scar_jar wrote in
Apr 05, 2005 03:43
i'm leaving. i just don't have the time for this, being that i have a car now and i have a job and my photography to work on.
but we had some good times, that's for sure. and i simply adore the mod. in fact, dearest mod, i added you on LJ. add me back if you want to.
xo Roxy
americanclassik wrote in
Mar 17, 2005 17:51
leaving it has been fun, and i completly love the mod of this community!
suckmynineinch wrote in
Feb 15, 2005 13:01
I need a new screen name.
I don't want any x's.
I don't want it to be any sort of "scene." or whatever the fuck.
I don't like dinosaurs, guns or robots.
Any ideas?
childwithgun wrote in
Feb 15, 2005 21:16
I'm leaving. This community has become unactive or either I just don't want to be here anymore. You all may feel free to add me, i'm always looking for new friends.
<3 erika