Challenge #01 : Theme Challenge [the solar system]

Mar 28, 2016 11:14

Oh ok, so I hit post instead of preview so I guess I'm posting this challenge early!

Theme Challenge Theme challenges are an open challenge where you can create any type of icons you like; fandom, stock, celeb, gas-giants, etc. The rules are as follows:

X - Icons should be made for this challenge, in the time period of the challenge
X - Icons can't be submitted for throne challenges, battles or other points-challenges (eg. requests for points or other land comms)
X - Icons should be 100x100 pixels, 40kb or less
X - Icons should follow the theme of the challenge - anything deemed completely void of any aspects of the theme will be discounted
X - Icons are worth 5 points & you can earn up to 100 points (aka 20 icons). Feel free to submit 1 icon or all 20
X - Feel free to submit in the comments or post else where & link
X - The theme is an inspiration; you can choose to take the concept, colours or abstract ideas from the theme
X - Icons for this theme are due April 16th at midnight (your time)

Inspirations & Ideas

You can interpret this many ways
- choose one planet and take the themes & colours of that planet eg. Jupiter; storms, Jupiter ascending, white & gold, stripes
- make individual icons based on each planet's colours or themes
- create icons based on the characteristics of each planet ; eg Mercury is considered fast so you might icon The Flash, Venus is tied with love so you could make icons of lovers
- create icons with obvious circle shapes
- create icons of characters not of this earth
- create icons from music inspired by planets, space or stars
- This is a very broad theme and it's really up to you how hard you do or don't make it

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