
Nov 13, 2019 21:46

This is a rec! I started watching Stumptown, because
corvidology mentioned that it had an In Plain Sight vibe, and that tempted me enough to try it.

I was not disappointed!

The main character is Dex Perios. She lost her fiancé in the war and still has flashbacks and lots of guilt. It's a reverse fridged girlfriend, but I'm not too mad because Dex is great. She's coping by being sarcastic and gambling her money away and drinking and having anonymous sex and generally living in denial. Oh, and taking care of her little brother. As well as she can, anyway.

Cobie Smulders as Dex Perios - great face, great character

Miles Hoffman - smart, beautiful, a little obsessed, so far so good :)

Lieutenant Cosgrove - Hoffman's boss, and the greatest chief of police ever

Sue Blackbird - Dex's (almost-)mother-in-law, and the owner of the casino Dex owes lots of money

Ansel - Dex's brother

Greyson, called Grey - Dex's friend and the owner of the bar where Ansel works

There's this one episode that looks and sounds like a 70s detective show. Awesome!

Stumptown is a nickname for Portland, and there are lots of nice atmospheric (stock) images of the town

+ I love Dex's car. It has a stuck tape desk that starts playing an 80s mix tape whenever it's jostled - i.e. at the most inopportune moments. It's a blatant ploy to have a lot of 80s music on the show, and I love it!

* Dex's wardrobe is weird and wonderful. Lots of colorful shirts and jackets. It's rare for me to like women's outfits on shows, so I'm guessing I am the only one who likes hers this time. But I'm happy to be catered to for once!

- I'm not quite sure what to think about Dex's brother Ansel. I don't trust the writers to be able to write a believable mentally challenged character. In one episode, he's childish, in another, he's deviously clever... this is not working for me yet.

* Dex's behavior towards Ansel is okay, at least.

* I admit I like the fact that Dex sleeps with pretty much everyone. Lets hope she's not going to be shamed for it. So far, it seemed okay to me, but I'm sure the show will pursue some kind of romantic development, and I don't know how that'll change things.

* I do not care about Greyson at all. He's a good actor, but that's about all I can say.

* Why does every man on this show have to have a beard? Can we please stop that fad soon? Please!

* I first assumed that the plot involving Grey's past and Hoffman's connection with that would be a main arc of the season, and I am so happy I was wrong. It was dealt with in a single episode. The plot should be about Dex - and so far, it is.

* I didn't like Tookie at first, but I'm slowly starting to like him. He reminds me of Sookie on Gilmore Girls. I wonder if that's intentional... or maybe writers just always write the same type of overweight quirky chef. Meh. :/

+ I love the police chief so very much. She is tough but also motherly and caring.

* Last but not least, I like Hoffman. It takes three eps until we find out his first name (Miles), and he doesn't have all that many rough edges, but I really like Michael Ealy, so I'm just rolling with it for now.

* I am not sure I trust those writers to keep the characters intact throughout the season, but so far, I am very happy with what we got. Let's hope for the best!

Definitely a rec, let me know if you are watching it too, and how you like it. I have felt like writing up every single episode so far, so maybe I will do that for upcoming ones, if they move me as much as the first few have.

Now I just need more icons of it. *g* These are the ones I made so far:

x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-stumptown, recs-tv

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