pretty words are colorless but pleasing to my mind

Dec 05, 2006 23:37

New (...old) art. I think i started this collage after i first watched season one of VM the summer after it aired. You know, when the show was good. So, uh, IT'S BEEN A WHILE! It didn't actually take me a year and a half to make, i just gave up and didn't work on it again until last season's finale.

another year that was pretty lean )

firefly, lost, the office, fic, grey's anatomy, art, studio 60, avatar, heroes, veronica mars, battlestar galactica

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Comments 52

gabby_silang December 6 2006, 04:51:58 UTC
Yearns, "Zach."

DUDE. You broke my insides. In the heart part. Sheez.

Also the Firefly one. Also, I think you've found your genre? Also, pretty art stuff. Also Yearns, "Zach." DUDE.


toastandtea December 6 2006, 06:18:45 UTC
Also, I think you've found your genre?

I know right! It's actually pretty easy with such specific parameters, so each word you only have a limited number of options. I am apparently much better with that than "just write whatever!" Creative freedom is my downfall. :*(

I am glad you enjoyed Yearns, "Zach."! I like that one too!


bellanut December 6 2006, 04:56:11 UTC
Upside-down Duncan looking like Logan IS SO GREAT. Even if it was accidental.

Isn't it also great how Veronica doesn't seem to remember him at all? Or wonder how he's doing? Or worry about him AT ALL. Yeah, that IS great. I know it can't be that way in t.v. land, but I think it's healthy to be as bitter as possible about as much as possible.

Love the Lilly drawings too. LOVE.


toastandtea December 6 2006, 06:24:33 UTC
Dude, seriously, the Duncan thing has freaked me out since i made it! I keep staring at it thinking "upside-down he looks JUST LIKE LOGAN! And if i turn my head.... DUNCAN!" It's totally bizarro.

And yes, it is TRULY great that Veronica gives no indication of him ever having been in her life at all. I think going to Australia actually means being removed from existence forever. Who even knows if AUSTRALIA exists? I bet that place is totally not real.


hobviously December 6 2006, 05:02:34 UTC
I canNOT currently comprehend how you did that. THOSE ARE ALL AMAZING OMG WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GOD?




toastandtea December 6 2006, 06:32:00 UTC
I don't know man, i guess i've just been unaware of my power all this time? I AM GLAD YOUR MIND IS BLOWN! I was kind of worried people would just think i'm weird!


colorstoobright December 6 2006, 05:03:25 UTC
I do not know how you and bliccy get me to use Kristin Bell WPs all over my desktop when I don't even like her in the first place. I really don't. You guys have some magical powers over me or somethin'.

ANYWAY. Hurray for such an artistically accomplished (?) post filled with the pretties!

I am having a blast trying to refresh your blog to see the real you and the cartoon you. It's almost like flip-art!


toastandtea December 7 2006, 00:58:36 UTC
Sweet! I've always wanted magical powers. I don't know how cool it is, though, just getting people to use Kristin Bell wallpapers... it's a little limited, ya know? Oh well, i guess SOME power is better than NO power.

Or MAYBE you just SUBCONSCIOUSLY like KBell! :D


colorstoobright December 7 2006, 01:01:23 UTC
Hey, at least it's the power to get me to use KBell wallpapers.... would you really want the power to have people use Naked David Hasselhoff wallpapers?

Please don't say yes to that. I'm horrified just at the very thought of it.

Or MAYBE you just SUBCONSCIOUSLY like KBell! :D


amberlynne December 6 2006, 05:04:18 UTC
Heh. I thought that was Tina Fey until you said it was your head. That's a compliment!

I always love your art so much, and those two pieces are no exception. How is Kristen Bell so freakin' adorable??

And I love love love the Office fic. Pam quiety reacts breaks my heart a little. *sniff*


toastandtea December 7 2006, 01:01:07 UTC
Awesome! Unfortunately i actually look NOTHING like Tina Fey, that picture must be very misleading. :/

How is Kristen Bell so freakin' adorable??

It is a question for the ages!

Thanks for the feedback. :)


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