Stumptown 1x08

Dec 06, 2019 08:21

I find I consistently like Stumptown. And boy has it been a long time since I last did a proper episode review for *anything*.

Stumptown makes me want to start again, and I now have a Stumptown icon, so here you are:

"It even has the scowl!"

* I like every plotline about the Indian Reservation so far
* Sue Lynn is a wonderfully complex character
* The fact that she paid Dex, a gambler, in chips, says more about the grudge she still holds than anything else
* I can't be sure, but to me it looks like they cast actual American Indians for the people on the reservation. Good casting. (Looks like Hollis and Leigh Green are actually related, even. That last name is not very common. *g*) Here's a link about the show's American Indian Advisor:
* Does the tribe have a name/affiliation? If so, I missed it. The reservation is called Whispering Winds, but no information about the tribe.

* I like how honestly Grey tries to make Dex like Liz
* I like how "Janitorial knows" about Miles and Dex
* I love Lieutenant Cosgrove so much. Her jurisdictional headache is real!
* The only way to listen to Pearl Jam! (I know nothing, I've never consciously listened to a single Pearl Jam song in my life.)
* I am actually happy that the war flashbacks thing is not over yet. There are more secrets to come out, and I like that they're stringing it out like that, because that guilt is a big part of Dex's character.
* Still unsure about Ansel. I can see how he wants to become a bartender, though. That seems like a goal he would aspire to.

* Nate, the guy Dex first went to talk to to sniff out dirt on Sue Lynn, reminded me of Pike from Big Eden. She does have friends on the reservation! <3
* The way they played with stereotypes was cool. Sue Lynn chiding her for assuming she'd done something "old and wise", Grey "friend-shaming" her instead of "slut-shaming" her, and Miles turning her moping into "white girl problems". It makes me feel acknowledged in a way I don't expect from TV, when characters my age (ok, ten years younger but who's counting) talk like that. I'm sure they'll step into one subconscious bias or another soon enough, but so far, they're doing well!
* The show doesn't shy away from ugly endings just to bend their desired plot into shape. Last episode, they ended on a compromise - which basically made the heroine lose - which was all too realistic and surprised me a lot. This time, they ended with Sue Lynn playing her trump card and leaving everyone else in the dirt and understandably angry and frustrated. Not to mention that giving the kid what he wanted, taking him back, as a reward for *building a bomb* is the worst lesson ever.

- I am becoming more and more wary of all the "are you sure you're just friends" poking at Dex and Grey. I don't want them to be more than friends. Please let them prove everybody wrong. *sigh*

* The thing I consistently liked about the show is that Dex sleeps with everyone. I did not expect at all that they'd turn that around in this way! That is a complication I did not foresee, and I actually see Dex doing it (subconsciously) out of spite. It might have worked, too. I am looking forward to how they'll spin that.

x-posted from dw (comments:


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