Year in fandom meme

Dec 26, 2012 22:35

Your main fandom of the year?Sherlock. Hands down. I actually made a tumblr account for it and some hand-drawn art and everything. What a humongous and endlessly creative fandom. I know this is one that will stick with me for a while ( Read more... )

tv-grimm, lj-memes, tv-sherlock

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Comments 6

waltzmatildah December 26 2012, 23:48:47 UTC
I may well steal this meme! I've been 'collecting' end of year memes for a while now trying to decide which one I want to do!!

Also, my main fandom and my favourite television show this year were very different, just in response to your "Whut?" above. So, it can happen :) My favourite show has a tiiiiiiiiiny fandom that is pretty quiet. Whereas some of the other shows I like have pretty active fandoms that I participate in.


And I would TOTALLY be interested in a Ben Folds post ♥


tinnny December 27 2012, 20:41:37 UTC
Heee, this meme is the only one I've ever managed to do - the others are either kind of random or too much work. :) I'll be on the lookout for the one(s) you end up doing.

Also, my main fandom and my favourite television show this year were very different

To be honest, I don't even know if Sherlock canon is the best thing I've seen this year. Maybe it was Continuum. But I can't tell anymore, since Sherlock was 11 months ago, and I tend to get really excited about new stuff. *g*

I would TOTALLY be interested in a Ben Folds post ♥

Oookay, I'll keep it in mind. If I have time, I'll do it within the next two weeks.


enname December 27 2012, 12:24:53 UTC
Your main fandom of the year?

I am so fandom monogamous. Sherlock (all) and HP.

Your favorite film watched this year?

Um. In terms of what I saw or what I went to? I only went to see Frankenstein! Although that is still probably my favourite anyway.

Your favorite book read this year?

Oh my god. Um. I had read it before, and adored it, but I really love Parade's End. Still. I also loved the Romanitas trilogy. Um. Further developed my love/hate relationship with John Steinbeck? Read a lot of poetry. Adore Rilke so much I want to learn German.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?

Hey, Ben Fold's is awesome. As for what I loved.. I don't know if I heard much new music this year. I rediscovered a love of Siouxie Sioux. Found I have a bizzare love of avant garde modernist music (Boulez) and am not a great fan of jazz. Does this count at all?

Your favorite TV show of the year?

Parade's End.

Your favorite DW/LJ community of the year?

Deeply Horrible - a Harry Potter community that is run by someone I adore.

... )


enname December 27 2012, 12:32:10 UTC
Oh wait. I also watched (Some of these for the millionth time) Dr Who, Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister, Blackadder, Boston Legal, Scrubs, Red Dwarf and Mighty Boosh.


tinnny December 27 2012, 20:45:46 UTC
Heee, thank you for replying in this way! I am pretty monofannish, myself, the obsessions just don't tend to last as long as yours. And you seem to find a lot more time to read actual books. :D

I don't know why I don't miss SGA, either. I barely ever read any anymore, even if I have the chance. I'd rather read X-Files or Buffy, and still crave the occasional Harry Potter fic. All of them hold more appeal than SGA, although they are older (for me).


enname December 28 2012, 02:09:18 UTC
I started replying in the normal way and the realised I may as well just do the meme and respond to you at the same time. :P

I promised myself that this degree, I would make time to read some non academic books. So, erm, I do. Helps that I rather like them.

Eh, few people's do I think. Watching how half the world runs to the newest shiny object and the ebbs and flows of fandom is rather fun. Also means that I don't have to keep up with thousands of new fic (I do read rather comprehensively and it gets tiring), just one or two or three.

I don't even re read any SGA that I really like, and I will still do that for Buffy and Alias. It is a bit weird. Then again, I think I hung around for a lot longer than necessary despite never really watching more than half of season three and, well, the tone of fandom got to me. HP was so relaxing by comparison and well, I was dragged into Sherlock (BBC, not canon. I didn't want another tv fandom.) fighting all the way, despite my comfort now. Glad it is not just me though.


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