Prompt: Header - It's time to spruce things up a bit, since the eclipse has passed. Central City is back, and starting to shine, after all. Your challenge is to create a new header for
tm_challenge. The layout will change, as well, based on the winning entry. Either that, or we'll just rotate the headers out and have a basic color scheme.
~* All
General Rules apply.
~* You may submit TWO (2) headers.
~* You may use ANY image you wish, as long as the connection to Tin Man is clear.
~* Including tm_challenge somewhere on your entry is NOT required.
~* Textures, text, brushes, blending, and coloring effects are all allowed.
~* No animations.
~* Header must be a MAXIMUM of 700x400px.
~* Submit your entries as a comment to this post.
Deadline: March 07, 2011 @ 8pm EST(ish) Extended