This time chapter 5

May 27, 2009 16:13

A Sara/Catherine story
This time she wants to get it right but nothing have ever worked out just because she wanted them to. So why should this time be any different but that doesn't mean she isn't willing to give it her all.

They are still not mine, but I own Cam.

Much to my joy I've found a beta and the story have improved if nothing else because it is easier to read. So thanks to cathandsaraforever55 for trying to make sence of my writing. I'm reposting the previous chapters now that they have been beta read.

Chapter 5

After Catherine had left Sara, Lindsey, and Cam sat talking for some time trying to plan their day, but it soon became apparent that Lindsey didn’t have the patience for sitting and talking when there were so many things she wanted to do. Cam left the office to find Zeke so that he could help set up the engine that Sara and Lindsey had decided to work on; while Sara got Lindsey changed into a jumpsuit just like the one that Sara was wearing.

“Working with cars or just engines is messy work, and we don’t want to think about where we put our hands or what we may touch.” Sara grinned at the girl “This way your mom won’t give you a hard time about getting your clothes dirty either.”

Now Sara laughed out loud at Lindsey who was trying to get her hands and feet out of the jumpsuit so she could move. The brunette ended up having to roll up the legs and arms to make it fit her.

Working with Lindsey and teaching her about the engine they were working on was great, and Sara was having fun. The brunette was finally relaxing like she hadn’t done since the last time she spend a day with Emily. They had no deadline when it came to finishing their project. It didn’t matter that much to Cam when the engine was finished, because it wouldn’t cause her any problems selling it. This meant there was no pressure on Lindsey and Sara so the brunette could let Lindsey do the work with some help, or they could just talk.

Lindsey had quickly found that the CSI actually let her do the work, and if she couldn’t figure it out after Sara’s explanations the brunette would show Lindsey and let her do it herself again. The best part was that it didn’t seem to bother Sara when Lindsey asked a ton of questions even if they were not related to the work on the engine.

Cam came by when it was about lunch time to let them know that she was running out to get sandwiches, because it was her turn that day, and wanted to know what they wanted.

As Cam mentioned lunch Lindsey’s stomach growled, which made Sara and Cam laugh while Lindsey looked slightly embarrassed.

“I guess that means you agree about it being time for some food. I’ll have my usual and what would you like Linds?”

Lindsey looked up from the floor thankful that they had stopped laughing at the growling her stomach continued to do. “Can I have a chicken sandwich please, and a root beer?”

Lindsey was trying hard to look as cute as possible with big bright eyes to make sure that Sara let her get her favorite sandwich and soda.

The big eyes that the girl was sporting resulted in Sara laughing and Cam smiling as she turned to head out.

“I guess that means the girl with the blue eyes gets chicken and root beer, and I think the sandwich girl remembers your usual Sar.”

Cam was laughing full out as she said the last part, and was heading out the door as Sara threw an oil rag after her retreating form.

Lindsey looked questioningly at the brunette when she had stopped laughing, and raised her eyebrow, which made Sara chuckle again because the little girl looked remarkably like her mother.

“No big deal, we just always get our lunch from there.”

Sara tried to sound convincing because she didn’t want the girl to know the real reason for why, the sandwich girl, as they had dubbed her, knew her favorite. Especially when she was never quite able to remember what Cam liked.

Lindsey just looked at her like she knew the CSI wasn’t telling her the whole story because there was no way that Sara would right out lie to her. Lindsey also knew that there was probably no way she would get the whole explanation when Sara had tried not to tell her more than necessary.

Sara really hoped that Lindsey would drop the topic and hoped that she hadn’t inherited her mom’s interrogating skills and stubbornness, because the brunette really didn’t want to explain to the blonde whirlwind that the sandwich girl had been shamelessly flirting and coming on to her every time she came by. It had become so bad that Sara had started to avoid the shop and send one of the others when possible. Cam usual reaction to Sara’s embarrassment was to laugh at her, but she had finally come to see the anguish the sandwich girl’s actions were causing Sara, and had made arrangement to make sure that Sara didn’t have to face this woman.

As Lindsey saw the uncomfortable expression on Sara’s face and her stiffened body Lindsey decided to let it slide even though she knew there was a lot more to the explanation than what the brunette had told her. Lindsey would never want to make Sara talk about something that was obviously painful and uncomfortable to the brunette.

When Cam arrived back with their lunch Sara and Lindsey joined Zeke and Cam in the office to enjoy their break. Zeke was the only one working that day.

Zeke did most of the talking, because Lindsey had become slightly shy at meeting him and didn’t ask all her usual questions. He was telling jokes as entertainment, but was interrupted several times by Sara due to the less than suitable materials, for an 11 year old, that were the main part of his repertoire. Besides that the CSI really didn’t want Catherine to yell at her when she found out where Lindsey had heard them.

By the end of lunch Zeke had gotten the hint about the jokes when he brought up something completely different.

“Look Sar, do you have time to help the kiddies with their homework today? They have a test next week and they wanted me to ask you if you would look their calculations over and maybe help them with some of your tricks?”

Sara’s eyes brightened and Lindsey just looked on with big eyes and a confused expression.

“Sure Zeke, I always love to see those kids of yours. Oh and how did you do on your GED test? Have you gotten the results back yet?”

“Not yet but I have a great feeling so cross your fingers.”

“That won’t be necessary, I’m sure you did great. So when are they coming by?”

“The Mrs. is bringing them by when she is done with her errands, and I really couldn’t have done it without you.”

Sara blushed furiously at this praise and smiled shyly. Lindsey couldn’t keep quiet anymore, she just had to know.

“You help some kids with their homework? Does that mean that you can help me too?”

“Yeah, mostly with math and science, but on rare occasions I have helped with English as well.”

Sara was slightly embarrassed by all this attention for something she had done, but before Lindsey could ask any more Zeke spoke up.

“Don’t let her modesty fool you kid, Sar is bloody brilliant, and can help with any questions you may have.”

By now the CSI was bright red and had no idea of how to react to that, but before she could make up her mind Zeke had continued, “And she loves to help, but for some reason our Sara here doesn’t like to bring attention to herself so we just have to do that for her.” He was grinning brightly at Sara as he said that last part.

“This means that I can get help the next time mom has no clue on how to solve my math problems!”

Lindsey laughed while Sara’s jaw dropped, which made both Cam and Zeke laugh all that much more.

Lindsey and Sara spent another hour and half talking and working on the engine before Zeke’s kids came to the garage with their schoolbags looking for Sara’s help.

“You don’t mind me helping them today even when I promised that I would spend the whole day with you?” Sara was talking so fast that the blonde could hardly keep up.

“I can always help them tomorrow…” Lindsey cut the brunette off before she could get any further.

“I don’t mind, I’m just sorry that I didn’t think to bring my own homework that way I wouldn’t have to spend my Sunday doing homework when I could have had you helping me.”

Lindsey stated before she headed for the sink to get cleaned up before going into the office leaving a stunned Sara.

They had used the rest of the day talking to Zeke’s children after Sara had helped with some misunderstandings and declared them ready for their upcoming test.

Spending the day with Lindsey and taking her to dinner had been more fun than Sara had anticipated, and by the time she had dropped Lindsey off the girl was almost asleep. The brunette herself was looking forward to what she hoped would be a good nights sleep.


Lindsey had talked her mom into letting her spend another Saturday with Sara at the garage. She had even called the brunette beforehand to make sure that Sara would let Lindsey join in when going to Cam’s, and to find the next weekend Sara had off before she started pestering her mom to give her permission.

The begging from Lindsey every time Catherine saw her, or talked to her had driven Catherine insane before she had given in and agreed to talk to the younger CSI about letting her go to the garage again.

Sara had readily agreed and she absolutely glowed when she told Catherine about how smart Lindsey was, and how easily she picked up on the things Sara had shown her.

The blonde had been pleasurably surprised by the brunette’s reaction to having spent a day with her daughter, and how Sara was so readily teaching the girl how to do the things by herself.

The night before the Saturday that Sara was to spend with Lindsey at the garage, they were all busy at the lab so Sara hadn’t seen Catherine all night and they had yet to make an arrangement for when Catherine would drop Lindsey off at Cam’s.

By the time that the end of shift rolled around Sara had just finished her case and was able to get out of the lab for the weekend when she finally saw Catherine. The older woman was only back for a small break before she had to go interrogate one of her suspects. Sara was about to leave the break room, and head for the locker when she saw the blonde coming in.

“Oh, Catherine when can you drop Lindsey of? I’m just leaving now and will be heading straight to Cam’s so anytime that suits you will be fine.” Sara smiled brightly at the older woman.

“Uh Sara, about that. I can’t get out of here and will probably have to stay here most of the day. So we will have to change the plan for today and I will have my mom take her.”

As Catherine was saying this she could see the smile on the younger woman’s face falter, and disappear altogether when she mentioned that they had to change the plan and she couldn’t bring Lindsey by. Before Sara spoke up in a small and faint voice Catherine had never heard the other CSI ever use.

“Maybe I can pick her up and bring her back instead of you having to drive her all the time.”

Seeing how disappointed the change in plans made Sara and Catherine wanted to agree to almost any thing.

“That sounds great, that way I don’t have to tell Lindsey that her Saturday plans have been changed. She has told all her friends about it, more likely bragged, and Nancy hasn’t heard about any other than your plans this week.” Laughing softly the blonde added, “Nancy is starting to think that you are some kind of a saint.”

“I can take her out to breakfast, if you think that she would like that, and you don’t mind that is?”

Sara shyly smiled at Catherine and hoped that the blonde would let her take the girl out to the brunette’s favorite breakfast place. That would be the perfect beginning to the day.

“I’m more than certain that Lindsey would love that, and it’s not an offer that I can decline. Are you sure that it won’t be too much trouble to pick Lindsey up at her friend’s and drop her off with my mom tonight?”


The thought and anticipation of spending the day with Sara at the garage had Lindsey so excited that she had trouble sleeping. It was the only thing that she had been talking about for the past week. She had made sure that all her friends knew everything about her hero, and that she was going to be allowed to work on a car that could become her own. She even had some of the boys jealous of her, because they were not allowed to be any where near a car that was being worked on. What all her friends could agree on was that Sara was the coolest adult, and that Lindsey was unbelievable lucky to get to spend time with her.

Nancy had had her ears talked full of all things Sara, and she was starting to think that the things she had heard from Catherine might not be all of the truth, or that bad, and that Sara may have an ability to push her sister’s buttons in a way that nobody else had ever achieved; not even Eddie when he was at his worst. All in all she was looking forward to meeting this person she had heard so much about.

The change of plans had happened so late that Lindsey didn’t know that Sara was going to pick her up, but that didn’t put a damper on her joy when she saw Sara, and it became even more pronounced when Sara told her they were going out for breakfast.

Picking Lindsey up at her friend and going out to breakfast had proven to be a great time and Sara was enjoying their time together as much as Lindsey.

Half way through the day they had managed to restore the engine, and came to the agreement that it would be more fun to start on a car, that when done could become Lindsey’s. Deciding which of the many cars that was stored at Cam’s was much more difficult, and it didn’t become any easier when Greg joined them shortly after lunch, but all the more entertaining.

Greg was always good for a laugh. He was the one person that didn’t mind entertaining Lindsey when she was stuck at the lab waiting for her mom, before she had started spending time with Sara that is.

Greg had been the only person at the lab that Sara had felt a little bit comfortable with when she had first started, not because he had shamelessly flirted with her, but because he didn’t try to change her or himself for that matter even when people were giving him a hard time for his personality or appearance. He hadn’t been as pushy as Nick to get her to open up, and he had been friendlier than Warrick. He had never once betrayed her trust, and even when he was getting on her nerves he had become like family, which she didn’t have much of.

When Greg had found out that Sara was dating Cam he had been nothing but supportive, and let her know that her sexuality didn’t change who she was. That hadn’t affected Sara as much as the fact that he never once stopped his flirting, or the way he in general behaved around her. This was what proved to her that Greg could be trusted and they had been close friend ever since. Greg hadn’t told anybody at the lab that he knew Sara was gay, not that she was really keeping it a secret, but she didn’t feel the need to broadcast to the world at large and especially not the people that she worked with, because she had never been able to tell how they would react. This meant that he was the only one in the lab that knew of Sara’s sexual orientation.

After much debating and a lot of jokes from Greg, not to mention some not so great ideas of what they could do with some of the possible cars, Lindsey and Sara came to an agreement that it would be most fun to work on the Mustang. Besides that would also, as Lindsey put it, be the coolest car ever, and that all her friends would be green with envy.

After Greg had left to get ready for some date, which had caused some joking on his behalf from Sara resulting in a blushing Greg, the youngest Willows and the brunette spent some time discussing what they wanted to do with the car and where to start.

Lindsey had complained several times that day about not being able to find a topic for the science report that she was supposed to start next week. To make everything worse she had to give an oral presentation of what she had chosen, and why this Monday. The more time that went by the more frustrated Lindsey was becoming. Sara had promised that she would help her with choosing, and they could talk about what she could say in front of her class at dinner.

Sara brought Lindsey to the same restaurant that she had taken her to the last time they had, had dinner together because all through the meal the youngest Willows had been raving on about how good vegetable could actually taste. If her mom could cook like that then she might be inclined to eat them at home, which had left Sara laughing throughout most of the meal. Sara had noticed that Lindsey was more happy and positive than she had heard Catherine tell the guys for the last couple of months. She had heard Catherine talking to Warrick about how hard it had been spending time with Lindsey, because the girl was starting to act out because of Eddie, and the blonde didn’t know what to do to help her daughter.

Lindsey was happily munching on her dinner when Sara brought up the topic of the blonde’s science report.

“How about you write about engines?”

Lindsey nodded, because her mouth was full, but she perked up considerately at the mention of the idea.

“You already know something about that and that way it will be more fun to learn the rest. You will be more enthusiastic when you have to talk to the rest of the class about your topic. As to why you have chosen that topic that will have to be more up to you.”

Sara was watching Lindsey closely when she suggested doing the report about engines to see if it had captured her interest, because she knew that it was important if you wanted to excel at something., The brunette knew that Lindsey had the potential, she just needed the support, encouragement, understanding that Sara had, had after she had been placed with Carolyn. Not that she thought that Catherine didn’t support or encourage her daughter, but it was different when it was coming from your mother.

Dropping Lindsey off at her grandmother’s had been the low point of the day for both Sara and Lindsey. Especially when Lily had insulted Catherine, which made Lindsey tear up and rush to her room. Sara had wanted more than anything to defend Catherine and set the older woman straight about how her comments affected her granddaughter, but she didn’t want to risk Catherine’s anger when she found out. Catherine’s anger might lead Sara to not being able to see Lindsey again, so the brunette held her tongue.

csi, this time, sara/catherine

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