Strawberry Pancakes!

Jan 06, 2011 11:52

Here's a little...update.
I actually did this last night, but my internet randomly died before I could post, and it was kinda 3am, so I didn't feel like trying to fix it just then. O.o
Anyway, I started this when it was just, like three Tweets. As a cute little mini-update. But as I was working on it he kept Tweeting more...
Four hours later, he finally, more or less, stopped
(Also, just out of curiosity, can anyone guess at about what point I decided I had to share this? XD)
Anyway, it all started with pancakes...

おは(*σ゚I゚)σYO!皆の衆!沈黙療法3日目... はぁ... もう完全にこの生活に飽きた... 薬飲んでゴロゴロするだけなんて耐えられない... むかつくから朝からパンケーキ焼いてやりました!これなら喉は使うまい! Oha(*σ゚I゚)σYO! Everyone! This is the third day of my 'silence [medical] treatment'... *sigh*... I'm getting totally fed up with living like this... I can't stand not doing anything but laying around and taking medicine... I was feeling really pissed off so this morning I decided to make pancakes! This should be nice and easy on my throat!

{Unsurprisingly, that's apparently Shigaraki Ware, LOL.
Also, I do believe he said the maple syrup was imported from Canada.}
一度熱したフライパンを濡れたフキンの上に置くなどして余熱を取ってから生地を乗せると奇麗に焼けますよ!子供の頃共稼ぎの両親の代わりに妹によく焼いたっけな♪ RT @smilefacesmiley: @TMR15 パンケーキ焼けるなんて…尊敬します(`∇´ゞ 真っ黒焦げになる(苦笑) Well, if you first heat up the frying pan and then set it on top of a wet dish towel or the like it absorbs the excess heat. Using a cloth like that will let them cook nicely! I know this because when I was a kid and both my parents worked I would often cook for my little sisters ♪ RT @smilefacesmiley: @TMR15 You made pancakes...You have my respect (`∇´ゞ Mine are burned so bad they're pitch black (bitter laugh)
{About the dish cloth thing.
At this point, @vixen0504 (does anyone know who that is? ) suggests that it would be all luxurious for him to make himself a full course meal and have it all to himself. But Takanori thinks that doing that alone would be 'too lonely'.}
@TMR15 @loco_64 ホットケーキミックス派ですか、それともベーキングパウダー派。後者は失敗が多い。 @TMR15 @loco_64 Using Hot Cake Mix, or using baking powder. It's real easy to mess up when using the latter.
@95pt16pt 普段はやっぱ簡単なんでホットケーキミックスですね... でも海外のパンケーキ屋さんみたいなモチモチ感出したい時は、断然ベーキングパウダーでしょうね! @95pt16pt It is the norm to just simply use Hot Cake Mix isn't it... but when I want springier ones like in overseas pancake houses, I absolutely use baking powder!
@TMR15 パンケーキ 美味しそう!料理は、気分転換に いいですね♪ それにしても、西川さんは、多才ですね☆ 歌も イラストも 料理も、何でも出来ちゃうんですね。 @TMR15 Those pancakes look so good! Improving your mood by cooking, that's so nice ♪ but I have to say, you Nishikawa-san, are extremely talented ☆ singing, drawing, cooking, you can just do anything can't you.
@manjii531 ひとり暮らしが長いとねぇ... って、何を言わせるあるか! @manjii531 what are you trying to get me to say? "Well I've lived by myself for a long time now"...?
{Someone said something about using oil and cooking paper, but Takanori replied that with the way Teflon is made nowadays that's really not necessary.}
@TMR15 米粉のパンケーキもおいしいですよ!もちもちしてヘルシーだし(*´∇`*)次男が食物アレルギーで小麦粉と卵がダメでよく作ります!よかったら試してみて下さいつ @TMR15 Pancakes made with rice flour are good too! They're springy AND healthy(*´∇`*) I make them a lot because my second son has food allergies and can't have wheat flour or eggs! You should definitely try them!
@kaoririnjun ほうほう!それはいいですね!卵も入れずで、牛乳と米粉を合わせるだけでしょうか?だったら豆乳かアーモンドミルクとか使うと更に香ばしくなって美味しいかも! @kaoririnjun Oh oh! That sounds good! If you're not using eggs, are you just mixing milk and rice flour then? In that case you could use soy milk or almond milk to make them even more savory and delicious!
{Sightly off topic but...}
@TMR15 荒稼ぎの両親って読んじゃった(笑)西川さんごめんなさい(^_^;) @TMR15 I misread that as "both parents making easy money" (LOL) Nishikawa-san I apologize (^_^;)
@emi_lawliet うちは公務員なんで、荒稼ぎ出来るとしたら横領くらいですから、それはないです... @emi_lawliet Since my family are government workers, the only way they'd be making easy money is through embezzlement, so that would be a no...
{Ok, so here's a question I have. He's said this before, that both his parents were government workers. But all the background info I've ever seen says his mother was a dental hygienist (and Japanese Wikipedia says she also taught at a dental hygienist school). Would a dental hygienist (or dental hygienist teacher) be considered a government worker in Japan? Or is there something wrong with the background info I've seen?}}
@TMR15 コップの中身はビール…(>д<)??? @TMR15 Is that beer in that cup...(>?<)? ? ?
@_aya_25_ いやいや、メス牛の乳です @_aya_25_ No no, it's milk from a female cow.
{Yes he did get that specific, no I don't know why.}
そ... それはパンケーキでなく、卵焼きじゃ... Σ(´Д`;) RT @uhnya: @TMR15 美味しそうっす。マヨネーズ入れると綺麗に焼けるって聞いたことが・・・。 Th... that's not pancakes, that's omelets... Σ(´Д`;) RT @uhnya: @TMR15 Those look so good. I've heard that they'll cook real well if you put mayonnaise in them....
{Someone else then tried to claim that you can put Mayo in anything. Turbo was just shocked by this claim.}

I'll get to the, uh, spam sushi later...O.o;;
And a few random things:
First and foremost, apparently he's going to get his throat looked at tomorrow, so he'll know more then.
Also, I keep forgetting, I found This that was posted to Okiayu Ryoutarou's Twitter, from the Basara Event the other day. XD
There was a third thing, but I don't remember what it was...-_-;;

images: twitter, translations: twitter

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