
Nov 13, 2019 21:46

This is a rec! I started watching Stumptown, because
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tv-stumptown, recs-tv

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Comments 9

violateraindrop November 13 2019, 21:14:54 UTC
It's rare for me to like women's outfits on shows
Same! And I also really like Dex' outfits :D

I feel the same about Hoffman (I think I can finally remember his name^^). It's Michael Ealy which is enough for now.

Considering that I didn't even want to watch it at first, it's a nice surprise that I'm enjoying it so much. I don't watch many shows with a female lead, but I really like how Dex is written, especially compared to many other female characters.


tinnny November 14 2019, 17:47:25 UTC
Michael Ealy is fine, although I liked him better stoic on Almost Human. I don't know, I am just slightly disappointed by him? Maybe it's the character, or maybe it's the performance, I don't know. Still pretty, so. *g*

I don't watch many shows with a female lead

Me neither, usually, but that's because they're usually badly written. Stumptown has all those great female characters (and a bunch of boring male ones), which is unusual, and I find I like it a lot.


violateraindrop November 14 2019, 18:23:15 UTC
My love for him is 100% still coming from Almost Human. How I wish we got another season of that show :/
I feel like they could do more with him and his obsession seemed a bit much for something so new.


tinnny November 14 2019, 18:57:41 UTC
Almost Human was so terrible in the end, though. :/ The idea was so brilliant, and the execution was so bad. I don't think I even watched it to the end.

his obsession seemed a bit much for something so new.

True! Especially, because he *should know* that Dex has issues and sleeps with everyone, and it would make sense if he was setting himself up for heartbreak - but I'm not sure that's where the show is going. It seems to be going the "Dex is now looking for a relationship" route, which makes absolutely no sense, the way they were pushing her issues in the first two eps. I would like her to take a few years to get over those, not a few weeks.

But I've been wrong before about where the writers are taking the plot, so I guess I'm just pessimistic. :)


nightbulbs November 13 2019, 22:01:28 UTC
I was pondering whether to give this a go, now I just might. I like Cobie Smulders! And I did not know Jake Johnson was in it, he was my fave in New Girl, haha, so it's going to be a bummer if his character is meh. Still, I'm always here for badass ladies!


tinnny November 14 2019, 17:49:06 UTC
Cobie Smulders is excellent! I hadn't seen her before in anything, but I already love her.

And I did not know Jake Johnson was in it, he was my fave in New Girl

Oooh. I hadn't seen him in anything, either, but he is a very good actor. He makes the character very sympathetic, and he brings across everything perfectly. I'm just not very interested in his character, but what he does with it is excellent.

Still, I'm always here for badass ladies!

She is so great! <3


lycomingst November 14 2019, 01:58:20 UTC
I watch and enjoy but I have to admit that sometimes I feel like the story is blah, blah, blah and I just want to watch her beat some guy up.


tinnny November 14 2019, 17:50:30 UTC
Hahahaa! I loved the first two eps, because they had such great fight scenes. Scenes that made sense for a woman fighting a stronger opponent. And she always just got up again and kept fighting. I loved it. I guess they can't afford fight scenes every single ep, but I'm okay with her sleeping with people, too. That must be cheaper to produce, right? ;DD


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