The Icon Throne - Solar System Challenge

Apr 11, 2016 20:44

The first challenge of the new icon maker landcomm theiconthrone asked for icons inspired by the solar system. I didn't want to restrict myself, fandom-wise, so I chose "circular shape" as a theme - because planets are round. :D My inspiration waxed and waned throughout the set, and for some reason I didn't feel like text at all, but I like most of the results ( Read more... )

art-icons, tv-farscape, tv-mymadfatdiary, tv-librarians, tv-teenwolf, tv-bsg, tv-unsortable

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Comments 20

meridian_rose April 11 2016, 18:51:46 UTC
They're lovely, and you've used the circle in different ways :) #2. #3, #15 are my personal faves and the first animated alt and the BSG alt. I'm always impressed by animated icons, it's so difficult to keep them under the size limit!


tinnny April 11 2016, 19:02:17 UTC
Thank you!

you've used the circle in different ways :)

I am hopeless at doing the same thing twice. :D

I suspect the BSG alt is better than the version I used, I just couldn't resist the cylon. I love cylons!

I'm always impressed by animated icons, it's so difficult to keep them under the size limit!

Yeah, that's a real challenge! Here, it was surprisingly easy, because the animated part is very small - smaller than it looks.


hamsterwoman April 11 2016, 18:51:55 UTC
The first two icons are really cool, and I also love the Coruscant and Zoe icons.


tinnny April 11 2016, 19:04:00 UTC
Thank you!

Coruscant is just so pretty. And the Zoe icon was a happy accident - I just experimented and then suddenly it looked good. ;D


_profiterole_ April 11 2016, 20:31:35 UTC
I love how the theme inspired you. :-)


tinnny April 13 2016, 06:06:33 UTC
Thank you! *hugs*


library_of_sex April 12 2016, 05:14:42 UTC

3 immediately jumped out at me cuz it's such a cool use of silhouette! I love that it's not one, but two people, looking at the moon, and it's awesome how they contrast against the bright lunar light. The Deadpool icon is so cute and funny! I love how he's peeping out mischievously, and the red tones in that icon are perfectly intense!

Loving the purple and orange in 10, and do my eyes deceive me, or is that inversion going on in 11? I looooove inversion so much in icons, and the colors and text are fabulous in that piece! The red orb and subject contrasted against the earthy green and blue in 12 are flawless, and the cutout is so clean!



tinnny April 13 2016, 06:14:15 UTC
Thank you, Kim!!

Your comment made my day! (and I suspect it's going to make my day today, too :D)

The Deadpool icon is so cute and funny!

I do so much better when I can choose what I want than with provided screencaps.

is that inversion going on in 11?

Yes, it is! I was working on my character20n20 set, and at one point the inverted result reminded me of Slartibartfast, and voila! I knew I had to use him here. It's actually a cap of Ichabod Crane. :D

the cutout is so clean!

Technical skills are easy. ;) I just lack experience for what works and what doesn't. So much more progress to be made, yay!

That cylon icon was a lot less primary and a lot less vibrant in my first try. I went over most of these and increased vibrance and saturation. I find it really hard to keep in mind how icons will look in a set when I'm making one at a time.

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!


library_of_sex April 14 2016, 04:43:14 UTC
Awww, so glad to cheerlead and brighten your day!

Inversion is such an underrated effect, and I'd say that 9 times outta 10, it works really well in an icon. You pulled it off excellently! :D

I have no clue how to try and make icons look cohesive. I just do whatever I can with the image I'm currently working on, so I'm in awe of people who have a more uniform or tied-in look to their sets.


tinnny April 17 2016, 10:55:49 UTC
I just do whatever I can with the image I'm currently working on

Me, too. And I'm so glad you told me that that's totally okay. I again realized that it's no fun to make icons fit a set. I tried again for my character20n20 set, and... man, the alts were better every single time. But I'm glad I tried, so maybe I got it out of my system. ;)

p.s.: damn those lims icons are all gorgeous. I will definitely not be sad if I have to go, because there are no bad ones this round.


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tinnny April 15 2016, 20:27:27 UTC
Thank you so much!


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