Happy International Fanworks Day!

Feb 15, 2021 11:16

Happy International Fanworks Day, everyone!

I thought I might rec a few fanworks for the occasion. I've aimed for a diversity of fandoms and content so that there will be something for everyone.

Fan Fiction

The Optimists in Foxholes Affair by otherhawk
The Man from U.N.C.L.E., gen, 22630 words
This is a plotty mission fic with a side of hurt/comfort and just the right amount of emotional restraint. Like all of otherhawk's work, it is well written, especially the distinct voices of the two main characters. Reading it feels a lot like watching an MFU episode, only with a bit more real drama than often characterized the show.

In the kirkyard by kathkin*
Doctor Who, gen(ish), 1944 words
This is a well crafted short fic that works through some of the strange implications of time travel. Its main character is Polly, the First and Second Doctor companion.

Psmith and the Greek Spirit by kindkit
Mike and Psmith, Psmith/Mike, 4578 words
This is a beautiful, sweet fic, more romantic than plotty, and is one of my very favorites. The author has done a fine job imitating Wodehouse's style, particularly in Psmith's dialog. The story interweaves very effectively with canon, also, so that the additions feel quite natural.

Fan Art

(I would like to embed the art, but I don't think that would be good practice.)

Sherlock Holmes by NatasaIlincic
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, gen
This is a very nice illustration of a passage from "The Man with the Twisted Lip." I think it captures Holmes as Doyle describes him.

Gollum by faQy
The Lord of the Rings, gen
This picture doesn’t represent any particular scene; it is simply a great portrait of Gollum. I like the composition a lot.

Dirk Gently by Nanimo**
Dirk Gently book series, gen
This is a stylized portrait of the hero of my favorite Douglas Adams book, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, and its sequel The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.

Fan Vids

Undercover by Effervescent Aardvark
The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Illya/various women, music by Joey DeLuxe
Illya Kuryakin: international man of mystery, master of disguise, sex symbol, etc. This is a het fanwork for a change. It's well made from both a technical and a creative standpoint, though the recording quality is low, unfortunately.

My Old Yellow Car by Mary Van Deusen
Starsky and Hutch, gen, music by Dan Seals
A tribute to the car. No, not that one.

A Fire is Burning by Media Cannibals
The Professionals, gen, music by Oysterband
I love this vid. It is very high on my list of Vids I Wish I Could Make. The music is a great match to the show, and the clip choice is very good. The editing is terrific, too, and all the more impressive given the vid was made using tape.

You Got What It Takes by sunshine
The Professionals, Bodie/Doyle, music by Showaddywaddy
The Professionals has such a wealth of good vids that I decided to recommend two. This one is a fun, upbeat slash vid presenting Doyle from Bodie's point of view. It has some imperfections (rather like Doyle), but it makes me smile.

*added after posting
**replaces another image linked in the initial post

fanfic, other fandom, mfu, fanvid, holiday, pros, rec, fan art

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