Arakawa I LOVE YOU... But... every chapter, every time... cliff hangers... and I mean... like... severe YOU NEED TO KNOW WHATS GOING ON RIGHT NOW cliff Hangers. I understand the suspense and everything, but... OMFG
Went to the doctor. I have a Sinus Infection, Tonsillitis, and the beginning of an ear infection. Oh this is just getting lovelier by the day... Specially since this morning I got up and couldn't swallow anything >.>
Bah, So Ive been sick since Thursday. I thought I was getting better but apparently not. Being sick has made me go to bed earlier, which is nice, I suppose, but It feels like I haven't gotten any rest at all. Ah well
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Okay, so my day hasnt been that bad actually. I'm getting over my wiping of my computer, Its really not that big of a deal. I just need to go re-find everything, which is a pain in the ass, and time consuming. Oh Well
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