MFU Fic Bingo: Z is for Zugzwang

Jan 18, 2022 20:10

I want most of my MFU fic bingo squares to be filled by fics I have not read before, but there is only one Man from U.N.C.L.E. story that can represent Z for me: Zugzwang by Azdak, which I reread tonight.

I first encountered Zugzwang in the early days of my interest in MFU, and it has stuck with me like a burr in the years since. Short as it is, it is a great fic. 3,464 words. Gen. Particularly recommended.

Z: Zugzwang by Azdak (3,464 words)

Total words: 3,464

fanfic, rec, reading game, mfu

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