This Time chapter 4

May 17, 2009 13:22

A Sara/Catherine story
This time she wants to get it right but nothing have ever worked out just because she wanted them to. So why should this time be any different but that doesn't mean she isn't willing to give it her all.

They are not mine

Now beta read by the fabulous cathandsaraforever 55

Chapter 4

Spending time with Cam was always great. They always had the best time together whether it was to just mess around and make jokes with the guys, or if they were working in the garage on some project, or even when they went out drinking.

Sara still remembered when they met; shortly after she had arrived in Vegas she really hadn’t had any time to find new friends. One night after a bad case Sara had really needed to get out of the lab after working far too long without any sleep. Since she had only been on the team for a short time she didn’t feel comfortable with the guys and Catherine had made it clear from the beginning that she didn’t want to have the brunette there.

So she had ended up going to a bar off the Strip close to her apartment all alone; it was not like she had any choice. She wasn’t good at meeting new people, or flirting, for that matter and she couldn’t phantom dating somebody new after Sam.

All this didn’t really matter when Cam came up to her and introduced herself. She was everything that Sara wasn’t, confident, outspoken and a people’s person.

Cam didn’t leave when Sara mostly ignored her and after a couple of beers Sara opened up and they started talking, which lead to dancing and they had ended the night at Sara’s.

They had tried dating for a while but it didn’t take them long before they both realized that they worked a lot better as friends than they ever could as lovers.

Sara ended up spending most of her small amount of free time during the days at Cam’s garage where she got to take up her hobby again doing mechanics.

Cam let Sara start her own projects, restoring old cars, and it wasn’t until she had met Cam that the CSI had realized how much she had missed doing just that. They got along really well, and Sara eventually opened up a little over time. Not that she had told Cam everything about her past, but she knew the highlights and she hadn’t run, which was the most important quality that Sara looked for in the people she wanted in her life no matter at what capacity.


By Saturday morning Lindsey was over the moon happy, and bursting with energy. There was no way she would sleep late and there was no way that Catherine could get her to stop jumping around or talking a mile a minute. So when they actually arrived at the garage Catherine was thankful that she was only dropping Lindsey off, and wasn’t staying, because she couldn’t take much more of this. Not to mention she really needed to get some sleep. She didn’t have the weekend off like Sara, and she was just going to enjoy the time alone that this opportunity gave her and crash.

Before Catherine even had the chance to turn her car off, Lindsey had taken her seatbelt off and was on the way out of the car. Linds just could not sit still today and Sara was bound to have trouble keeping up with her after the long week they had, had at work.


Sara had shown up at Cam’s right after work. That way she had some time before Catherine and Lindsey arrived so that she and Cam could girl talk, which was exactly what Sara needed after the week she had. They were looking at some of the old cars out back and talking about which one that would be best for the project, and if it was possible for Cam to sell it if that was necessary, when they heard a car pull in at the front of the garage. Cam headed to the front in case it was a new customer that didn’t know her policy, just come in and holler if you don’t see anybody, and there really was no reason to make a bad impression on Sara’s friends.

Sara joined her because she wasn’t sure how Catherine would react when she saw Cam, and was afraid she would turn around the moment she saw her. Cam was definitely not an ordinarily looking woman and Sara wasn’t all that sure that Catherine wouldn’t object to leaving her daughter there.

As soon as the car stopped Lindsey was out the door, desperately looking for Sara when they both saw Cam for the first time. Lindsey was gawking, and it wasn’t much better for the older Willows. As it didn’t look like either of them were anywhere near close to finding their voices again Sara thought she might as well introduce her friend.

“Hey guys, this is Cameron. Cam this is Catherine Willows and her daughter Lindsey.”

When Lindsey heard her name it brought her back to the present, and she jumped into Sara’s arms. After hugging Sara, she shyly turned toward a smiling Cam and held out her hand, just as her mom had taught her.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” Cam shook Lindsey’s hand and smiled brightly to her.

“My pleasure, Sar talked heaps about you. I’m glad you wanted to join us today. You see Sar here was driving me crazy, and if I didn’t get her started on a different project than mine, I would have gone mad within the day. She was ruining all the fun of playing with my bike.”

At this point Catherine had gotten herself together and joined the other women.

“Hello, I’m Catherine, and it’s very nice of you to offer having Lindsey come here today. I hope it won’t be too much of an inconvenience.”

Sara’s eyes lit up at this, because it didn’t sound like Catherine would turn around and leave. Cam caught Sara’s eyes and chuckled before replying, “Lindsey won’t be any trouble. Sar on the other hand is a whole different story. I have a couple of appointments set up for today, and there will probably be some walk-ins like usual, but Sara knows her way around so I don’t expect any trouble.”

Before Catherine could get into interrogating mode Sara broke it up. She wasn’t really comfortable with Cam telling Catherine all the embarrassing stories she knew, but she just knew that the stories would be worse if she was hovering around Cam.

“Let’s go inside, Catherine you can get a cup of coffee to tie you over till you can get some sleep. I’ll even let you interrogate me, while Sar shows Lindsey around and find which car they want to restore.”

Lindsey was jumping up and down and pulling on Sara’s hand before Cam had finished, and was dragging her friend into the building.

“We’ll be out back” Sara threw over her shoulder before they were out of sight.

“Come on this way. If you’re anything like Sar with coffee, you’ll be in desperate need by now having to entertain a kid that excited to see Sar.” Cam said laughing softly, while she led Catherine into the office part of the garage.

Catherine looked slightly confused, but followed while her thoughts were running as fast as her daughter’s flow of words.

How does Sara know a woman like this, with all the tattoos and piercings? Sara looks like a choir girl compared to her. She doesn’t have any tattoos that I can see or any piercings, even in her worst of moods she looks like a choir girl compared to that woman.

Cam definitely looked different than Sara with tattoos covering most of what was visible. Sara knew that Cam’s clothes covered most of the not so kid friendly ones. Cam also had several piercings that were visible to Catherine. Cam had even been so kind to leave her studded collar at home, which was quite unusual, especially if she got the chance to make an impression no matter what kind. However she knew that it was important to Sara that Catherine wasn’t scared off.

As Catherine entered the room a cup was thrust into her hand pulling her out of her thoughts.

“Let’s have it. If your skills are anything like Sar said, I will be spilling my life story in about two minutes.”

Cam was smiling and Catherine just looked at her, and shook her head to clear the fog that had taken over her normally clear mind.

“Do you have some sweetener and cream? Also why would you know about my interrogating skills?”

Cam just laughed at this and showed Catherine the sweetener and cream.

“Sar is my friend and she said you wanted to talk to me before leaving your daughter at my garage, even though she wasn’t planning on leaving her alone with me, very smart considering what you see at work. I’ve heard stories about you Catherine.”

“I hope it’s not all bad. I wasn’t planning on interrogating you just get a feel for who you are, and I’m not quite up to questions after the shift I’ve just had.”

“That bad huh? That explains Sar’s expression when she came here right after work. What I’ve heard wasn’t all bad actually, most of it was good, and even on day’s you pissed her off. Yet that is probably only, because I know her so well.”

At this point they had both sat down across from each other at the table, and as Cam finished, Catherine was left with her jaw hanging open.

Sara talks about me, and it is good even when she is pissed at me, WHY would she do that? I was so sure she hated me?

Cam gazed expectedly at Catherine when she had fixed her coffee and seated herself at the table.

“Okay, what do you want to know?”

Cam was smiling and she was truly expecting to be interrogated by the blonde mostly because of what Sara had told her, but also because of the way Catherine had stared when she first saw Cam.

“I wasn’t planning on interrogating you Cameron, but if that’s what you want I can ask some questions.”

At this Cam interrupted, “Please, it’s Cam, my mom is the only one that can get away with calling me Cameron. Sar does it sometimes but she’s special so I can let it slide.”

Catherine looked as if she wanted to know more when she heard this comment, but continued with her questions without challenging the other woman. There really was no need to make Cam mad when she was volunteering her time and garage to Lindsey.

“Okay, Cam it is then. How do you know Sara? And why are you willing to let her and my daughter use your garage? Sara said something about Lindsey not having to pay for materials if they restored a car for you.”

Cam held her hand up to stall more questions before she could start to answer the previous ones.

“Hey, if you want some of those questions answered you have to let me get a word in now and again, or I won’t be able to remember what you asked me.”

Catherine looked sheepishly at the brunette, because this was something she regularly told her daughter and it was normally not something she herself was prone to doing. But she was feeling weird in this woman’s company it was more of something she couldn’t put into words. It was never something she experienced with some of the criminals she had encountered in her career.

“Sar is a great friend of mine, but I won’t tell you a whole lot about that, because I know she isn’t all that comfortable with her past being exposed. I also know for a fact she has the power to make me disappear from the face of the earth if she wants to.”

Catherine smiled briefly at this while Cam was sporting a big goofy grin.

“I know this because she told me in great detail. As to letting them use my shop. That’s no problem. I have had a deal with Sar almost as long as I have known her.”

Before Cam could continue Catherine horrified interrupted the brunette. “What kind of a deal?”

This Catherine sure is a force to recon with, and Sara was right, she jumps to conclusion without getting the details first. But I hadn’t expected that Sara was right when Sara talked about how poorly Catherine thinks of her. I just thought that was Sar’s insecurities surfacing.

Cam raised her voice, but only slightly, not high enough to attract Sara’s attention; just enough to be certain that the older woman got her meaning.

“If you even think that Sara would do something like what you are currently suggesting why on earth did you agree to bring your daughter here? I have better things to do than defend someone like Sara to a person like you. Her actions should speak for themselves, but if you are too blind to actually see what is right in front of you everyday I will make it clear for you. I do not see any reason for you to insult such a great human being such as Sara, and you may just as well leave. But since this day is so important to Sar I’ll tell you what kind of deal we made.”

Catherine was shocked by Cam’s reaction and tone. The guilt written clearly on the blonde’s face was nothing close to what she was feeling inside; however Cam continued on as if she hadn’t noticed.

“Sara helps me on my private projects, and she is helping my guys with getting their high school diplomas. Some of them had rotten childhoods, and are now trying to be a good example to their kids. Whenever we are busy she is always willing to lend a hand, or put us in contact with some of the people she knows from Harvard or San Francisco. So you don’t get to accuse my girl of covering for us or breaking the law.”

By now the blonde was looking like she wanted to disappear, but Catherine knew that wasn’t an option. There was no other way around it than to apologize. The thing is that that was not something that came easily to Catherine; however she could admit it when she was wrong.

“I’m truly sorry, I don’t know why I asked like that, and I don’t have any excuse, but to say that it has been a hell of a week and I have hardly slept. I know that is no excuse.”

“Apology accepted, but don’t let me catch you talking about Sar like that ever again, because I may not be that scary, but some of the guy’s that adore her are.”

Catherine didn’t really know if Cam was joking or not but there was no reason to test the threat, because frankly Cam looked frightening enough when she was pissed and she didn’t even have to yell to get her point across. There was also no need to jeopardize the chance that Lindsey wouldn’t be welcomed back because of something Catherine had said.

Cam continued again as if nothing out of the ordinarily had happened.

“That is also why parts and equipment is free when Lindsey is working on something with Sara. The guys all love that girl not only has she gladly helped them, but she is also helping their kids so that they will have a chance to go to college. They all realize that Sara has a very limited time of her own because of her chosen profession, but also because of her boss calling her in for no good reason whenever she has a day off. What is up with that guy? Does he really get a kick out of controlling her like that? So the shop cuts the cost, not that this hasn’t been the topic of many a heated argument between the two of us, but I would say that Sar has finally come to terms with it.”

By the time Cam was done saying this she looked extremely smug, but smiling big none the less. Catherine couldn’t help the smile that crept onto her own face.

“So do you think that Sara has something going on with Grissom? Why else would she put up with him calling her in like that? It’s the first time I’ve heard about him calling her in on her days off, but it would explain why she’s always there and her amount of overtime. Maybe I should set him straight on calling people in on their days off.”

Catherine was looking expectedly at Cam, because she was the first person she ever heard talk that fiercely and protectively about Sara and Catherine liked that, but was hoping that she would get more insight into the elusive Sara.

“What!! You think that Sara would boink the Bugman.” Cam was laughing so hard that it was difficult to hear what she was saying. “Oh, I heard about the rumors that are going around about Sar but there is no way in hell that she would be in a relationship with the Bugman, believe me.”

Catherine appeared ashamed as Cam mentioned the rumors, not because she had started them, because she hadn’t, but because she had regularly added to them for no apparent reason. Still she couldn’t help but join in on Cam’s laughter.

“There is no way that my girl would date someone as detached as the Bugman.”

“Why do you keep calling him the Bugman? And how can you be so certain that she isn’t dating him?”

Catherine was seeing this as the golden opportunity to get to know as much as possible about Sara.

“Bugman because bugs are the only thing he cares about so that is just obvious, and you of all people should have guessed that Catherine, and I know because Sar is my friend.”

The last part of why Sara wasn’t with Grissom, Catherine could tell that Cam was holding something back, but she couldn’t quite get a read on what that something was. It must be because she knows who Sara is dating.

“Since you seem to know so much about Sara, and you are so sure that she isn’t dating Grissom.  maybe she is dating you.” Catherine stated. Catherine had said this mostly for fun but she hadn’t expected Cam’s reaction.

“I wish, nah, Sar and I work really great as friends no reason to ruin that.” And there was no way that she would let Catherine know that they had dated when they first met. She was not about to out Sara to her colleague.

As Catherine was about to continue down this road, because she was sure that there was more to it than Cam was saying, Lindsey and Sara came through the door laughing.

“So Cam how many embarrassing stories have you managed to tell Catherine in the time we have been gone.”

As she looked around she saw the apologizing look on Cam’s face and the curiosity on the blonde’s. “What did you tell her and do I have to kill you Camie?”

“Oh, its Camie now is it. That means I’m in for it. You are my witness Catherine; if I go missing you will know that Sara did me in.” Cam was laughing so hard that she was barely able to get the words out.

At this Catherine’s eyes almost popped out of her head, which only made both Cam and Sara laugh like Catherine had never heard before.

That makes a world of difference when she laughs like that. I would like to see Sara this unguarded more often.

Catherine couldn’t help but join in the fun at this point. As long as it kept Sara open she was all for it. “No worries, and we where only talking about your sordid affair with the Bugman.”

This caused another set of laughing fits from the two brunettes, but the small Willows was looking really confused.

“What does mom mean by that Sara? Are you dating Uncle Gil?” Sara looked shocked by this but couldn’t stop laughing for the life of her.

“No Shortstuff, your mom is only kidding, because Cam knows that I would never data Grissom. No need to worry about that.”

Lindsey looked accusingly at her mom before saying, “Why would you make fun of that? Uncle Gil is too strange with all his pet spiders. I wouldn’t want Sara to data someone that weird.”

Sara and Cam were laughing their arses off while the littlest Willows was telling her mom that her joke was not funny at all.

“Sorry sweetie, I didn’t mean to offend Sara or to make you mad. What did you do while I was in here hearing stories about Sara?”

Lindsey brightened at the mention of her friend, and jumped into telling her mom all about the garage and what Sara had shown her and about what they were planning to do.

The two of them had agreed that instead of starting on a whole car, which was looking very intimidating to Lindsey, that they would work on an engine that Cam already had a buyer for. Then when Lindsey was surer of her abilities they could tackle a car. They had also agreed that when Lindsey was older they could work on a car for when Lindsey got her drivers license.

After telling her mom the highlights Lindsey practically threw her mom out of the garage, which by the looks of it was very appropriate if Catherine was to get home before she fell asleep.

“Hey Catherine do you want me to get one of the guys to drive you home so you don’t get in an accident? It wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Nah, that’s not necessary, I’m used to being tired. When do I have to be back, to pick up Lindsey?” As she said this she turned to look at Sara.

“I can feed her and bring her home after dinner so you will be able to catch up on the sleep that you missed this week, if it is okay with you of course.”

“You really don’t have to do that Sara, but by the look of it Lindsey would love that, so I’ll see the both of you when you drop her of after dinner. Bye sweetie, have a great day and behave your self. Remember Sara is in charge so do as she says.” Catherine gave her daughter a hug before leaving the garage.

csi, this time, sara/catherine

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