Sherlock 3x01

Jan 05, 2014 11:11

Everyone's seen it by now (and seen it with me), but i still need to write down my thoughts.

Oh, what a night )


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Comments 8

sarren January 5 2014, 10:21:13 UTC
I would like Mary to be more than she seems, without being a bad guy. After all, she knew about the code - maybe she's a spy!

I absolutely understood John's exasperated 'I'm not gay!' to Mrs Hudson. He's been telling her from day 1 they are not a couple and she's wilfully ignored him.


tinnny January 5 2014, 11:09:53 UTC
After all, she knew about the code - maybe she's a spy!

Oh yes, great idea!

I absolutely understood John's exasperated 'I'm not gay!' to Mrs Hudson. He's been telling her from day 1 they are not a couple and she's wilfully ignored him.

Yes, it's totally in character. I found all the things that annoyed me were perfectly in character. I just still wish Sherlock wasn't such an ass. Mrs. Hudson is much easier to forgive.


eretria January 5 2014, 12:49:12 UTC
The only explanation I can find that doesn't make Sherlock completely heartless in the scene on the train would be that he knows John needs to get this out of his system as well, and he (Sherlock) desperately needs to hear it. The laughter I am willing to chalk up to utter inability to grasp true human emotions or to insecurity (which, yes, he does have, at least that's how I see it.). It doesn't make it the right thing to do by any means, but it would be an explanation. Because I don't think Sherlock truly ever plans to hurt John deliberately. He needs John.

As for Mary - well, I have a lot of theories about her (see my latest entry), but yeah, I'm thinking intelligence, or ex-intelligence agency as well.


tinnny January 6 2014, 06:58:05 UTC
Oh, thanks for making me think about this from a different angle. It makes sense. He definitely has insecurities, yes, they just come out differently than one expects.


wihluta January 5 2014, 14:40:54 UTC
I have to admit I was disappointed. It felt too neat somehow, and plotwise too convoluted, too heartless, too much mockery of fans; and I can definitely see Moffat's hand in it and I'm just meh about it all. There were a few nice moments, but overall I think it was a wasted opportunity. IDK.

I am glad you enjoyed it, though, because you are the first person I have spoken to about the ep that did enjoy it and that makes it a bit happier for me! I might rewatch it at a later time, maybe when I'm in a different mood. Maybe I'll see it differently then! :)


tinnny January 6 2014, 07:02:35 UTC
It felt too neat somehow, and plotwise too convoluted, too heartless, too much mockery of fans

I'm sorry it didn't work for you.

That kind of mockery I can take. I liked how it seemed to be made specifically for the hard-core fans. I admit that most of the things I liked were superficial. But then, I have been out of the fandom for a while and don't have that close a relationship with the characters anymore. I think otherwise I would have been even more annoyed at Sherlock's treatment of John. But the whole show is getting more tongue-in-cheek, caricaturing their characters more and more, and that's the spirit in which I watch it by now.

If I want real emotions and characters I can identify with, I watch Elementary. Which I did yesterday, and it immediately made me feel better. That's a Sherlock and a Watson I can feel for.


debris_k January 5 2014, 17:43:41 UTC
Pretty much what you said. :D Thanks for being there at the w-a, I always turn out to like things better when you're around to offer your own opinions and counter (some of) my negativity. *squishes*


tinnny January 6 2014, 06:56:26 UTC
Thank you! I feel the same! I think I'm excessively negative about most things, too, but somehow two negatives seem to make a positive. I'm glad it works! :D


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