12 icons retelling Earthrise by M.C.A. Hogarth + 8 icons from Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Feb 25, 2018 09:46

This month's challenge at monthlyinspo was Storybook. You could choose between icons inspired by a book, iconing adaptations, or do a retelling of a book. I loved that last idea so much that I had to try it. It was really hard, you had to first cast fitting actors to play the characters and then come up with a way to show the plot and then manip the shit out of things to actually tell said plot. Good thing the challenge was two months long this time, because it took me that long to get the set done.

I decided to do a retelling of Earthrise by M.C.A. Hogarth. I think I'm not even spoiling the main plot twist. :) Ten images have to be about the theme, and I managed 12. I filled up the rest with Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

My cast:
Gina Torres as Captain Reese [caps from Firefly]
Lee Pace as Hirianthial [caps from Thranduil on LoTR]
Mark Sheppard as the drug boss [cap from Firefly (but isn't he the bad guy everywhere?)]
Some ship from the Expanse as the Earthrise
Sakina Jaffrey and Marci T. House as Reese's moms [cap from Timeless where they play a lesbian couple]

1 - Captain Reese of the Earthrise has money (and stomach) troubles.
2 - Her ship, the Earthrise, is always close to breaking down, but it's all she has. Somehow she keeps it afloat and almost always has enough left to pay her crew.
3 - Hirianthial is an empath, like all of his species. The Eldritch are sometimes derogatorily called "space elves".
4 - Reese is forced to pay off her debt by freeing Hirianthial from prison. They devise a ruse, using the guards' superstitions about Eldritch powers against them.
5 - After the escape, Reese's ulcer almost kills her, but Hirianthial, who it turns out is a doctor, saves her life. The Flitzbee, a "telepathic tribble", helps.
6 - Reese is terrible at not pushing people away, but Hirianthial decides to stay on board the Earthrise (anyway).
7 - The ship is damaged, and Reese needs money to repair it. She decides to go to Mars to ask her mothers for help, but they don't want to give her any money unless she comes home and starts a family on Mars. Needless to say, they don't come to an agreement.
8 - Two of her crew, the siblings Sascha and Irene, convince Reese to fly to their home planet, maybe she'll find a new trade contract there. Reese, having been brought up in a dome on Mars, hates wide open spaces.
9 - Indeed, Reese is offered a deal: fly to a remote location and pick up some crystals, no questions asked. Reese is suspicious how well paid the job is, but accepts nonetheless. The operation is difficult: the moon is dark and cold, and the crystals grow on a mountaintop.
10 - They harvest two boxes full of crystals and start their journey back.
11 - On the way, they are attacked and boarded by pirates. Luckily, the space police saves them. It turns out the crystals are used to make drugs, making them unwitting drug couriers.
12 - To bring the drug dealers behind bars, Reese agrees to go meet the drug boss at the drop site. It works and the pirates/drug dealers are arrested.

This sounds boring when I retell it. :) The actual plot of the book is a lot more complex (and I made sure not to spoil everything). I definitely recommend reading it.


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