Sherlock 3x01

Jan 05, 2014 11:11

Everyone's seen it by now (and seen it with me), but i still need to write down my thoughts.

* I think Mark Gatiss outdid himself. That was fanservice done right.
* Every pairing gets their shot, and Sherlock/Molly even got two kisses. I'm impressed.
* I loved how the first confrontation got dragged out over three restaurants. A single blow could not have done all the fanfics justice, but this actually topped my expectations. Kudos.
* AMAAAAAANDA! I cannot express how happy this makes me. There is no reason to dislike Mary now.
* People have been speculating about the "Liar" Sherlock saw on her. I am taking this to mean she didn't tell John she disliked his moustache. I refuse to suspect Mary of anything bad. He also saw "disguise". I still refuse on principle. I want her to stay and be good for John.
* I did not know that those were Benedict's parents. Weeeeee! This episode was casting heaven.
* Even though it was still annoying that John had to explain to Mrs. Hudson again that he's "not gay", it was in character.
* Sherlock being an asshole was in character, too. Sadly so.
* Sherlock's fixation on John's moustache annoyed me.
* The thing that really annoyed me was Sherlock laughing at John's love for him. It is clear that Sherlock missed John and basically had him with him in his head at every crime scene, but he never tells him about any of it, and instead laughs in his face. That is too much abusive relationship material for me. It was in character, but that's all the positive reaction I can have about it. I will ignore this for the sake of my sanity, but I do not like it. I cannot hate Sherlock or the show or Mark Gatiss, so I will fix it in my head.
* In my head, this was the only time when Sherlock would be inclined to be nice to John - still having the loss fresh in his mind and being happy to have him back - but he didn't. He hurt him instead. It is kind of realistic, I think, for him. But still, I don't wish that on John, and I don't want to see this as a healthy relationship. I guess it could still happen in later episodes, but I doubt it.
* So if I could have one wish for this episode, it would be to make Sherlock a *little bit* less of an asshole.
* The whole thing with the Guy Fawkes abduction made no sense and I am not interested in the bad guy behind it, to be honest. I don't like Moriarty, and I had hoped that the whole "Nemesis" thing was behind us, for this season at least.
* I missed Moran's name the first time around. Ooops. I'm glad he's done with, though.
* Even knowing Sherlock is an asshole, and going into a lot of detail about that in this post, I still loved this episode to bits.

x-posted to dw (comments:


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