[fanfic] Messages (gen, possible Dean/Cas preslash, 7x17 coda fic)

Mar 27, 2012 23:10

Title: Messages
Author: tiptoe39
Pairing: none, but possible Dean/Cas undertones.
Spoilers: Through 7x17, "The Born-Again Identity"
Rating: PG
Summary: Dean's getting some messages on his voice mail.

Dean means to pick up the phone, he honestly does. But he's snoozing in the passenger seat. )

real angels wear trenchcoats, pretty boys whut kill monsters n stuffs, fanfic

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Comments 60

nicole_sill March 28 2012, 06:34:55 UTC
Aww, this is sad and lovely! Poor darling Castiel shouting out into the dark. Very nice work.


tiptoe39 March 28 2012, 23:00:44 UTC
Thank you so much!! It's nice that he finally got his answer, yes?


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tiptoe39 March 28 2012, 23:01:29 UTC
*smish* You are always so kind to me, bb. I wish I remember where this idea came from. Just all of a sudden I had this image of Cas leaving messages on Dean's voice mail. :)

I had to at least include a hug!! :D

Here's one for you. *hug* XD


harper47 March 28 2012, 08:21:53 UTC
I love the idea of Cas leaving messages and Dean saving them and cherishing them. Sam being awesome and the hug. Sniff. Thanks you what a wonderful coda fic.


tiptoe39 March 28 2012, 23:01:45 UTC
Awesome!Sam is always welcome in my fics XDD Thank you darling <3


sweetsyren March 28 2012, 09:36:42 UTC
*sniff* Just have a tree in my eye there. I'm fine. Totally fine.

I love the little snippets of Cas' fracturing reality that you can see between the calls. Really well done.

Now, I believe I made some grabby hands at you earlier. They still apply. MOAR PLS! Or grabby hands will follow you wherever you go. *makes grabby hands just in case*


tiptoe39 March 28 2012, 23:02:04 UTC
A tree? Yikes XDDD

I will count you as Vote 1 toward the sequel, then ;D


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tiptoe39 March 28 2012, 23:02:16 UTC
"oh, boys" is right. Thank you, darling!


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