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Comments 28

moorishflower December 2 2009, 23:22:46 UTC
Eeeeeee~ Write wingporn! Castiel's wings are metaphysical, so they pass through things like tables and doors and the Impala, but Dean sees them as corporeal because (choose your reason). At some point he reaches out to stop a wing from going through something, and Castiel nearly jizzes his pants.


tiptoe39 December 3 2009, 00:45:48 UTC
"Hey, Cas." Thrown out. Gruffly ( ... )


moorishflower December 3 2009, 03:06:25 UTC
Eeeeeeee! <3 God I live wingfic. This was awesome~


tiptoe39 December 3 2009, 03:22:20 UTC
yay. sorry so short but I did say drabbles!


ladywilde80 December 3 2009, 00:19:56 UTC
Just got home from class and working on your fic now.

Let's see prompt. Cas/Dean "You only thought you knew me."


angstee! tiptoe39 December 3 2009, 02:30:29 UTC
It became a refrain. Whenever they disagreed, whenever Castiel had to deny him the immediate satisfaction of saving the girl or not watching the town burn, Dean would turn to him and say, "Cas, don't do this. I know you. You know this is wrong."

The I know you grated on his patience. It jarred his moral core. It was one thing for Dean to try to convince him of his foolish mortal logic, a point of view that saw no farther than its own horizons. But for him to be so presumptuous as to assume that Castiel had already agreed with him, that he was just holding Dean back out of some sort of stubborn pride, or, worse, malice-- it was more than Castiel could take silently.

So this time, when he stayed Dean's hand and allowed the demon to run free, he was ready for the assault.

"It's a demon. You're an angel. How can you just let him get away? I know you. I can see in your face that don't want to do that. I know ( ... )


Re: angstee! ladywilde80 December 3 2009, 17:55:29 UTC
Oh god, you are sucking me into this pairing hardcore with all this crazy good angst. I really love this - after I gave you the prompt, I felt kind of bad because it wasn't something that I myself would have found easy to write and yet, you did it so quickly and so beautifully.

LOVED IT! The way you write these two is just so spot on. ^_^


Re: angstee! tiptoe39 December 3 2009, 18:07:39 UTC
YAY!! I am so glad you enjoyed it!


saavikam77 December 3 2009, 00:32:31 UTC
Ooooh! Prompting! :D

How about some Dean/Sam, kissing in the snow? (yeah, I'm getting sappy :p) Doesn't have to be adult.

*hugs tight*


not a lot of kissing, but some. tiptoe39 December 3 2009, 03:21:37 UTC
In the end times there's very little of the world that looks unsullied, unspoiled by the death and suffering that surrounds them every day. But on a morning when snow has even pasted white over the soot-black roof of the Impala, for that moment of rediscovery, everything is new and pristine again.

Until your big brother socks you in the back of the head with a snowball, of course.

Sam lurches forward, puts a hand to his now-freezing noggin. "That hurt!"

"They don't call it a snowball therapy session, Sammy." Wide grin and two packed-full fists that go flying, left-right, one in the shoulder and one in the gut, but now Sam's grinning just as widely. He leans forward like a speed skater on the starting line.

"Oh, I see how it is," he says in a warning tone. "You want a fight?"

"Damn straight." Dean's down and scooping.

"Then--" launching himself forward-- "you'll get a fight!" Sam's leaping, a tiger in midair, and he grabs Dean around the waist. Dean falls ass-first to the ground, oofing loudly, then gets a chestful of Sam bearing ( ... )


Re: not a lot of kissing, but some. saavikam77 December 3 2009, 03:43:40 UTC
Awww!! ^___^ This hit the spot just perfectly. *contented sigh*

Thank you so much, hon! :D


Re: not a lot of kissing, but some. tiptoe39 December 3 2009, 04:33:19 UTC
oh good, totally glad it hit the spot. <3



moorishflower December 3 2009, 03:26:54 UTC
ALRIGHT HOW ABOUT ANOTHER ONE (if I'm allowed). I don't see a lot of Castiel/Sam, so!

Sam has nightmares about Lilith and about Dean's death. Castiel goes against orders and comforts him while Dean sleeps in the next bed over.


tiptoe39 December 3 2009, 03:28:28 UTC
will write in metro on way home. baaaaaaai


tiptoe39 December 3 2009, 04:45:48 UTC
Sometimes Sam dreamed of Dean being dragged off to hell. Sometimes he dreamed of himself ( ... )


moorishflower December 3 2009, 04:49:38 UTC
D'AWWWWWW. Wonderful! So much potential between those two, but it's hardly ever explored. :)


onebrightmoment December 4 2009, 18:30:38 UTC
hhhmmmm. okay, I don't know how well this would work as a drabble, but here's my bunny:

Dean and Sam save a chick (or) run into a girl hunter and she is bodyswapped with Dean. in a hilarious coincidence, she also has a thing for Cas. so Dean sees his body flirt with and possibly ambush!kiss the angel. I'll leave his reaction up to your imagination.

long prompt is looong. sorry.


tiptoe39 December 4 2009, 19:30:58 UTC
If I were gonna write that it'd probably be like long-form. You'd have a) Bodyswap craziness; b) Horrors of she's me and she wants Cas, c) what the hell am I thinking, d) Now that I'm me again, I still want Cas, oh shiiiiiiiit.

It's a pretty cool prompt. Don't know if it's my style, but I could probably pull out a bit of a drabble on it. gimme a bit.


onebrightmoment December 4 2009, 19:35:37 UTC
yep. pretty much all that you've listed is what's been going through my head. which was precisely why I figured it's a bit much for a drabble. but hey, if you can do something with it... take it and run!


tiptoe39 December 4 2009, 19:58:37 UTC
Oh, this was just sheer and utter misery ( ... )


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