[fanfic] Messages (gen, possible Dean/Cas preslash, 7x17 coda fic)

Mar 27, 2012 23:10

Title: Messages
Author: tiptoe39
Pairing: none, but possible Dean/Cas undertones.
Spoilers: Through 7x17, "The Born-Again Identity"
Rating: PG
Summary: Dean's getting some messages on his voice mail.

Dean means to pick up the phone, he honestly does. But he's snoozing in the passenger seat. )

real angels wear trenchcoats, pretty boys whut kill monsters n stuffs, fanfic

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Comments 60

etoile444 March 28 2012, 10:12:02 UTC
Really loved this. They better be there for him. Love the hint of Dean/Cas.


tiptoe39 March 28 2012, 23:03:16 UTC
Thanks! There's an idea for a more-than-a-hint sequel swimming around in my brain, we'll see if it takes root.... ;D


obstinatrix March 28 2012, 10:22:33 UTC
Oh, Dean, you moron. ♥ This was lovely, bb.


tiptoe39 March 28 2012, 23:03:43 UTC
He's not a moron! He's just not good with FEEEEEELINGS. XD

Thank you! You know how much your comments mean to me. All the love!


bhumimak March 28 2012, 12:29:32 UTC
*wipes away a tear*

Oh my. This was just wonderful and exactly what I needed. The hug was perfect and wonderful. Dean finally came through for him and that's all I would ever want. <3

I shall consider this canon now. Yes, yes *nods head*

Thank you so much for sharing this with us! :D


tiptoe39 March 28 2012, 23:09:39 UTC
Oh! So sorry about the tear, but I'm delighted that this gave you what you needed! Thanks for your sweet comment! <3


monteseverus March 28 2012, 14:17:58 UTC
THIS is exactly what is going to happen!!!! Yep! I demand it! Anything else is unacceptable. Your stories make me very happy, more than hamburgers.


tiptoe39 March 28 2012, 23:10:05 UTC
WOW. High praise indeed :DDDDD

Thank you hon, as always. You are the sweetest!


dark_cygnet March 28 2012, 16:12:46 UTC
Oh boys. And you! I love how you bring Dean and his feelings across, how he feels Cas' messages are the easiest way to control the situation and his feelings. The hug was awesome, I can only hope and wish we get one on Show. Probably about as much chance as me winning the megamillions, huh. xoxox


tiptoe39 March 28 2012, 23:11:54 UTC
But as with mega millions, hope springs ETERNAL. Someday we'll get our damn hug, someday. *fistshakes*



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