Who: Marla McGivers, OPEN
What: Exploring the space station
Where: A nice secluded corner
Shore leave. Marla had been looking forward to it since the rumor had first started to mke its rounds on the ship. She needed a break from the insanity of working on the Enterprise. After all, waking up one day in Medical, and being told that she'd been in
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Comments 11
This time, trying to find that lounge she had met Riley at a couple of nights ago at, she - of course - lost her bearings somewhere along the way and ended up...not at the lounge. Apparently the station had a little cafe, which was much quieter than the lounge, but at the price of being more crowded.
Ordering something that looked and kind of smelled like a coffee from Earth, she searched for an open seat, and preferably one by another Enterprise crew member. Finally, she found one that was open, with a girl curled up and lost in her sketchbook. Wiggling her way around a couple of Andorians standing in her way, Isibeal approached Marla's table ( ... )
She glanced up again when someone spoke to her, and although she didn't exactly know the woman, she recognized her as one of the nurses from the ship. On one hand, Marla wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of sharing her space, but on the other... A quick glance around the cafe was enough to see that it was crowded, and that there likely wasn't anywhere else for the other woman to sit.
"Go right ahead," she replied, turning her attention back to her sketchbook. "I have to warn you, I'm awful company."
Thankfully the woman told her she was welcome, and the nurse plopped down with a thankful smile. "Thank you. I was afraid I'd have to go sit at the table in the corner with all the guys." When Marla said she was awful company, she waved a hand as to brush the remark away. "I bet you're great company in the right setting. I...wouldn't exactly consider a full cafe like this a 'right setting'."
She paused, realizing she hadn't introduced herself. Isibeal sort of knew Marla, since she was one of the crew members that had fallen under a comatose spell. "Oh, my name is Isibeal Doran. You're... Marla, right?"
When Isibeal introduced herself, Marla glanced up again, nodding. "Marla McGivers. I... think I remember seeing you in medical? When I woke up." That had been strange, to say the least. And whether she was letting herself dwell on it or not, it still crept into her thoughts sometimes, and small wonder. She'd lost several weeks in that coma, and it was disquieting to realize that she had absolutely no idea what had even happened.
She gave a smile to Marla with the introduction, and nodded as the lieutenant guessed correctly that she'd been in Medical for the incident. "I was watching over you and Mr. Riley most of the time while you both were out. Thankfully, you were a much more peaceful sleeper than Riley was..." She let out a little chuckle at the memory.
Her eye was drawn to the sketchbook, despite that she couldn't see the drawing the woman was working on. "You're an artist? May I see what you're sketching? Drawing? Doodling?"
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