Title: One Inch Samurai (Issun Taishi / 一寸隊士)
Genre: Comedy
Characters: Sannan, Hijikata, Saitou, Souji, Sano, Heisuke.
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Previous tracks.
[Track 3]
Sannan: Ishida Powdered Medicine, the miraculous formula passed down from generation to generation in Hijikata-kun's family, is effective for all kinds of diseases.
Sannan: With improvements based on my original theory, today I proudly present you, New☆ Ishida Powdered Medicine!! Behold!! Just take with hot sake, and it can cure bruises, cuts, abdominal pain, back pain, and even good for longevity and rejuvenating!!
Heisuke: Wait a moment, Sannan-san! Be it me, Souji, or Sannan-san, we didn't rejuvenate, we simply shrank!
Sannan: This is to be researched in the future.
Heisuke: Sannan-san is totally not learning anything from this!
Sano: Now, I can understand why you're angry. Chill a bit, Heisuke.
Hijikata: Well then. Now Sannan-san is awake, let's try to summarize the situation again.
Sano: So Heisuke, Souji, and Sannan-san became so small because of this "New Ishida Powdered Medicine" Sannan-san made?
Sannan: Yes. I'm afraid it's to blame, judging from the situation.
Saitou: How could this happen... Ishida Powdered Medicine sure is miraculous with effects like this.
Hijikata: Saitou, I should let you know, that's not what it originally does.
Sano: But this sure is surprising. Who could've expected this to happen? *poke*
Heisuke: Whoa! Don't poke me, Sano-san! With a head this big, it's easy to tip over!
Souji: Our bodies become quite cute. With the ratio of head to body being 1:2, this is called "super deformed", right?
Hijikata: Or should I say you're ready to be
packed and sold 9 in a box.
Saitou: But I think Souji and Sannan-san are cuter this way.
Sano: Ditto to that. How about keeping them like this and have some peace and quiet?
Souji: Hajime-kun, Sano-san, what did you just say?
Saitou: However, they can't fulfill their duties like this. What should we do, Vice Commander?
Hijikata: What should we do now... Sannan-san, can you reverse the effect?
Sannan: I can't tell either. Not without further observation.
Heisuke: How irresponsible.
Hijikata: Anyway, Kondou-san is out, and this is not something we should let common soldiers know. Executives like this are pretty much laughing-stocks.
Heisuke: I agree. If words get out, it'll bring trouble.
Saitou: Indeed. Even if just for a short while, lawless ronins may take action if they know Shinsengumi has weakened.
Sannan: In other words, we can't tell Yukimura either. I wonder how she'd react if she sees us like this.
Sano: It might be hard to tell from her appearance, but she's surprisingly courageous. I bet she'd take y'all for mice and chase you around.
Heisuke: If she does that to me, I might not be able to pull myself together for a while.
Hijikata: Anyway. It's up to the six of us here to come up with a solution. While we're at it, Souji, why are you suddenly walking out of the room?
Souji: What? To surprise Chizuru-chan, of course. It seems that I can do many interesting things with this body.
Hijikata: Saitou, whatever you do, bind him.
Saitou: Understood. I'll trap him under this book so he can't move.
All three: Waaa!
Sannan: Why... why me and Toudou-kun too?
Heisuke: If you want to squash someone, squash Souji alone!
Souji: Hajime-kun is inflexible in situation like this.
Sano: Perhaps mice are better, since mice don't complain.
Hijikata: Anyway, consider these three sent out by me. Now you three just stay put here today.
Saitou: In other words, we have to cover their works.
Sano: So troublesome. But it can't be helped. Now y'all behave, especially Heisuke and Souji.
[Track 4]
Sannan: Looks like those three are gone. Anyway, let's work together and get ourselves out of this book.
Souji: Whew. With body like this, even a book is so heavy.
Sannan: It's because we're so much smaller than the book. Can't be helped.
Heisuke: But from this angle, the same old room looks different. That's fresh and interesting.
Sannan: Indeed. I have to climb to get on my usual desk. And the books look like pillars.
Souji: And with size like this, we could be squashed if someone walks in carelessly.
Heisuke: Now for us, even a cat is larger than a tiger.
Souji: Three Shinsengumi executives lose to a cat? That's no laughing matter. At least get a needle or toothpick as replacement for a sword.
(Pulls out a needle.)
Heisuke: Oh! Needle is perfect! Just like the
One Inch Boy! Alright, what do we do next?
Sannan: Like I just said, I can't do anything without further observation. Maybe we'll change back to normal when we wake up the next morning. Anyway, I'll stay here and study this medicine, since I'm responsible for this.
Souji: I'll go look around. With body like this, there might be new discoveries.
Heisuke: We don’t get opportunity like this everyday. I'll take a walk too. But firstly, how do we get out of this room? The paper door is too heavy for us.
Souji: That's simple! Poke a hole on the door and we're done.
Sannan: No, no, wait. Whose room do you think this is?
(Paper torn.)
Sannan: Ah.
Personal comments:
1) Sannan-san is so enthusiastic (and speaks so fast) when introducing his new medicine! Sounds like he's going to say "dial 1800-###-### now!" if Heisuke didn't stop him. XD
2) Poor Sannan-san! Squashed by Hijikata, then again by Saitou. And now he needs to get his door fixed. XD