Aug 05, 2012 19:40

These are the basic rules/guidelines for the 2012 Teen Wolf Superbang. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or Devaun over at our tumblrs, or on the Teen Wolf Superbang tumblr, or shoot a message here on LJ.


How long does the big bang need to be?
There is a minimum word count of 20k. By the turn-in deadline, your rough draft MUST BE COMPLETE and a minimum of 20k.

What about the MiniBang? 
The MiniBang is a series of ficlets. There is a minimum word count of 2k per ficlet, and a minimum of 5 ficlets, for a total of a minimum of 10k. The ficlets must be able to stand alone as individual stories, however, you can make them into a series/'verse, etc. 
What about both?
If you elect to do both the big bang and the minibang, you can chose to make them related (as in timestamps). However, the minibang word count DOES NOT factor into your big bang word count. If you chose to do both, the rules for both still apply: 10k minimum for the minibang, and 20k for the big bang.

Do I get to pick my artist?
Nope, your artist picks you, and it's all anonymous: the artist picks you based solely on the summary. Come claims day, summaries will be posted with the title of the fic and a number (so claims will be easier to organize). You must contact your artist once you see that your summary has been claimed!

Does my work have to be beta'd?
110% YES. There will be a place for people willing to beta to sign up over at the TWSB Tumblr, in case you're having trouble finding one. However, having one of your friends do it is perfectly fine. NOTE: Your rough draft DOES NOT have to be beta'd-- it's just the rough draft and it's for word count/completion purposes. Your final draft is the one that needs to be beta'd before your posting date.

What type of fic can I write? Does it have to be slash?
You can write anything! We're accepting fics from all pairings within Ten Wolf. It can be AU or canon, it can be gen/het/slash. PG, PG13, R, NC-17, etc. Anything you'd like, as long as it meets the requirements!

Can I write RPS?
Absolutely! RPS with the Teen Wolf cast is 100% okay by us! (Shh, we're both totally obsessed with it.)

Are crossovers okay?
For the superbang, we're gonna stick with just Teen Wolf. Especially since we elected to do this during the last 2 episodes and running into the hiatus, we need all the Teen Wolf we can get!

Do I need to include warnings when I post?
Yes. You'll also need to include a rating. However, if the rating is NC-17 and there's nothing excessive or triggering, just explicit porn, you don't need to warn for that. The only things you really need to warn for are major character deaths, things that might be triggering, and maybe some kinks if you feel it's necessary.

Can I sign up as both a writer and an artist?
Yes! However, you do have to sign up separately on both dates and you cannot do art for your own fic. You have to participate in claims like anyone else!

Step into my office, m'dear. And by office I mean go to this post.


How many pieces of work do I have to create?
It's different for different mediums. Go by this: 
  • Traditional/Digital art: a minimum of two pieces. 
  • Vidders: a minimum of one video at least 2 minutes long. (I know vidding can be really hard so I'm open to leniency)
  • Photoshop: a minimum of 2 large pieces (posters, wallpapers, etc) and a minimum of 1 smaller piece (it can be anything like a series of headers or some icons, anything like that). 

However, that's just the minimum! There's no limit to how many you can create beyond the required minimum, so go nuts!

Can I post the work anywhere other than LJ?
Of course! But not until your official posting date that matches up with your writer. After that, you can post the art anywhere you'd like. After all, you created it! 
Do I need to turn in a rough draft as well?
Yes! Once the turn in deadline gets closer (yours will be different than the writers), there'll be more detail of how to turn it in, but mostly we're just having you turn in something so that we know you're working! It doesn't have to be complete, since it's just a draft, but it's okay if it is!

During claims, can I claim more than one prompt?
Not the first time around. Once claims start, there will be only one claim per artist to ensure that every artist gets a prompt. However, if we have prompts left over after the first round, we'll have a second round of claims and then it's a free for all, take as many as you'd like but only if you are POSITIVE that you can finish them all!

Can I do artwork of the explicit scenes? 
Of course! However you'll want to make sure that you warn for that on your post so that you don't surprise anyone. Just a quick little NSFW will do. Also, if your work might be triggering, please be courteous and warn for that as well!

If you have another other questions, please don't hesitate to shoot us a message here on LJ, comment on this post, go to the TWSB Tumblr, or either me or Devaun

modpost, rules and guidelines, twsb 2012

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