the tyranny of distance didn't stop the cavalier

Dec 19, 2008 04:42

I've been rewatching new Who from the beginning, and that means i have to ramble about it! YAY

It's so easy to forget how great Nine is since we've been with Ten for so long comparitively. BUT I REMEMBER! Niiiiiiine. Shipping him with Rose feels so different than shipping Ten with Rose, and i know people have remarked on the changing portrayal of their love story between the two seasons, but rewatching season one after not having seen it for a very long time makes it even more pronounced. Season one was quite subtle, and Nine largely has more of a fatherly attitude toward Rose (and sometimes prickly, for obvious post-war reasons), whereas season two is pretty much constantly LET'S GET MARRIED!!!!!!! Not that i am complaining, i am just saying. :D But in terms of Nine/Rose i have to say that i fucking squeal like a schoolgirl at The Doctor Dances (THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT SEX OOOOMMMMMGGGGGGG AND THEY DANCE AND JACK HAS TO LOOK AWAY BECAUSE IT IS SO INTIMATE) and of course the kiss in The Parting of the Ways. Even though it is a kiss that serves a larger purpose, it's so delicate and sad and wonderful. But then so is that WHOLE ENTIRE ENDING.

Seriously, Rose as the Bad Wolf. IT GETS ME EVERY TIME. When she says "My Doctor." i don't know if it's Rose talking or the TARDIS talking or both (I LIKE IT AS BOTH) but nevertheless it is amazing. And earlier in the episode when Jack says goodbye to them, ugggh so sad, and when the Doctor tricks Rose into staying in the TARDIS so he can send her away and then plays that horribly depressing goodbye message, AGH. And right before the regeneration when he's explaining how he's going to change and then says they were both fantastic, that's so much Eccleston's goodbye and it makes me cry. :( :( :( And then REGENERATION EXCITEMENT and oh here is Ten being immediately hilarious and adorable of course. AHFKJLFKJGAHFG IT IS ALL THE BEST


Crying at season finales of Doctor Who: it is a favorite pastime of mine! I don't know how it can still make me so emotional when i know exactly what's going to happen, but there you go. WTF Doctor Who, you are a silly show about aliens, why.

It also really seems to be the pattern that like halfway through the season the episodes all get good. (although this doesn't always hold true, namely in season two, which is pretty much entertaining all the way through and has the distinction of containing the only early-season two-parter that i actually love!) Father's Day is CRAZY SAD but in a really great fucked up time travel way. And The Empty Child is probably the second creepiest thing to ever be on the show! Steven Moffat is obviously disturbed.

I love that the first place the Doctor takes Rose is literally the end of the Earth. And i can't help but think he does it because that way she knows what it feels like for her home planet to be dead. NOW WE CAN BE FRIENDS! ...Does the Doctor have issues? I can't tell.

Mickey makes me sad. :( It took me until season two to really care about him the first go-round, but now i just want to give him a hug ALL THE TIME. Rose constantly abandons him and it pisses him off, but it pisses him off even more that he can't abandon her. So he's just left behind, loving someone who can never be there for him. And then Mickey/Martha popped into my head seeing as how it's oddly appropriate since both of them were incredibly neglected in the wake of Doctor/Rose, and both ended up liberating themselves by becoming badasses. And also their names are SMITH AND JONES so obviously it was meant to be. XD

I've also kind of been examining Rose more closely since I've got more distance from her with the string of awesome companions we've had since. (honestly, it was really weird to see her in action again at the end of season 4. same with Jackie and Mickey. it was like i'd forgotten who they were!) So many people seem to dislike Rose, and, objectively, i can see why. She's probably the least relatable and most obsessive of all the new companions. She's so fixated on the Doctor and often so dismissive of the people who love her, and while it's not as drastic as like, Bella Swan (WHY DO I KNOW ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO COMPARE THEM, WHYYYY) since Rose actually takes action for herself and wants to save the world and values her life and loves her family and sometimes does endearingly stupid and awesome things like looking into the heart of the TARDIS, it's not exactly the healthiest of relationships either. Rose is just SO YOUNG and needy and i don't know. Of course i can criticize and rationalize and over-analyze and ize ize ize but in the end i still ship Doctor/Rose like a crazyperson. Because i'm easy. And they are pretty. I don't know why i always feel the need to negate my instinctive stupidly shippy feelings!

HARRIET JONES, PRIME MINISTER. :( :( :( All of her being awesome and becoming friends with the Doctor is so tainted by the last five minutes of The Christmas Invasion. (and also the awfulness of what happened in The Stolen Earth BLARGH fuck you, show.) Ten is meeeeeeeean. Which really puts a damper on a lot of things because like, everything else about The Christmas Invasion is fucking great. HE QUOTES THE LION KING. Rude and not ginger! Jim jams! SYCORAX ROCK! Also it is super funny to see him get his hand cut off and to think "HEY THAT BECOMES YOUR HUMAN CLONE LATER ON" OMG clones

p.s. he always wanted to be ginger and DOCTORDONNA IS GINGER. AKGLJKFHGFLKGAKFG (you guys Doctor/Donna is totally and completely my BFF OTP. i don't ship them romantically, i just want them to be cheeky buddies forever and ever. and they caaaaan't be. ...and i may be kidding myself about BFF OTP because the more i look at twinsies pictures of them the more i'm like ".......................OTP FOR REAL" ............................i don't know??!? i am the absolute biggest sucker for MATCHING and being EQUALS. but the whole beauty of it is that they AREN'T into each other, which is why i love them together in the first place... which is what makes me want to ship them. ??!?!?!?!??! MY BRAIN, WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT)

Here is something i think about a lot: TARDIS bedrooms?!??!?! WHAT DO THEY LOOK LIKE. TARDIS kitchen?? All we have ever seen besides the console room is the gigantic wardrobe in The Christmas Invasion! Which is fantastic to be sure, but i want more! Where do the companions liiiiiiiiiiiiive and EXACTLY HOW CLOSE is it to where the Doctor liiiiiiives??! Agh. I need to know about TARDIS downtime. I want there to be a family room where they watch tv and play board games. THEY HAVE TO DO BORING STUFF SOMETIMES, seeing the universe gets tiring!

School Reunion makes me super sad. I have not even SEEN old Who with Sarah Jane and yet when she introduces herself to the Doctor when she doesn't know it's him i get all teary. And when they say goodbye, oh man. SARAH JAAAAAAAANE. DOCTOR/COMPANIONS. ;_;

The Girl in the Fireplace is entertaining and depressing and... i hate it because the Doctor is a slut. :/ He thought he would be trapped there forever and he seemingly had no qualms about leaving Rose and Mickey stranded on an abandoned spaceship! UH, OKAY, JERK? Steven Moffat always ships the Doctor with someone besides Rose and it kind of sucks. (UGH RIVER SONG UGH)

After finishing Doomsday (it doesn't make me cry as much as it used to! i've grown. ...and uhhhhhhh maybe knowing they see each other again helps too.) i immediately went back and watched the last scene of The Stolen Earth (WATCH OUT FOR THAT DALEK!) and the Bad Wolf Bay scene of Journey's End for maximum Doctor/Rose impact. The idea of Rose being left with the human Doctor has grown on me since my original reaction; i think a large part of why i felt so weird about it at first was because without having seen them together continuously for so long, it seemed kind of detached or rushed or something. But anyway even though it's weird it's also completely perfect in terms of EVERYTHING. "Here you are, living a life day after day. The one adventure I can never have." THAT IS WHAT HE SAYS ON THE BEACH IN DOOMSDAY. It's crazy! And in School Reunion when he's telling her how hard it is to watch his human friends get old and die and that's why he leaves them, but human Doctor finally doesn't have to leave Rose. SO IT'S KIND OF AMAZING?! Also i will always be stuck on the fact that the Doctor thought ROSE was pregnant before she specified it was Jackie. ashfkgf what.

Jackie is so great, by the way. She supports and comforts and protects Rose even when Rose is constantly trying to ditch her for the Doctor. It really gets me how much Jackie and Mickey stand up for Rose despite everything, and i'm always glad when Rose is grateful for them because she damn well ought to be. Also, I LOVE JACKIE/PETE. Jackie was always meant to be with parallel Pete and parallel Pete was always meant to be with our Jackie! Epic. Rose pulled off like the ultimate Parent Trap in getting them together. XD


I have now almost completely blocked out the last few minutes of Journey's End. It's just so much easier and happier to focus on a whole season of greatness rather than the two scenes that ruined everything. LA LA LAAAAAAA. DOCTORDONNA FRIEND!



Oh man, matching these caps up and really comparing the two scenes leads to some interesting observations! Like how the real Doctor is so much less kind in Journey's End, whether it's because he has to be or because he's that much more hardened by the loss of Rose the first time around, but either way he's pretty shut down except that you can see his SOUL DYING when Rose and the clone Doctor kiss. OH MY GOD that look on his face. He wishes it were hiiiiiiiiiim and it caaaaaaan't be. ;____; ALSO what the damn hell Rose and the clone Doctor are wearing THE SAME COLOR CLOTHES. Dark blue jacket/maroon shirt, they maaaaaatch. wtfff agfsgsdghj THEY ARE BOTH HUMAN. AND THEY MATCH.

History repeeeeeats.

Hey did you know that David Tennant is quite good-looking? As is his penchant for having a beard when he is not the Doctor? I like to imagine that clone Doctor will grow a beard JUST BECAUSE. ...Be-- because it's hot. :O

What i learned from this spam: screencap matching is TOTALLY SUPER FUN. And enlightening! Also: avi caps are the worst ever. D: Also: pretty people are pretty.

I wasn't going to rewatch season three since it's still fairly fresh in my mind, but i think now i have to keep going because i want to see Marthaaaaa. (BUT I'M SCARED TO WATCH BLINK AGAIN. it's such a fantastic episode but so fucking terrifying, aggggggh.) Also omg i have Runaway Bride up next! DONNAAAAAAAA. Seeing her at the end of Doomsday is so crazy now, KNOWING. That it's DONNA. I am also in the process of downloading all the Confidentials for EVERY SEASON because i've never watched them before (?!??!?) as i was always too lazy to watch an extra show for each individual episode. But now i'm like "MORE DOCTOR WHO, MORE MORE MOOOOOORE" so i'm going for it. I am also going to watch The Catherine Tate Show since Donna made me need more Catherine Tate in my life. So i am pretty much massively binging on Doctor Who and all tangentially related items.

I like that i got all DOCTOR WHO: YAYZERS! again now that the Christmas special is about to roll around. Timeliness: sometimes i do it!

Oh and i watched the Eight movie after my last post, right? It was super cheesy, of course (ERIC ROBERTS?!?!?), but... omg Eight is pretty. :O WORTH IT. FOXY DOCTORS: I AM A FAN.

WHAT THE HELL, I MADE FANART. Remember that one time i couldn't stop making Ten/Rose wallpapers? WELL. Here we go again!

widescreen | fullscreen

Oh my god i found the one honest-to-goodness super pretty artistic photo shoot of David Tennant. IT IS LIKE THEY TOOK THAT PICTURE WITH DOCTOR CLONING SPECIFICALLY IN MIND. :D :D :D The lyric next to the quote is from Clare Bowditch's "Human Being" which has lyrics that i have long felt are perfectly suited to Rose/Bad Wolf shenanigans.

LOL i Holiday Love Memed myself about 20 weeks late! Um, a) i have never memed myself ever, and b) LOL LATE. So like... probably nobody cares anymore! But there it is! Okay!

picspam, art, doctor who

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