FIC: Blind Date (5/5)

Aug 11, 2015 12:09

Title: Blind Date

Genre: Doctor Who

Rating: T

Author: tkel_paris

Summary: Caving to the pressure of his parents to find a wife, the Doctor goes on Jack Harkness' dating show. Four women have been selected, and he has to choose one to go out with for a month. Can his sanity - what there is of it - survive long enough to make the best choice?

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rating = t, humor, martha jones, river song, birthdays, ten, doctor/donna, mickey smith, rose tyler, doctor who, donna, cassikat, fanfic, jack harkness, jackie tyler, fic!presents

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Comments 22

briarpetal August 11 2015, 19:44:46 UTC
Perfect ending! The Doctor and Donna married with triplets on the way! I don't know why, but I love the idea of her being pregnant with multiple babies at once. I of course loved that you have Martha and Mickey paired together.

I love the fact that the High Council obviously did something to River to put a stop to her antics.

Wow! It looks like Rose might possibly be growing up at last. I didn't see that coming. Although, I'd like to know which of his former colleagues thought that Rose would be a good match for him.

I love the idea of Donna finally meeting her in laws. I'm sure that she'd get along great with Hera.

If Sylvia can't accept the Doctor as her son in law, then she doesn't need to meet her grandchildren until she does. After all, with the TARDIS, they can simply visit Donna's family whenever she's not there.


tkel_paris August 11 2015, 19:48:25 UTC
Well, it seems almost a trope in D/D fanfiction. :D And of course, there's something highly satisfying about two people dismissed finding each other and probably being happier than those who ignored them.

Not like they could let that stand.

Growing up is unclear. She's had some home truths shoved in her face, but whether she'll accept responsibility to making her own life better is yet to be seen.

Hey, if she can convince the Doctor to give up things that his mother has been working on for years, those two will have plenty to talk about. And I suspect Zeus will secretly take pleasure from the High Council shaking in their shoes over Donna's words to them.

Amen. But I suspect grandchildren will help her thaw.

Thanks for reviewing! :D


dm12 August 11 2015, 19:49:12 UTC
Oh, give Sylvia a little time and those grandkids. She'll come around, once she begins to explore her motivations and goals for her daughter. If what she wanted was for her daughter to be happy in what she does, and happy with who she is with, and for her to have a family of her own, then she has succeeded very well. I think the little kidlets with puppy dog eyes will win Sylvia over. She's not an evil person, and I think she does love Donna; it's just that her methods aren't that great.

Love that Donna proposed to him! It seems that his parents are approving and want to meet her; they will love those little grandchildren.

Having a TARDIS sure helps things progress a little faster, so several months to them is like one month back on Earth.

As for Martha and Mickey, I think those two are well suited for each other as well. Mickey got himself out of a bad situation, grew up, and moved on. They will be good friends with the Doctor and Donna. Who knows, they might even travel a bit together!

Well done!


tkel_paris August 11 2015, 19:55:41 UTC
Yes, grandchildren will work wonders on Sylvia. Add in the puppy dog eyes - which will work better at their age than at their dad's - and she'll come around. She's a product of her era and probably her own frustrations.

Thought Donna would have to be the one to do so. He'd quickly realize that he has to go at her pace, and so he'd have no choice. And no way his parents wouldn't approve at this point - she's gotten him to the point and is pregnant.

Yes, they might travel together. Who knows? ;)

Thanks! And thank you for reviewing.


dm12 August 12 2015, 02:20:52 UTC
Right... funny how the Doctor's puppy dog eyes never worked on Sylvia! Little babies, though, will be another story.

Absolutely. Donna was calling the shots. I think his parents liked her even from the beginning, and they were pleased he seemed to have made a wise and mature choice. It seems that things have worked out from there, and so they are happy (not to mention, once again, the grandchildren!).

It's always a pleasure to review your stories, they are often quite a ride!


tkel_paris August 12 2015, 03:41:59 UTC
Then again, he never tried properly to charm her. ;)

Again, thank you!


alimoseby August 12 2015, 06:34:44 UTC
I read this all in one go as LJ has been acting like a two year old who had their candy taken. >_< Anyhow...

I loved it. The idea of a gameshow is awesome. I loved Donna's answers, and Martha's too. Rose was perfectly stupid as well. She's just so annoying.

Triplets? Why am I not surprised. =D

I really really loved it.

~Ali ♥︎


tkel_paris August 12 2015, 06:52:26 UTC
I noticed today that FFN was acting up. It was annoying. So I know what you mean.

Yes. And in character. I did notice that you said nothing about what you thought of River's answers...

Common trope, eh? Guilty. :DDDD



alimoseby August 13 2015, 05:25:00 UTC
OMG...River. I am sorry. Hubby was next to me last night messing about with Legos, and frankly, I forgot about her. But yes. River's answers were actually quite in character and just as self serving. Between her and Rose, I was waiting for a slap from Donna. Or Martha. Though they couldn't see each other so pretty sure there wouldn't have been a slap. =)

~Ali ♥︎


tkel_paris August 13 2015, 05:59:32 UTC
I understand. Glad that you agree that they were in character. And yes, another cat fight might happen. In another story. :) Along with slaps and punches. *evil grin*


cassikat August 13 2015, 00:02:59 UTC
It's over *pout* But magnificent ending! Martha did pick Mickey, yay! And I do love how the Doctor and Donna had over a year in that month - a year that ended properly with a wedding and triplets on the way ( ... )


tkel_paris August 13 2015, 00:35:43 UTC
How could she not? :D Yes, it ended properly for them. ;D

(I think between the jokes about Time Lord sperm and Donna being older - which I understand can increase the chances of multiples - it's become one.)

River's trying. But how well is up for debate. Ouch! Poor Lady Christina!

I think he was focused on her, and I think he half wanted to not leave the High Council with a chance to object. Or his parents. His past probably colored his actions there.

You'd think that Sylvia would clash more with a daughter just like her, though. But then again, maybe Donna IS very like Sylvia because they clash so much.

Welcome! *hugs back*


cassikat August 14 2015, 00:27:16 UTC
(Seriously? I mean, I know the jokes about Time Lord super-sperm, but there's really a higher chance of multiples when one's older? *boggle ( ... )


tkel_paris August 14 2015, 04:48:35 UTC
From what I understand.

Hmm. Sometimes I doubt it. I doubt she would've done a lot of the things she did if she didn't do them for fun.

Well, I suppose not. Again, I think the Doctor was frantic for Donna to be completely attached to him before he introduced her to his family.

Fair enough. I don't blame you.

Thanks! And you're welcome! *hugs*


inward_audacity August 13 2015, 04:11:02 UTC
I read it all in one day and it's perfect.

The idea of a dating show is pretty cool. Rose's answers are so annoying and childish. She has so much growing up to do.

Triplets! The Doctor sure has tricks up his sleeves. Donna will be such a beautiful pregnant mummy. I can't wait for her to meet Zeus and Hera. I'm sure they'll get along great.

Oh, why don't Sylvia approve of the match? Maybe she needs to spend some time with her grandkids after they're born...maybe they'll change her mind.

Anyway, thank you for sharing this awesome story. I enjoyed every bit of it as always!


tkel_paris August 13 2015, 04:35:16 UTC
Aw, thanks! Your comments have always been a delight.

And I swear each one is fully based on canon. What they says about how she was written and how she was portrayed, I leave to you to decide.

She already is, and Jack noticed. Along with Martha and the rest. :D

Oh, probably because it's not how she wanted Donna to live her life. I think the other comments throughout the story cover it.

Welcome! :D


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