When Angel first saw it there in the caves, his first thought was that it must be wrong. It had to be wrong - perhaps another example of the Island's terrible sense of humor. But the more he thought about it, the more he knew that denial wasn't going to change anything.
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Maybe she should be sympathetic - Angel couldn't understand her and Spike any more than she could understand, say, him and Darla - but the sight of Angel's back turned to her did nothing to quell her anger.
"Nice to see you to," she spat from her seat under a large palm tree. So much for a quiet afternoon of nothing but sand, wind, and a stack of fashion magazines.
"Maybe I should..." Buffy trails off, unsure of what it is she should do. Walk away? Run? None of the above coincide with what she wants to do, but what she wants is out of the question. That's the problem; always has been, always will be. Want versus need, right versus wrong.
"...Go." Angel supplies, and he's beginning to feel like a man possessed by spirits that were not his own, like he and Buffy had so many years ago. Replaying the same scene of their lives, over and over again, to no avail. It's even more frustrating given that part of him doesn't want the pantomime to end, because that would mean the end of what little he already has.
It's this part of him, the less noble part, that he struggles against now.
"I should go."
Hands. They're still holding hands, and Buffy knows what she has to do.
Let go.
The afternoon is full of failed attempts and futile efforts, and that doesn't seem to be changing any time soon. Her brain is doing a sucky job of communicating with the rest of her body, but that might be for the best, considering how her body is screaming at the moment. Don't listen, don't listen. Let go.
The most Buffy manages is a loud exhale; a frustrated sigh.
Cupping his larger hand over hers, Angel moves to slowly pry their grips apart - gently, but determinedly. Or so he hopes.
"Right, well, I really should... go somewhere. Some place that's else, and not here." By now, Buffy has forgotten completely how this conversation started, and her memory of whatever she had planned on doing before this is beyond clouded. The worst part of this all is the fact that Angel can't leave, even if he wants to. It was hard enough when he stuck around Sunnydale for weeks after breaking up with her, but this is a new kind of torment altogether. This has no end.
"We ran into each other," Buffy went on, "and we'll keep running into each other. Chances are, the more we try to stay away from each other, the more frequently we'll happen upon each other. The island's like that; it has this way of never letting you avoid anything, no matter how much you try. You can't promise me that because it's not in your control, and... and even if it was, it's not a promise I'd want you to keep."
He's pacing. He can't help it, but he is. "Do you want us to be together?"
As much as she should know by now how Angel feels about her, Buffy has always had doubts. She had them when they first dated after seeing him with Drusilla that one night, and then they increased in spades when Angelus dedicated himself to her destruction. Even when they were at their happiest, Buffy remembers how jealous she felt that he and Faith were such kindred spirits, and how much she feared that losing her power meant losing all that made her interesting to him. She has lost that power again, here on the island, and remembering the fact does little to help.
So Buffy goes for the cop-out question. "Don't you?"
But if she wants to be evasive, he can be, too. Angel has patience where Buffy has none. "You didn't answer my question."
"I didn't mean to."
"Spike. Do you love him?"
It's not fair that he's asking all the questions, but he needs to know.
She's annoyed, yes, but it's not with Angel. Not just with Angel. The truth she has had to live with for some time now is that Riley left because of her; because she was closed off. She didn't love him, never really had, and he had known it all along. After Angel, Buffy hadn't allowed herself to love any man that way again. She understands now that it was equal parts being the Slayer - the killing and the violence made emotion close to inaccessible, to the point the she was constantly afraid of becoming a robot, a heartless killing machine - and having had her heart broken before ( ... )
And he doesn't know what he will do even if it did mean something for him. His wants are different than his needs and...above all else, Angel doesn't like being at the mercy of something - or someone else.
Buffy had been enough.
"A lot of time has passed. For you, even more than it has for me." It's his way of asking the other question - the one about him.
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