pretty words are colorless but pleasing to my mind

Dec 05, 2006 23:37

New (...old) art. I think i started this collage after i first watched season one of VM the summer after it aired. You know, when the show was good. So, uh, IT'S BEEN A WHILE! It didn't actually take me a year and a half to make, i just gave up and didn't work on it again until last season's finale.

HA HA, did i quote one of the creepiest parts of Harry Potter in a Veronica Mars collage? YEAH, I TOTALLY DID. FYI, the upside-down picture is Duncan, although being upside-down and cropped it looks like Logan! UHM, THAT IS TOTALLY ARTISTICALLY INTENTIONAL? The Lilly drawings were actually traced from a printed-out screencap because i did not feel like putting effort into it. :/

Much more recently i also made a Kristen Bell wallpaper, because pin-up pictures are awesome.

1024x768 | 800x600

AND i put up a new layout (OKAY SO IT'S LIKE JUST THE HEADER) at ye olde blogge. Hey that's me peeking over the letters! For some reason i have become much less uptight about my picture being on the internet, perhaps because i have met people from the internet and it is not so bad, and maybe also because i paint pictures of myself a lot and have become more accustomed to my wholly unremarkable appearance. Oh well WHATEVER! The image occasionally switches upon refresh (depending on the randomization and/or your luck and/or my code's compatibility with your browser) between an actual photo of the top half of my head and a cartoony drawing.

celli linked to hyperfocused's awesome alphabet ficlets (i.e. each word starts with the subsequent letter of the alphabet) the other day, and it seemed like a fun challenge so i did some of my own. It got kind of addicting! I like tiny fic thingies that only marginally make sense! Wheee. Thank goodness for characters with 'Z' names. :D

Lost (Jack, pre-series/season 2)
A burdened, careful doctor, each flight going home. Internally, Jack knows leaving makes no one peaceful. Questions, rejections: sour times, undue victimization while xenophobia yields zealotry.

Battlestar Galactica (season 2)
Adamas breed contempt, distrust, efficient flying. Galen, Helo in jail. Kara loses mind, naturally. Ordained president quests. Raiders still targeting ubiquitously; Vipers wait. XO yells, "Zero."

Avatar (Suki, post-season 2)
After bravery comes defeat, every face gravely humbled. Infinitely just Kyoshi ladies must now overthrow Princess. Quietly returning, Suki takes uncompromising victory. Waiting xenially: young Zuko.

Grey's Anatomy (season 3)
Addison befriends Callie. Derek executes forced gallantry; hated indefinitely. Jinxed, knotted lives- Meredith needs other parents. Quoth robust Stevens, "'Tis unnatural vasoconstriction. Wait, X-rays!" Yang's zonked.

Heroes (Claire, future)
Angry, broken Claire. Doesn't everything feel good healing? In June, knives loom menacingly; nothing overly painful. Questionably rushes sorority, tantalizes underachieving virgins. Worthless x-boyfriends. Yearns, "Zach."

Firefly (Zoe, post-Serenity)
All boats crash. Damn eulogies forget grief held inside. Jaded killer, love made new; old planets quell rage. Sanguine, true, unfailingly virtuous Wash. "XOXO. Yours, Zoe."

The Office (season 3)
Andy's banjo chafes Dwight. Every Friday gets here inevitably. Jim, Karen likely make new opportunities; Pam quietly reacts. Still Toby's unrequited. "Very weak xeroxing, you zombie."

Studio 60 (Matt/Harriet)
Absurdly belligerent, curiously delicate. Extremely facile go Harriet's impressions; jokes kinda limp. Matt neglects opinions, pursues quirky romance. Scornful theology uproar vocalized; witless Xenu yuks zoom.

firefly, lost, the office, fic, grey's anatomy, art, studio 60, avatar, heroes, veronica mars, battlestar galactica

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