That's very good, idiot people! Really, I'm impressed. Now. In an orderly fashion, follow the idiot person in front of you. At the bottom of the 1,000 foot cliff which drops into a lake of fire, there are cookies! Cookies and gold stars for every single idiot. I know! That is a shit fucking ton of cookies. Your proud displays of idiocy made
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Comments 20
Also - I forget to take both my thyroid meds AND my Zoloft almost daily. Somehow I'm worried that the 3 yr old will see me take it and think it is candy. HOW CAN THE MEDICINE WORK IF YOU DON'T TAKE IT??? No clue.
I've missed you on FB, too. I'm absent everywhere these days.
The candy concern is FOR SERIOUS! If I had little people around, I'd be worried as hell. I have the luxury of keeping all the crazy pills in my purse. Seems like every little person I've ever seen LOVES digging around in the mysterious wonderland that is Mommy's purse, though, so no luxury for you. Booooooo.
Hehe, I bitch Middle Sis out AT LEAST once a week for not taking her meds the way she should. I can tell when she's fucked up and missed them, because she's a weepy, crabby psycho bitch from hell. More. More of a weepy, crabby psycho bitch from hell.
(i love that she isn't here to defend herself)
The crap I'm taking? If I'm off by a couple of hours I start feeling it. Missing an entire day? I don't even know how to describe that. Let's say NOT PLEASANT ( ... )
Zoloft is actually pretty lovely for me, which I needed. I had that jaw-clenching thing a bit at first but I think THAT had more to do with the PPD than the drug. I tried Lexapro a few years ago? That made me MORE DEPRESSED. Seriously, did not want to get out of bed and felt like I had a paper bag over my head. The good thing about the Z is that I can take it while breastfeeding the infante, although I do worry about what all of my back n forth with the meds do to HIS system. He's a snookums, though, and almost walking independently already so I think he's okay.
What kind of stuff are you doing? Classes, treadmill, TELL MEEEEEE! I'd really love to know.
I've heard a ton of mixed reviews on Lexapro, including causing depression to become worse on dangerous levels. I haven't been given that one due to the $$$. My insurance wouldn't cover it enough for me to afford it and now, well, I'm still seeing my GP for my brainz. Finding a shrink, what? NOT LISTENING! AVOID! AVOID x A BILLIONTY!!!
I'm so thankful and happy the Zoloft helps you in general and helped with the PPD. Grrrr, hormones...I SPIT ON HORMONES.
It's a pain in the ass to find something that works, and this working is MADE OF WIN. The Great Med Hunt can make a person (me) lose all faith in ever feeling better, so any good reports rock.
Love you.
I'm up at 5am STILL READING ABOUT THE RACEFAIL. The story that set it off is fucking stunning, as you've seen. Really, my brain hasn't hurt that much since 11th grade, Heart of Darkness and looking around the room to see if anybody else appeared to be going insane.
What's sucking me in today are the TONE ARGUMENT FUCKOS. APPARENTLY, the only APPROPRIATE form of criticism is breaking Victorian on somebody's ass. Well, WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY SAY SO BEFORE? Let me procure fine parchment and quills so I may respectfully request Madame Author's presence behind the stables at dawn. I have been grievously insulted by her in word and deed and demand satisfaction. Let us settle this matter like gentelmen. Pistols at dawn. May she accept and restore her honor.
I'll tell ya, all these various ___fails make me happy I'm not in various fandoms. VERY happy.
The urge to comment on days old conversations is STRONG, but shit stirring in other people's journals? Ehhhh.
Exactly ONE anon called her a cunt. I'M NOT SEEING THE PROBLEM. The bleeding from the eyes part? Bitches, please. Would monkeys flying out of her ass be more acceptable?
Here's exactly how I perceive the ENDLESS DRONING about that ONE THING. Some white chicks saw the word cunt, got butthurt about it, and now it's all about their sensitive white feminist agenda feelings.
I'm clearly the worst feminist in the universe. Don't care, get over it, bigger picture.
I wonder if Sus made me beneficiary in her will? Hmmm...people rob banks and pharmacies and all kinds of things all the time and black market organ sales...
Meds, bah. At least I don't have fucking lockjaw anymore.
Seriously. SPN S5. Here's the blurb for the box set:
Remember S4? The season we gained, like, a million viewers? FUCK ALL THAT NOISE! Writing is hard, yo. We figured Gaslighting Dean would distract you bitches from noticing all the retcon, the lamest apocalypse that never happened and the fact we REALLY DIDN'T WANT to get picked up for S6. Oh, btw? We're sorry we made Castiel so awesome. OOPSIE! We tried to fuck him up just enough to make Sam likable again. We sorta failed. Whatever. Dean so can't be totally hoyay for an angel, FFS. Wait! No! In conclusion: LISA. Ummm...yeah...reboot? MotW > epic myth arc? Anyone? Bueller ( ... )
Did you see how much open space there is around that house? We'll see the zombies coming from miles away! I'm thinking a moat and wall with turrets. I wanted an electric fence, but then we'd have to keep getting new cats.
That yard is MAGNIFICENT. Ohh, we could have a ginormous tractor type thing to manage it and there absolutely HAS TO BE a moat. There's already that little stream and diverting that into our badass moat would be easy! Is it too cold for piranhas?
Turrets. I've always wanted turrets. Anyone truly awesome, at some point, has wanted turrets. trufax
You might have to get a new me. I, of course, felt the need to touch an electric fence once just to see what would happen. I got shocked. That's what happened.
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