Title: One Inch Samurai (Issun Taishi / 一寸隊士)
Genre: Comedy
Characters: Sannan, Hijikata, Saitou, Souji, Sano, Heisuke.
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Previous tracks.
[Track 5]
Saitou: With both Commander and Sannan-san gone, the chores sure increased. Going over all the documents here is a lot of work. *flip* For this and this I'll ask for Vice Commander's instructions later. Next is... *flip* Request for furnishings in the quarters? Speaking of furnishings, Yukimura's room is quite dreary. It's a girl's room after all, at least get her a vase...
Saitou: Um? Why do I feel a stinging pain in the chest? Am I imagining things? Anyway, continue with the work. I was at furnishings in the quarters and Yukimura's room...
Saitou: Um? What's going on? I feel this stinging pain in the chest whenever I think of Yukimura.
Souji: Hajime-kun, what is it?
Saitou: Wha... Sou... Souji! Since when were you there?
Souji: Just arrived, not long ago. By the way, aren't you too surprised? Are you thinking something naughty?
Saitou: No such thing. That aside, Souji, I want to ask you one thing.
Souji: Hm?
Saitou: Why are you holding a needle?
Souji: Oh this. I'm playing the One Inch Boy.
Saitou: I see. The One Inch Boy who defeated Oni with a needle as his sword. Indeed for your size now, a needle is most fitting. Then, one more question. Looking over my kimono now, at the chest there are numerous holes pricked by needle...
Souji: Hehe. I just recalled I have plans later. It's about time to...
Saitou: *grab* Hold it, Souji. Why not let me hear your explanation?
[Track 6]
Heisuke: Souji and Sannan-san aren't enjoying this. There are things to try immediately after shrinking! Alright, the kitchen is... Oh! This way! Although being so small makes it hard to recognize places, but there's no mistake with the pleasant smell.
Sano: Geez. It should Heisuke's turn to cook today. But I guess he can't cook being that size. *cutting* Now, what should I make for the soup? Hmm... I'll just toss some vegetables in for miso soup. Vegetables in Kyoto are tasty enough.
Heisuke: Hey! Sano-san!
Sano: Huh? Now isn't this Heisuke! Weren't you told to stay in the room?
Heisuke: Why are you so cold? I've come all this way to help you!
Sano: What? You, in this condition? Fine with me. Why don't you toss those cut carrots into the pot?
Heisuke: Leave it to me! *running* One! *running* Next! Umm! Whoaaah! Two! *running* *pant* One... one more! *pulling* Errr... Three!
Sano: Too slow! You'll overcook them!
Heisuke: *pant* I can't help it! With this body, carrying one or two pieces at a time is the best I can do!
Sano: *sigh* So useless! You palmtop captain of 8th squad! Enough. Go play over there and stay out of the way. Geez.
(Cutting vegetables impatiently.)
Sano: Alright, what should I make next? A stewed dish should be nice.
Heisuke: Sano-san, Sano-san! I just made a big discovery! With body like this, I can eat a whole hill of rice!
Sano: Yeah yeah that's great. Alright. All the vegetables are cut.
Heisuke: Ah ha ha ha! Sano-san, Sano-san, take a look! See? See? Now I can swim in a pool of sake! That's a dream of a lifetime for every man!
Sano: Yeah yeah that's great. Next, add some sake for seasoning.
Heisuke: Huh? Sake? Hey Sano-san! Wait! I'm in the sake now! Look before you pour!
Sano: Yeah yeah that's great.
(Pouring... Splash!)
Heisuke: Hot! So hot so HOOOOOOT!
Sano: Ah? ...Oh boy.
[Track 7]
Hijikata: Geez. Souji and Heisuke really can't behave. I told them to stay put, and how come both of them are gone when I'm back? While we're at it, Sannan-san, why didn't you stop them when you saw them leaving?
Sannan: If they really want to create a commotion, even I can't stop them. Well, those two don't seem to be that reckless. They'll be alright.
Hijikata: Ah. I can't stop worrying.
Sannan: Speak of the devil. Those two are back. Saitou-kun and Harada-kun seems to be with them too.
Saitou: We've returned.
Sano: Geez. Souji and Heisuke, quit bringing us more trouble!
Souji: Heh-heh.
Heisuke: Err...
Hijikata: You're finally back. Souji and Heisuke! Didn't I tell you to stay put?
Sannan: What happened? Okita-kun and Toudou-kun both look so down. Were you chased around by a cat?
Souji: Sort of like that.
Heisuke: I... was stewed.
Sannan: Beg your pardon?
Heisuke: No. Never mind! Sannan-san, did you find any clue for changing back to normal?
Sannan: Regrettably no. I had no progress.
Souji: Hmm. Although life as One Inch Boy isn't so bad, but I can't hold a sword with this body. Above all, I can't be of use to Kondou-san. That's too painful.
Saitou: One Inch Boy... If we have the Miracle Mallet, the problem can be solved.
Sano: What are you talking about, Saitou? Isn't that a fairy tale? How could One Inch Boy, Miracle Mallet, and Oni really exist...
All: Oni?!
Heisuke: There is! Isn't there an Oni already?
Saitou: Indeed there is. The man that calls himself Oni.
Hijikata: To count on things in fairy tales... We're so grasping at straws. But the situation now is unbelievable enough. Alright! Let's go try our luck, everyone!
Personal comments:
1) It's rare to see Saitou really angry. I wonder if he squashed Souji under a book again until he finish his work.
2) Highly recommend listening to these tracks! Heisuke's running and screaming are awesome!