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Comments 25

alimoseby May 9 2012, 09:02:57 UTC
Ben and Bella. Love those names. And ha ha. They have to go to school. *points and laughs* *points and laughs some more* Yes, I realize I'm 37 (38 in a week >_>) but I admit I point and laugh (somewhat jokingly) at my godchildren when they have to go to school.

They almost got a mind full there of Ten and DOnna's...activities. Tee hee.

Ah...the TARDIS is tolerating the mess.

Um...another Time Lord...? Why does this make me nervous? >_>


tkel_paris May 9 2012, 13:36:34 UTC
Ben is too fitting for Handy. It takes a pretty serious matter to not give him that name. As for Bella... Well, you saw the Doctor's reasoning. Poor kids. :P

I was homeschooled. So I was kinda smirking when I thought of the punishment. Figured for such bright people who want to be DOING things, having sit around on your ass and listen to people who might be talking about things you know are incorrect would be one of the worst fates for their age.

Yep. Makes you wonder what the two were up to, eh? ;D

Tolerating is right. At least the Control Room will have been christened. :P

You'll see. :)

Thanks! :D


bas_math_girl May 9 2012, 15:34:38 UTC
I think someone else owes us a DVD extra for a change. Ha ha ha


tkel_paris May 9 2012, 15:38:33 UTC
Your icon would've been fitting to reviewing Chapter 4. :P And yes, I'm painfully aware of that! If I wasn't when I was writing it, sykira made it clear to me in her review of said chapter. ;)


bas_math_girl May 9 2012, 15:49:26 UTC
I know how persuasive sykira can be with such scenes, so good luck with writing it. :D


tkel_paris May 9 2012, 16:57:32 UTC
Yeah. And yes, you may have beta sneak peak! :D


serenityslady May 9 2012, 16:32:16 UTC
Okay. I had to read this a second time before I commented (it was really late last night!). And I took notes. ;D

I got such a giggle out of the tussle. I am one of six kids, so I understand this phenomenon completely!

I have always had the feeling that the Doctor has a boatload of money squirreled away in dozens of Earth banks. Never mind Nine's assertion that he had none. I just think he was too lazy and forgetful to carry any! About time he did something with it!

I love their names. There is nothing else you can call Ten2. And Bella Asteria sounds like something I'd name a daughter if I had had one.

Noises. Guh! "Shields? We don't need no stinking shields!" Oh, the trauma to such tender youth! (snicker) And the TARDIS being tolerant of their *ehem* messiness. Although, "After the Doctor had cleaned the Jump Seat. Bipedal beings had no idea the messes they left behind" has to be one of the funniest lines I've read. :D

LOVED the idea of using 7's umbrella (and the fact it didn't work)! Brilliant ( ... )


tkel_paris May 9 2012, 16:56:39 UTC
A long review! I feel so loved! :D

There were a lot of lines I was very proud of in this chapter. Some I can't take total credit for, as my beta readers were very helpful with ideas. ;D Although I'm still waiting for people to notice something within the chapter... Nope, no hints! :)

You mean, other than the Master? Yeah. One could see that happening. You'll see.

Again, thanks! :D


serenityslady May 9 2012, 17:06:44 UTC
Hmmm. Now you have me intrigued. This caught my eye:

"She couldn't explain the things she was sensing, and she wasn't in a mood to look carefully at it. She might check later with her husband."

And the Doctor's mention of previous tussles....could he have been a twin?

BTW, what is that video you alluded to in your intro? I'm clueless, as usual!


tkel_paris May 9 2012, 17:14:48 UTC
Donna hasn't yet figured out that at the moment, it's not just her husband's thoughts and feelings she can hear/sense. Although the twins do have some shielding already up, and the bond is different.

Well, who knows what kind of trouble he got into back when the Master was his friend? :)

Not a video. A photo. A very interesting photo... ;D


(The comment has been removed)

tkel_paris October 22 2012, 18:11:10 UTC
More is coming. Just needs revision. And lots of it. :)


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