Title: Fairy Tale In the Making (he loves her)
tinypinkmouseFandom(s): Supernatural/Naruto
Rating: G
Read Between the LinesWord Count: 640
Spoilers: Nah.
Warnings: Nothing at all.
Summary: It's not a perfect life, but it's good enough.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, other people do.
Notes: Okay, so this part is totally lacking in the actual crossover part. It completely is though, because it belongs in the series. *nods* Yup. Sam needed some attention too.
Fairy Tale In the Making,
He loves her
Sam Winchester is happy.
Of course this doesn’t mean his life is perfect by any means. His mother died when he was too little to remember it and he hasn’t spoken to his dad or his big brother in years. He misses them.
He misses the mother he never had. She’s a symbol for the life Sam would have had if his mom hadn’t died. A normal, happy life and he wants that, probably more than he wants a mother he doesn’t even remember.
He misses his dad too, even if it was dad who told him to stay gone. He doesn’t miss the fights with dad, or the hunts or worrying if his dad was going to come home alive this time. He doesn’t miss the training and he doesn’t miss never staying in one place too long, but he does miss his dad. Because no matter all the shit that went down between them and the fact that sometimes his father was a crap parent, he still loves his dad. He really does want his father to be proud of him, just like any normal kid, but he doesn’t think his dad ever will be.
More than anything else Sam misses his brother. Dean is the one who was always there. Sam never had a mother and half of the time he had a drill sergeant instead of a father and that‘s when dad was around in the first place, but Dean was always there.
He should have handled things differently with Dean. Sam refuses to feel guilty about how things went with dad, but that wasn’t Dean’s fault. But Sam was angry and hurt and Dean didn’t do anything, didn’t say anything and Sam knew that if anything Dean had agreed with dad, even if he didn’t say it.
When Dean tried to contact him two years later Sam didn’t react too well. Two years of nothing and Sam was still hurt and kind of angry. It took a while to realise that he hadn’t really tried to contact Dean either, but it was kind of too late then.
Sam’s still kind of hurt and angry and all he can do is worry about his brother, because he doesn’t even know where Dean is. Maybe if Dean called again, he’d say something different and maybe that depends on what Dean would have to say. But that’s just idle speculation, since he doesn’t think Dean will call, not after last time.
So no, obviously Sam’s life isn’t perfect, but he’s doing well in school and he likes studying. Maybe he’s a bit low on money most of the time, but he gets by and it’s not like he hasn’t had it worse.
More importantly, Sam has the most amazing girlfriend ever. She’s funny and smart and gorgeous and Sam doesn’t think he deserves her. Not by a long shot. But he’s not going to complain.
Sam loves Jess. Loves everything about her. He loves her stubbornness and her sometimes quirky sense of humour. He loves her kindness and the way she cares about things. Sam thinks that one day he’ll ask her to marry him.
Sometimes he feels guilty about lying to Jess. Sometimes he wants so much to tell her the truth about everything, but she doesn’t need to know. It would only make her worry. Besides that isn’t his life anymore and it never will be again. So telling her would just be selfish.
Sam Winchester’s life is far from perfect. But it is his life and it’s good enough, because he’s in love and he’s happy.
We Don't Need No Water (And then I almost died)