(no subject)

Oct 09, 2010 03:39

Who: Marla McGivers, OPEN
What: Exploring the space station
Where: A nice secluded corner

Shore leave. Marla had been looking forward to it since the rumor had first started to mke its rounds on the ship. She needed a break from the insanity of working on the Enterprise. After all, waking up one day in Medical, and being told that she'd been in a coma for weeks was just... bizarre. She didn't feel like she had been out that long. It was as if someone had reached into her life and cut away that time with an almost surgical precision - when she'd woken up, she'd been incredibly startled to realize that she was in Medical, and not in her office, as she had been just moments before passing out.

And then there were the dreams. She didn't know if it had anything to do with the coma, but since waking up, she'd had... Well, she couldn't call them nightmares. Not exactly. They were strange, and she didn't really understand why she kept dreaming about rushing water, or being suspended over a dark void, especially when her dreams - when she remembered them - tended toward the vague nonsensical sort of dreams that make perfect sense while asleep but lose all meaning upon waking up. Still, she didn't let herself dwell on it. The archives wouldn't look after themselves, after all, and there hadn't been anyone tending to them for a few weeks, and she'd gone right back to work because there wasn't much else she could do.

But she'd been relieved when she'd heard shore leave was coming up. A chance to get off the ship was always welcome, as far as she was concerned. She was not, however, much thrilled about shore leave taking place on a space station, of all things. It was just as bad as being stuck on the ship. She'd have preferred something like Risa again. But when you were out in deep space... what you got was what you got, unfortunately. So she'd packed a small bag with a few supplies, and headed over to the station. It was just as boring as she'd feared it would be, but there was a small cafe that looked promising, and she tucked herself away at a corner table after ordering something that didn't sound too alien, and pulled out a sketchbook and was quickly lost to the world around her.

character: isibeal doran, character: marla mcgivers

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