Here are some fannish things.

Jan 20, 2009 20:30

Some words on last night's House and 24. Also HEROES talk, because it is just a necessary thing.

1. ( House )

tv: 24, tv: house, tv: heroes

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Comments 37

crash_it_yo January 21 2009, 04:52:37 UTC

doing evil things, like stabbing naked-mideval-superman or kidnapping ando-kun....


tinted_glass January 21 2009, 06:03:00 UTC
I ANTICIPATE THE SURFACING OF MUCH CROSSOVER FIC, and if it doesn't happen, it clearly should.

The combined power of Lex's BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATE EMPIRE and Sylar's SUPER SPECIALNESS would make them pretty much the best brotherly supervillain team ever.


crash_it_yo January 21 2009, 06:06:01 UTC, sylar is the special one.

but they love him anyway. as much as any evil person can love, at least.

you should go online. :)
unless you have cool things, like life, to do.


tinted_glass January 21 2009, 06:18:50 UTC
Sylar is... yes, very special lately PFFT. And the answer to how much they can love him is: it's a good thing Sylar has rapid cellular regeneration on his side, because the Luthor family likes GUNS and ~retributive~ justice probably more than they love each other.

And *salutes* yessir. On my way.


burningvigor January 21 2009, 05:06:56 UTC
MINA. I am having a dilemma right now since I'm trying to decide if I should watch Heroes as it comes out. I'm thinking that I should just wait and let them pile up so I can watch them all at once, since the whole Nathan development has caused me to lose a lot of interest. On the other hand -- paramedic Peter. D:

So... If I don't watch it immediately, would you mind me pestering you about whether you think it's actually improving or not? 'Cause yeah. >_> Now that you have seen the whole thing (or maybe not all of S2, but S1) you can know what kind of quality we've been hoping for here. 8D

Also, I heard you might app Ando at Damned? EEEEEEEEEEEE.


tinted_glass January 21 2009, 06:05:23 UTC
I am still vastly into fannish masochism, so I would not mind being your Heroes status reporter AT ALL! I am actually honored you think enough of my program quality meter to consider me for the position, pfft. 8D

And OH GOD, Erin told you about that, did she? HAHA. YES. I am very, very tempted to app Ando at Damned, as I think it would be WONDERFUL FUN. But you guys might have to hold my hand or kick me in the pants to get me to work up the necessary courage. RPing is mostly unexplored territory for me. I've done it a couple of times, but. YOU KNOW, jitters and all.


burningvigor January 21 2009, 06:16:55 UTC
I usually am pretty resilient with dealing with my shows going down the drain and so on, but the most recent developments with Nathan are making it difficult. (I might still crack, but we'll see. My Mondays are also pretty busy, so that might keep me from watching regardless.)

SHE DID TELL ME. I would love if you did it, and feel free to ask for help ANY TIME, seriously. And I can make it a habit to go, "HAY, MINA, HOW'S YOUR ANDO APP GOING? 8D" Uhh, and yes. Is your friend who'd be apping Hiro someone who's already in the game, or someone new? OH, and... we got a Daphne app this cycle (it's still being judged), so take that as more incentive, perhaps? :3


tinted_glass January 21 2009, 06:43:20 UTC
(The Petrellis and their epic love were VERY CLOSE to your heart so I understand how current plot developments are ruining your experience. I will be your quality screener if you need it! Seriously, whether its because you are busy or just AFRAID. It would not be a problem. :>)

I would LOVE the frequent PRODDINGS if I decide that I am fully capable of doing Ando justice! (I work better under the whip alskfjalj hahah.) 8D My friend is already in the game! And ooh, a Daphne app. Yeah, I... I might just do it. *tentative fist pump* Although I think I was pretty much sold when Erin was like, OH HAY MINA HAWT SYLAR/ANDO NONCON? PFFT.


tamanth January 21 2009, 05:13:44 UTC
Lionel Luthor is Sylar's father
I KNOW RIGHT. And it MAKES SENSE. It totally explains everything, yes. And we NEED Sylar/Lex.

I'm a little worried though, I mean we already have the Smillville writers, are we now getting the actors too? WILL THIS TOO NOW BE A SHOW FULL OF ALMOST-SLASH AND LOTS OF EYEFUCKING AND INNUENDO? Oh wait.


tinted_glass January 21 2009, 06:06:10 UTC

I cannot speak for the ENTIRE FANDOM, but *I* certainly agree that we need Sylar/Lex. Honestly, I could not think of a MORE APPEALING AU crossover than incestual half brothers plotting world domination and laying waste to lesser meteor freaks and superheroes alike. I am totally getting SUPER EXCITED at the prospect.

I mean we already have the Smillville writers, are we now getting the actors too? WILL THIS TOO NOW BE A SHOW FULL OF ALMOST-SLASH AND LOTS OF EYEFUCKING AND INNUENDO? Oh wait.
OH, man, which Smallville writers are on board with Heroes? Because my hairdresser's mother's neighbor is totally a writer for Smallville and I think MAYBE I SHOULD FIND OUT WHO, in case this neighbor person also writes for Heroes. I could casually send mail about how Mohinder and Peter and Nathan aren't gay enough anymore WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR CHARACTERS?


(The comment has been removed)

tinted_glass January 21 2009, 06:11:24 UTC
I don't know if I could manage full sentences! That was extrapolation! I have not actually attempted a 24 live-blog before so it's possible I would also be like, "OH DAMN JACK. OH GOD. TONY, YOU GUYS. SO BADASS." But now I'm really tempted to try, JUST TO SEE how it will pan out.


bleakwinters January 21 2009, 09:05:43 UTC
Okay I watched a grand total of 3 episodes on daytime UK TV of Smallville and I know who Lex's dad is. I feel this earns me major cool points now XD

I also read the convo with burningvigor and heee Ando! I'm apping Hiro in the summer so I can watch S3 and S4, but I do agree that if you decide to app Ando, maybe he should come in before Hiro XD


tinted_glass January 21 2009, 09:19:03 UTC
YOU TOTALLY GET COOL POINTS. Lots and lots of cool points. Also geek points for admitting to Smallville viewings without self-condescendence in tow.

SDLFKjlj, my predictions re: Damned recruiting have MOSTLY COME TRUE. XD And yeah, I think Ando making an appearance before Hiro is the best course of action as well. The only problem is how I will suffer SIMILAR APPREHENSION without my Hiro around to comfort me. Ahaha.


bleakwinters January 21 2009, 11:48:41 UTC
AWESOME I AM NOW WORTHY OF MY GEEK BADGE! I doubt I would watch many shows with self-condescendence. I think I should maybe watch Smallville, in between anime and crazy catching up with House, LOST and Heroes XD

Well, I can throw two of my characters at you (one for sure, since I have him, the other if he gets in with Ando). And don't worry, I freak out all the time, it will be okay :D


tinted_glass January 21 2009, 12:06:37 UTC
YES, I am hugely supportive of you adding Smallville to your television lineup. It has lots of subtextual bl and ANGST and PRETTY MEN. THIS IS ALL YOU WILL NEED, TRUST ME.

Hee, that would be great. I mean, if I get in at all. <33 And oh dude, you freak out all the time and STILL you RP? It must be good to you somehow, like a drug, to keep you coming back for fixes? :P


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