Here are some fannish things.

Jan 20, 2009 20:30

Some words on last night's House and 24. Also HEROES talk, because it is just a necessary thing.

1. House
Story-wise it wasn't bad. I thought the PotW case was interesting (if a little heavy-handed on the Housian metaphors), but if the writers were aiming to make me CELEBRATE House's return in 2009, they missed the mark by a lot and then threw in a gigantic stuffed duck like maybe oversized poultry was going to make the episode the best return present ever.

It totally did not make it the best return present ever. Wilson was MIA for most of the episode. How unacceptable! I think the stuffed duck got just as much screen time as he did. The duck isn't even a main OR supporting character, so what is up with that? Also, I am completely APPALLED that we had an entire episode of metaphorical House/PotW correlations and then no suggestion whatsoever of Wilson standing in for House's ~metaphorical~ family. I blame the Bush administration. Whatevs, show.

2. 24
So I think I should live blog 24 response posts from now on because by the time I get around to typing words, my enthusiasm has been undercut by a night's worth of sleep and leftover casserole for dinner. For instance, whereas a live blog post of last night's episode might sound something like: MOTHERFUCKER, y'all! The president is such. a. NEWB. if she thinks an entire GOVERNMENT AGENCY will be enough to wrangle in Jack Motherfucking Bauer. Seriously!? Is this what we've come to, show? Because the government should just KNOW that he's Jack Motherfucking Bauer and thus smarter than everyone like a fox. Oh DAMN, and also, who thinks Agent Walker is actually a motherfucking ninja who will use her ninjitsu skills to mindtrick that silent clock into a motherfucking LIE?

It's not insightful commentary, but it's a lot more exhilarating than my Day-After Sedated Style that sounds more like:

Lady President doesn't know much about life, but within 24 hours Jack will teach her everything. Also Agent Walker might be dead. Occasionally silent clocks don't mean squat. Tick tock. We'll see.

24 is about ADRENALINE PUMPING LIVE WIRE TENSION so clearly by waiting a day I am going about the review process all wrong. On the other hand, I don't come off sounding vastly jacked up on Ritalin. I DUNNO. I might give live blogging a try sometime, if only so y'all can tell me how I should never do it again.

3. So this is kind of old news that I am just now discovering, but the Heroes casting spoiler-- PFFT, hahahah, Smallville fans might be ENTERTAINED by this development.

John Glover is Sylar's father. Oh God, Lionel Luthor is Sylar's father. Is this for real? I don't even have to stretch canon terribly far! All I have to say is, "Lionel Luthor is Sylar's father," and it IMMEDIATELY EXPLAINS the necessary CHILD ABANDONMENT, sociopathy, and megalomania! Awesome. And what's even better is how this makes Lex Luthor Sylar's halfbro and how Sylar has more hair on his eyebrows than Lex has on his entire head or body, probably. Oh God, they should totally bring down Superman together. It would be BRILLIANT.

tv: 24, tv: house, tv: heroes

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