Title: Hug It Out (the ooc interlude)
tinypinkmouseFandom(s): Supernatural/Naruto
Rating: PG-13
Read Between the LinesWord Count: 1200
Spoilers: Some Naruto ones I guess, but I really can't tell you chapters or anything. Still haven't read them.
Warnings: Some bad language. People talking about emotions and stuff. (Love gets mentioned, take it as what ever kind of love you want ^^)
Summary: Everyone gets to feel a bit upset sometimes, right?
Disclaimer: I don't own them, other people do.
Notes: Dedicated to everyone who thinks that all some characters need is a hug and then everything will be better.
Hug It Out,
the ooc interlude
Over time Dean has learnt a few things about his two friends. He knows that they come from some place he can’t even begin to imagine and that they can do stuff that just ain’t natural. Dean knows that if he’d met them under any other circumstances he would probably have tried to kill them and he’d be dead now.
Dean knows that they don’t have family and that those two love each other. They’ve done things Dean doesn’t even want to know about, he’s pretty sure about that even if they’ve never exactly told him. Dean never asks about how they make their money, he doesn’t need to think about it if he doesn’t know.
He also knows that Naruto is loyal, caring and kind and the kid wouldn’t hesitate to give his life for a friend. The blond is rash and impulsive and has a tendency not to think things through (those aren’t necessarily bad things, Dean tends to do the same sometimes and it’s always worked for him). Dean is aware that Sasuke is different; he’s colder, less kind and has stiff necked pride that won’t ever let him confess to anything that he sees as a weakness.
Considering all these things Dean thinks he knows about the two he really doesn’t have any idea why he’s standing with his arms wrapped around Sasuke. He doesn’t know why Sasuke is leaning into him, with his face pressed into Dean’s chest and his arms holding onto Dean with a grip that borders on the painful.
He almost forgets sometimes that while Sasuke is a lot smaller than him, the kid could still break him in half if he wanted to. It’s too easy to just react to the fact that he’s holding someone small and slender in his arms. It’s not something Dean can afford to forget.
He’d really like to think that Sasuke, or Naruto for that matter, could never hurt him. Not on purpose, because that’s the sort of thing you should think about the people you care about. Dean knows better.
They won’t though, he’s pretty sure about that. They don’t really have any reason to, but he doesn’t doubt that they could.
“I hate him,” Sasuke says quietly and the flat tone really doesn’t fit with the way he’s wrapped up in Dean’s arms. Dean can’t help but feel… uneasy. “I hate you,” Sasuke announces a heartbeat later in that same toneless way.
And, okay, Dean is starting to get worried. This isn’t like Sasuke and Dean so doesn’t know how to handle this kind of shit under the best of circumstances. Naruto would be better, at least he’d be more likely to survive if things go south. Naruto isn’t anywhere to be seen and Dean kinda suspects there’s already been a fight of some sort. At least he hopes there was a fight, ‘cause if this is just coming out of the blue then he’s already way past worrying.
Yeah, Naruto would be better because Dean’s not exactly a hugging kind of guy and Sasuke is even less of one. And talking it out doesn’t rank up there in his top ten things to do either.
Well, here goes nothing.
“Yeah, well that sucks, cause he kinda loves you.”
From the complete lack of any sort of reaction at all, Sasuke might as well not have heard him.
In for a dime and all that.
“And so do I.” Sasuke doesn’t exactly flinch, but Dean feels the kid’s muscles tense and when it comes to Sasuke that’s plenty of reaction. Maybe it’s because it’s the first time Dean’s ever said something like that, or maybe it’s just because this is Sasuke and who the hell ever knows what goes on in his head.
“I know there’s plenty I don’t know about you, and hell, from what I gather I don’t want to.” Dean moves one hand upwards and starts stroking Sasuke’s hair. He almost can’t believe it when Sasuke still does nothing. “If I think about it too much it scares the crap out of me. I mean I know I’m a freak, but you and him… you’re so far beyond that.” Dean keeps petting Sasuke’s hair and Sasuke clings to him silently. “But I don’t really care if you’re completely out of your fucking mind or not, you’ve never been anything but decent to me. You fucking well sat and sang me a lullaby when I couldn’t sleep,” Dean hisses out, trying not to yell. He isn’t sure where it’s coming from, but suddenly he’s mad as all hell.
He still keeps holding on to Sasuke though, petting the other’s head gently. For a moment he has to wonder if he’s being possessed by something.
“You make me weak,” Sasuke says and Dean wants to shake him just to hear something else than that same calm monotone. He knows there are fucking emotions inside the man.
“Fuck that. What the fuck use do you have of a life where there’s no one you care about? Is that what your goddamn brother died for?”
Sasuke stiffens completely and Dean’s hand jerks to a stop. Oh, yeah mentioning the brother was a bad move. Dean doesn’t even know what he’s talking about, doesn’t know much more than it’s something you don’t mention. Not under any circumstances, ever.
“No.” Sasuke says at last when Dean is just about ready to ask for a quick death. “But I was never strong enough.”
“Caring about someone doesn’t make you weak. Sure it can make things a lot harder, but what the hell’s the point otherwise.” Fuck it all if he isn’t flying completely blind here. Dean’s got zero idea what to say, he’s pretty much trying to channel Sammy here and he’s not sure how good that’s going.
It still feels like he’s holding on to a block of granite and the arms around him feel like a vice.
“Emotions are nothing but a weakness.”
“Well doesn’t that make your brother weak?” Blind guess, there and Dean’s praying that something scores a hit and doesn’t end up with him dead on the floor.
There’s silence and even though Sasuke doesn’t relax one bit, Dean will take it as a good sign. Or possibly as a sign of his impending painful dismemberment, but he’s really hoping for the first option.
“I fucking well love you Sasuke, doesn’t that mean a damn thing to you?” Dean nearly yells at him.
Dean gulps in a harsh breath. Once, twice. He can feel his heart beat pounding in his ears.
“Yes,” Sasuke whispers and then he’s gone.
Dean blinks and then stumbles to the nearest chair and falls down on it. He rubs a shaky hand over his face.
He’ll take angry spirits any day over Sasuke being emotional. It’s way fucking less terrifying.
Fairy Tale In the Making (He loves her)