadn’t been, you wouldn’t have come/climaxed so often” but there was a typo? (because ‘you wouldn’t have so often’ what?)

Again with the ‘not normal’, and again it’s too bad the cousin doesn’t outright say this.

Ooh, much better with the “You forced yourself on me” since it totally blames Nanao. NANAAAAAO *bursts into tears and hugs him tightly*

Nanao doesn’t exclaim “…Ah…” at the bottom anymore, and ‘sits up’ makes more sense than ‘jumps up’.

Some question marks removed and added, la di la

Nanao looking gorgeous with his hair pushed back, la di la

Nicer with the “It’s not to me, idiot” since it’s stronger and shows off Nanao’s personality more.

Same with the “I don’t want to” rather than “Don’t be like this”. I actually think “you look like you’re about to cry” sounds kinda better than “you look on the verge of tears” because I personally wouldn’t use ‘on the verge of tears’ in an actual serious conversation. Kuon no longer says “Ah,” on the bottom left, but could the ‘badump’ be referring to Kuon’s heart?! :D That’d be great, especially since he’s already blushing a bit (sure don’t blame him since there’s a gorgeously flushed Nanao beneath him) ^.^

And again, the new scans use “Oww…!” as compared to “that hurts”, with the former fitting more with the situation. Though apparently the bit in the middle says ‘shock’ rather than ‘tremble’; makes sense since Nanao’s already doing a lot of trembling/shuddering at the bottom.

More (03/10/12):

Hoo boy, chapter three.

Once more, glad to know what the words on the cover say, though we no longer see the advertisement for Kare ja Nai Kedo XD

La di la

La di la

Better with the active tense and focus on Kuon at the top with the new scans, but for the middle, I like “I’ll devour you ‘til even your bones don’t remain” much better since it sounds a lot more morbidly profound (gnawing down to Nanao’s very bones is still sweet in a cannibalistic sense, but consuming even Nanao’s bones is all the more romantic). To quote Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, “Poetic. In a maudlin sort of way” ~ Tee hee, I absolute love that Nanao said “shit” ^.^And “why did I dream that” in the new scans works better in context than “is it because of that dream”.

And the addition of ‘and yet’ at the bottom nicely contributes to the foreboding mood.

“What’s hurting you so?” seems to convey Kuon’s concern much better. And while the bottom right is now a question instead of a statement, Kuon still hits the nail on the head :)

La di la

Hee hee, the naughty sound effect at the bottom is much more noticeable now XD

“Why… do you always say things like that?” is better than “Why would you say something like this?” since Nanao clearly says and does such stuff on a regular basis and not just this one time.

Okay, I’m a lazy person and have run out of steam by this point, so here’s a basic summary for the next several pages: September Scanlations did an absolutely beautiful job of translating that intense dialogue between Kuon and Nanao. Like, seriously beautiful. I was wibbling dangerously during the entire thing and had this irrational urge to start tearing up ;A; This part had tugged at my heartstrings before, and now it just ripped my heart apart. The emotions are so much more prominent, and you can truly feel Nanao’s pain, and Kuon’s as well, and it all just… T.T SUCH BEAUTIFUL TRANSLATIONS.

“Remember…?” is better than “It’s the truth…” since Nanao’s talking about their past in Mujihi na Otoko. ‘I hate them’ much more strongly conveys Kuon’s old disdain and hence adds to Nanao’s insecurities.

“You didn’t even like me” continues Nanao’s recounting the past whereas “You don’t actually like me” didn’t make much sense since Kuon wouldn’t presently be with Nanao otherwise. And the “Nano-sempai” got fixed :)

With the new scans, Nanao’s once more putting all the blame on himself at the top. And this time, I probably would never use “on the brink of tears” in an actual conversation, as was in the old scans.

Oh, I kinda like ‘stunned’ more for the bit at the top since Nanao’s surprised at Kuon’s ever accurate insight while I’m not completely sure what the ‘snap’ refers to (maybe Nanao snaps and that’s what leads to his shouting in a bit). Ooh, but very lovely work in enlarging the word ‘you’ at the bottom as it emphasizes how much Nanao cares for Kuon even more.

Not sure if I wrote this before, but that flashback scene, based on their clothes, is from the first chapter of Mujihi na Otoko right after Kuon gets the phone call from Towa. I went back and checked, but since Nanao’s head is held up rather than looking down, it looks like this is the same scene but a slightly different panel (similar to the flashback in Mujihi na Otoko chapter six where Nanao’s head is fully turned to look back at Kuon) :D Anyways ‘dirty’ fits better in regards to Nanao’s view of himself rather than ‘dark’, and switching the sentence at the lower left around puts more emphasis on Kuon hating Nanao rather than Nanao’s struggles (which goes with the stuff Nanao says right before this).

Don’t think I noticed this before, but Kuon’s expression at the bottom is so pained rather than angry, and it looks like this conversation is hurting him as much as it’s hurting Nanao D: Yikes, “I hate that side of you” works much too well as it’s short and simple and therefore has more of an impact T.T

*starts crying* Yeah, I think I’ve paid so much attention to Nanao before that it’s only now that I realize Kuon makes some wonderfully angsty faces *wibbles* Not that it made much of a difference to Nanao, but in terms of damage control, I think Kuon saying “No…” sounds just slightly more apologetic than “Wait”.

Ah, and the second “Nano-sempai” has been fixed :) I was kinda surprised that the noise from the door handle turned out to be ‘gacha’ because that seems to be more of a Japanese sound effect, and I’m more used to, well, ‘rattle’. Still cool though. And “listen to me” is nice and active as compared to the more passive “let me explain”.

Ohhh, I really love the ‘throb’ of Kuon’s heart at the top left because it goes so well with that lovely expression on his face and because it doesn’t look like it was there (even as just characters) in the old scans.

And now Kuon’s desire for not speaking ill of Nanao not only applies to Nanao himself, but to everyone else as well (I don’t care if you’re sorry, I’m looking at you, sempai!). Very nice. “I beg you” actually sounds a bit more beseeching, but the italics on the “please” does the same job.

For the middle section, I think I prefer it to be in present tense since future tense would be the opposite of what Kuon wants.

Again with the manhandling as implied by the ‘grab’ rather than the gentler ‘lifts up’.

Kuon does say some of the most romantic things ^.^ That’s what you get for dating a super possessive person~

Though by now, I find myself wishing that the bathroom (and maybe chair) smut scenes in chapter one had been shown because I really want to see Nanao playing an active/dominant/seductive role during sex again. I mean, he does have a fairly strong personality aside from his fragility, so why can’t we see it? The hotness from chapter one of Mujihi na Otoko was much too long ago…

Nanao sleeping in Kuon’s arms, la di la~

Ah, it’s more like Kuon to think the word ‘precious’ rather than ‘cute’ :D

For some reason, Nanao in the upper left reminds me of Towa…

Oh, ‘It was delicious’ rather than ‘Thanks for the meal’? I thought the latter was what you’re supposed to say before and after you finish eating. Maybe ‘it was delicious’ makes more sense in English than a literal translation? And Nanao’s acting a bit more tsundere-ish than I’m used to, but kudos to him for trying to get back some dignity (not that he should be embarrassed because communication is good).

I’m actually more used ‘s’ than ‘sadist’ in manga, but at least writing out the word saves scanlators the trouble of having people wonder what ‘s’ and ‘m’ stand for :) No more request for Nanao the House Sitter then; good, because I wasn’t under the impression that Nanao was that frequent a guest or that close a family friend (Kuon aside) to be given the responsibility of watching the house.

La di la

So Nanao will be taking a shower rather than a bath? I’d pegged him as the laze-around-in-the-bathtub kinda guy, but I guess he wants to be ready when Kuon gets back (*cough*from going to the Shirahane mansion to beat up the sempai and then establishing his claim on Nanao to the cousin*cough*) :)

Hee hee, possessive!Kuon is possessive, la di la ^.^

Though I was initially a little confused over this last page. The first time I read it, I thought Nanao was realizing that he was full of himself, which did not make much sense. It wasn’t until I reread it a few times that I understood it was him kinda asking permission to be full of himself. Cute, but I just really really love him asking if it’s okay to be proud of all those hickeys *shrugs*

Oh, ha ha ha, I just thought of something. We have absolutely no idea where Towa and Hisa-nii are (until proven otherwise, I still like to think that Towa ditched Hisa for Mikado, and Hisa’s sadly vacationing by himself), but it’d be funny if they came back and found Nanao there alone (in the bathroom, in just Kuon’s shirt, however). Their reactions… XD

Now over to the Mujihi na Otoko extras. They’re out! They’re out! They’re out! >.< *flails violently*

And now chapter 4 is out! ^.^

More (04/02/12):

KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! *runs around screaming for a good several hours* GAH, IT’S SO GOOD TO HAVE A NEW CHAPTER! *flails everywhere* Thank you so much to September Scanlations as always! I’d thought that this would come after the Sekaiichi Hatsukoi chapter, so being proven wrong has never felt so good ^.^ Let’s get started!

Why hello there, Kuon and Nanao~ Cute to see that they each have a cherry. *gasps* Ooh, I bet Nanao is one of those people who can knot a cherry stem with their tongue; aren’t they supposed to be extra good at giving blowjobs or something? :D And this is new- Kuon usually wears two hoops in his right ear, so it’s nice to see him with a cross earring. And Nanao is still wearing Kuon’s pajama top as he has been for the past couple chapters? It might be his own shirt though I can’t really tell. Nanao could do without the minor blushing though. And there’s something different about the whole color scheme- it’s probably to match with the spring atmosphere (I’m under the impression that the colors were more neon/vivid before). Very cotton candy-like, and while I never took Kuon to be a pink sort of guy, it fits him :) And Nanao wearing blue makes him the more dominant one in the relationship? I’d like that. It’s great to see that their lips aren’t bright red like before. Ha ha ha, and Kuon’s pose is as possessive as always XD

Ah, this is nice. I was thinking that the black and white cover should feature just Kuon, and instead we get both Kuon and Nanao :D Oh my, and Kuon’s pose is definitely possessive now as well. Not just him biting Nanao’s hair, but him twisting Nanao’s arm. Be careful there! But Nanao, that super-masochistic pervert that he is, doesn’t seem to mind too much if that sexy tongue is any indication :3 Ah, though Nanao’s messy face does bring back memories of MnO ch6. For this image, I would’ve liked to see more of their clothes. They’re wearing white dress shirts with black suits and a tie, yes? What a turn on ^.^ And I can finish that sentence: “…the sempai to kick his pathetic ass.”

Oh, is that Shio-san doing the talking? :D Such a shame that we don’t get to see him. I like that guy~ And ugh, the sempai. *grimaces* Can we just slap him already? Though I do wonder what kind of magazine Shio-san is interested in. *perks up* Oh ho! Looks like Kuon just showed up :D

There he is! Kuon looks very good with that jacket~ Though what is that in the shaded area in the upper left? Looks like someone’s eyes and hair… oh, might be from the next page. And the lower half of this page is rather interesting. Although the right panel is focused on the sempai from a different angle, it includes a faded completion of Kuon’s hair from the left panel. I don’t think Sakuraga Mei uses this technique very often, but I could be wrong.

Oh ho ho! Something to tell the sempai *grins* And looks like the sempai has an idea of what’s coming. Yes, by all means, change your location to the parking lot. *gets popcorn and prepares for the butt-kicking*

…wait, that’s it?! *whines* Kuon! Where’s the ass-whupping that I was looking forward to?! What happened to the guy who was all “If you ever lay your hands on him again, I will take revenge…for sure”?! I’m very disappointed in you *pouts* But I guess it would look bad if Kuon committed murder in such a public location ("Just don't do anything that would put us on the news!") *still pouting* Don’t like the look on the sempai’s face; it’s rather creepy and totally screams that he’s not giving up on Nanao :/ And might just be me, but this page was especially sketchy- there’s pretty much no background, and you can really see the multiple uneven(?) lines used to draw their faces and hair.

And if I thought there wasn’t much background before, then there’s absolutely no back ground on this page (just look at the upper half- pretty much just blank space). And I like how the middle section, while it contains Kuon’s whole face, is divided into two, with one panel for Kuon’s thoughts. I actually didn’t know why Kuon was wincing (it seemed like he was wincing at the thought of their relationship, which didn’t make sense) until the middle section showed it was his reaction to the sempai calling Nanao “that guy”. Actually, the sempai and Kuon appear to have vaguely (very very vaguely) similar faces, so I thought that the person in the lower left was also the sempai at first.

No background here either. Guh, the sempai’s really not giving up :P Ha ha ha, though Kuon’s face in the middle-ish panel reminds me of Doumeki or Yashiro’s derp faces in Saezuru something something XD I think it’s because we can’t really see his striking eyes. But just what makes the sempai think he can talk about Nanao like that?! *blows up again* I was actually thinking that it was a little bit good that the sempai wanted to apologize properly, but Kuon’s insight made me realize that it was just an act *glares at the sempai*

Oh! Black panels! :D Don’t get to see too many of these in Mujihi na Anata. Ha ha ha, maybe they were saving up ink from the previous pages so they could use it on this page XD Ooh, Kuon’s got a rather scary look in his eyes to go with that brilliant epiphany. Can he kick the sempai’s butt now that his jealousy is up and roaring? :D

AWWWW, THAT IS SO SWEET!!! >.< Forget the ass-kicking, this is so much better! *hugs Kuon and pats his head* Kuon really does say some very lovely lines ^.^ Too bad he’s not saying it to Nanao directly, but still! Very sweet~

Uwah, Nanao in Kuon’s clothes! :D He looks absolutely adorable in them~ Actually, I was laughing the first time I saw him because long-sleeved shirts and shorts don’t really go together, but then I realized that regular pants would be much too baggy on Nanao. Though when I think of Kuon wearing shorts (those shorts would be rather…close-fitting on Kuon), I get an image of him as a tourist, complete with Hawaiian-print shirt, straw hat, sunglasses, sandals, and a fanny pack OTL Ha ha ha, but how very convenient of Nanao to wear a shirt that shows off the hickies XD Bet that would turn on Kuon~ But wow, Kuon really went all the way to the onsen to confront the sempai. Did he take the subway or something? Because he didn’t take any car keys, and we never see him driving, and I think that Hisa would take the car if there was one.

Ha ha ha, oh Nanao! XD For someone so smart, he sure can be rather silly XD Where else could Kuon possibly go considering his personality and the events of the past 24 hours? Ah well, Nanao looks rather cute when getting up from the bed~ Ha ha ha, and all this talk about housework brings to mind the extras for Mujihi na Otoko, where
luckycloverg69/gaviotaperdida and I agreed that we absolutely can’t see Nanao cooking or cleaning or doing anything housewife related. But it’s sweet of Nanao to want to try ^.^ *gasps* Who’s at the door? The sempai?!

Ah, it’s just Kuon. Though I’m not sure why he would ring his own doorbell when he could just say “I’m home” or something. Maybe he left the keys at home so Nanao could watch the house? Ha ha ha, but while Nanao would make a terrible housewife, he’d still make a good wife in general. Look at him fret over Kuon coming home late ^.^ Uwah, and that’s so thoughtful of Kuon to buy Nanao some clothes (after he one-uppped the sempai, of course)! Ha ha ha, and Nanao is just like a kid on Christmas Day going through the bag like that. Really adorable ^.^

Oh ho! Seems like Nanao wearing Kuon’s clothes is definitely a turn on XD Silly Nanao, of course it looks nice. But I do like how innocent Nanao appears in the top panel. Though Nanao washed his shirt from last night? Nanao doing some washing aside, I thought for sure it was Kuon’s shirt since it looked baggy and apparently didn’t come with pants! D: What is this….. the only explanation I can think of is that the shirt was originally Kuon’s and Nanao claimed it as his own :/ Oh my, but is this the start of the hot action that I’ve been hearing so much about? :D Kuon’s blushing slightly~

Oh yeah :D The question should be what is your problem, Nanao? Because obviously the best place to have sex is any place ^.^ But it is very considerate of Nanao to not want to get it on somewhere so near the front door. And oh look- Kuon wears socks XD I find this oddly amusing. Careful you don’t hit your head, Nanao!

If Kuon were a bird, he’d be one of the seagulls from Finding Nemo *nods*

But truthfully, this sex scene, while pretty hot, made me rather anxious :( Why? Because Nanao’s not fully enjoying himself. Sure, he must be getting some pleasure out of it, but I don’t feel like he’s completely into it (could be from how good it is, but Nanao is teary-eyed and looks completely exhausted D: ). Kinda like the smutty scenes from the previous two chapters but a bit worse since that was more hurt/comfort while this is more…Kuon being obsessed *shrugs* I don’t think Kuon’s necessarily forcing Nanao, but Nanao is still- I don’t know- resisting(?) more than I’d like, so I just can’t totally love these scenes even though they’re still steamy :( *sighs* Ah, I’d like another sex scene where Nanao is a dominant uke; haven’t really had one since chapter one of Mujihi na Otoko…

And even though his possessiveness is hot and complements Nanao’s personality, it can get pretty darn scary sometimes, just like now. What will become of poor Nanao during Kuon’s attempt to make himself feel at ease? D: I think I’ve mentioned something like this before, but if this was a psychological manga, after kidnapping, locking up, and having his way with Nanao, this would be the point where Kuon kills and eats Nanao so that Nanao would be his forever (I never understood this since bones are rather hard to eat and you’d eventually digest the person, but it always seems to make sense to whoever’s doing the killing and eating *shrugs*). On a less morbid note, what’s with the multiple glowing blobs of light over Nanao’s crotch? Sure, there were a few present during previous sex scenes, but I don’t remember their lower regions being censored this much *scratches head*

If you only look at the middle panel of them kissing, there’s something kinda sad about it :( Maybe it’s just lingering feelings from the previous pages, but it seems like the middle panel belongs in a hopeless/angsty/tragic story about star-crossed lovers.

Oh! HISA-NII! :D *hugs him* And Towa as well! Too bad- it would’ve been funny if Towa had ditched Hisa for Mikado (who should also be on vacation about now, yes? Wonder what he’s doing…). Ah well, it’s great to see them ^.^ Ooooh, Kuon must be shushing them because Nanao’s asleep somewhere~

This page was funny for several reasons. When I first read it, I thought that Hisa and Towa had seen Nanao on their couch and so called him a stalker XD Then Kuon just had to go and make some more derpy faces XD Of course he would call the relationship an “illicit love affair” (not just any love affair, but an illicit love affair. My goodness) and think it’s a terrible thing *pats Kuon’s head* Keeping Nanao? Ha ha ha, exactly what does Hisa-nii take Nanao for, some kind of pet? XD Oh, but then again, Nanao did tell Hisa that he was a neko :3

Ha ha ha! Oh god, Hisa and Towa trying to explain and figure out what ‘illicit love affair’ means! *howls with laughter* Forgot which volume, but it really reminds me of that time when Hisa quickly and adamantly volunteered Kuon rather than himself to tutor Towa. Looks like Kuon is the only son with brains in the family XD Yup, especially since after all this time they’re still unsure of Kuon and Nanao’s relationship. Ha ha ha, and Towa wondering about the sempai’s gender… *pats Hisa and Towa’s heads* Awwww, but Kuon is pretty darn good at the whole taking care of Nanao business ^.^ That was really cute~

Ah, you can see something again in the upper right. Looks a bit like Kuon and Hisa from the previous page. Oh, are those the clothes that Kuon picked out for Nanao? Good job, Kuon :D Though the stripes on the sleeves made me think of golf for some reason. Ha ha ha, he’ll go ‘fetch’ Nanao. Ohmygodthereisagirlgetawayfromhimyoubitch….. *coughs* I mean, how odd to see a female, and how very odd to see Kuon talking to a female. Because of his personality, I’d assumed that Kuon scared away a lot of his classmates, but then again, he’s not a loner like Nanao *shrugs* And actually, one of my first reactions to this page was, “Wow, what a big campus!” Because this is the first time they’re outside of a building, so it just seems a lot bigger than what I’d always thought (community college-sized with just two-story buildings).

In the middle left panel, since you can’t see his face, Nanao looks adorably geeky~ Very sweet of Kuon to look back and say goodbye, very cute of Nanao to be jealous, very… *gasps* Oh oh oh, Kuon left and Nanao’s alone and they’re on the university campus so could that person be…!!

SENSEIIIIIIIII!!! *tackles him* Senseisenseisenseisenseisenseisenseisensei!!! ^.^ Despite what he did at the beginning of MnO ch6, I really love this guy, and was so hoping that he’d make a cameo \O/ And sorry to say, but the sensei showing up was my highlight for the chapter XD Ha ha ha, the sensei’s so smiley (probably thinking that if Nanao was jealous then that would lead to trouble and a breakup and he could have another shot at Nanao), and he probably knows that Nanao’s hiding a bunch of hickies in addition to looking cute ^.^

Ha ha ha, now it’s Nanao’s turn to make a derpy face XD It’s different, but it reminds me of the disgusted face Mikado made in Kirai ja Nai Kedo when Shinonome said that he better not have weird feelings for Yuki XD Ah, the sensei is so ridiculously happy ^.^

Ha ha ha, and since he’s still the same sensei, he probably definitely loves Nanao ‘coming onto him’ like that XD Ah, Nanao sure does have an innocent side to him, doesn’t he :)

THAT TOP PANEL. Totally made my day/night/whenever-I-was-reading, and it might just be my favorite scene in this chapter ^.^ Hmm, though has the sensei always been this sparkly? And I’m not talking about the toner. He’s a very whimsical and carefree person, but in this chapter, he’s very very very cheerful O.o Maybe since Nanao’s with Kuon, he feels the need to tease more? Whatever the case, it’s amusing ^.^ And despite the sleaziness, I feel like he really does care for Nanao- his running his fingers through Nanao’s hair (seems like he just gave Nanao a pat on the head~), and he sounds genuinely concerned as to who said such a hurtful thing.

Hmm, though I’m not sure why Nanao didn’t tell the sensei because pon retrospect, the cryptic remarks the sensei made about Nanao’s past seemed to refer to the sempai (because there’s nothing else so far that those remarks could really refer to), so it seems like the sensei would know all about that incident. Perhaps it’s just Nanao keeping things to himself as always? In any case, it doesn’t look like the sensei buys it :)

Holy crap, the sempai is indeed a stalker! O.o I thought Kuon was just exaggerating! Well, I did think that the sempai was some kind of stalker since he used to visit Nanao’s house all the time, but I didn’t think that those tendencies would still stay with him. My goodness… But wait a minute, has the view from the sensei’s office window always been of campus? *goes back* Ah, I see. It should be something like this: straight across from the office window is a hallway (Nanao sees Kuon & co. in chapter 5 of Warui Yatsu Demo Ii), below is an open courtyard of sorts (Nanao sees the stalker sempai), and to the right is a building (the sensei sees Nanao and the other stalker through the windows on the first floor in chapter 3 of Mujihi na Otoko; you can also see the building on this page). Of course, this is assuming the sensei's research room (Warui Yatsu Demo Ii) and office (Mujihi series) are the same since the signs have the same border.

My my, way to be discrete, Nanao XD Hiding behind the curtains is obvious enough, and trying to deny it is nothing short of a dead giveaway. The sensei definitely knows that something is up~

Ooh, that is a very good point. How the heck did the sempai find out where Nanao goes to school? I doubt it was Kuon (being the jealous, obsessed guy that he is), so maybe it was the cousin? I think that’s a good guess since he hasn’t shown up since the first chapter, and he might tell out of some weird sense of jealousy. Heh, so Nanao is concerned about what Kuon will think, Kuon is concerned about how Nanao will feel, the selfish bastard of a sempai is concerned about himself…and the sensei will probably just kick back and enjoy the show XD

Poor Kuon has no idea of what’s to come. Maybe this time he’ll kick the sempai’s ass? :) Oh look, you can see some Japanese on Kuon’s neck and hair. Hmm, I’m hoping that Nanao is worried that Kuon will snap in the sempai’s presense, but he probably thinks that Kuon will get mad/jealous and dump him :/ But that still won’t get rid of the sempai… ha ha ha, it’d be funny if the sensei and Kuon had to team up to keep the sempai away for good- I bet Kuon would love that XD I know I would~

Hah, end of the chapter already :( Well, unless the MnO winter extra gets scanlated (*is hopeful*), I guess this is all until July. Until then!

Take it away, Gaby :)


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