tragic space dementia

Jun 24, 2006 19:18

As i just rewatched Firefly for the umpteenth time (my dad and my younger brother both loved it! YAAAAY), i felt it was time for a picspam. Because it is my favorite show. And i think that's a pretty okay reason. I was going to include caps from the mooovie as well, but, as it turns out, that thing is kind of EXCESSIVELY PRETTY. Who woulda thought, eh? That'll be an entirely separate post. Yay. It also turns out that it's kind of IMPOSSIBLY HARD to pare down the series to just a few caps that i like, so this picspam is, uhm, a bit more caps than "just a few".

A note about Simon: I have always loved how, as the series progresses, you can see him become a little more casual. From Ariel onward he's slightly less of an awkward, bumbling idiot (err, slightly. opening scene of The Message notwithstanding), up to totally kicking ass in Objects in Space. It's in the way he dresses, too- in the last four episodes not a single shiny vest appears. (THANK GOD. I hate those things, he looks like such a huge dork. Granted, Simon is a huge dork, but he looks so much hotter in the sweaters and button-down shirts. Sigh.) It just speaks volumes to me about him growing into becoming a part of the crew and being at home on Serenity. And it's really such a minute change that i think, had the series progressed, it would have become much more pronounced later on. But then, there are a lot of things i think about happening had the series not been cancelled. :(

A note about Kaylee: This is my favorite dress ever. Additionally, River's dress in The Message is also my favorite dress ever. I wish we could have seen her wear it again because she looks SO PRETTY in it and there are hardly any shots of it; it's absolutely my favorite River outfit.

And a note to dearest Malcolm Reynolds: one day you should hang out with Kara Thrace while making RIDICULOUSLY ADORABLE FACES! (as of this moment, looking at those pictures side-by-side is my new favorite hobby!)

This remains possibly the most valuable post i have ever made. I also still really like my Mal mix! Sometimes i enjoy the fact that i am a massive nerd, it keeps me entertained!

picspam, firefly

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