Stumptown 1x08

Dec 06, 2019 08:21

I find I consistently like Stumptown. And boy has it been a long time since I last did a proper episode review for *anything*.

Stumptown makes me want to start again, and I now have a Stumptown icon, so here you are:

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Comments 3

violateraindrop December 6 2019, 11:55:32 UTC
I am becoming more and more wary of all the "are you sure you're just friends" poking at Dex and Grey. I don't want them to be more than friends.
Same! Whenever it comes up I think "No, please don't go there." Ansel's reaction made sense, but I hate that they keep doing it.

That ending! I did not see that coming. Hopefully they aren't playing it as if it's Dex' fault alone. It takes two to tango...
Honestly, I would not be surprised if Naomi is also on a list of potential partners.


tinnny December 6 2019, 12:31:59 UTC
Yeah. :/

When I read a few articles today, trying to figure out if they cast American Indians actors, I saw that every single cast listing had Michael Ealy last. That's also not very promising. :/

That ending! I did not see that coming.

Me neither! Yeah that is potentially going to be a huge mess. I am curious how they'll deal with it, and I didn't really go deeper into any of the possibilities. (Although poly would be nice. ;D)

Honestly, I would not be surprised if Naomi is also on a list of potential partners.

Ouch. I hadn't thought of that option. If they go there, it'll be all kinds of unhealthy. Bonding over shared grief? Oi.

But honestly, even if it's all a mess, I'm already happy that not everyone on that show is straight. Now just don't kill them, and I'll be fine. *g*


violateraindrop December 6 2019, 15:24:20 UTC
every single cast listing had Michael Ealy last
No :(

Although poly would be nice
Not on a network lol
I wished Preacher would have gone there, but nope.

I honestly can't see them kill off any characters at this point. I don't know why.


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