Year in fandom meme

Dec 26, 2012 22:35

Your main fandom of the year?

Sherlock. Hands down. I actually made a tumblr account for it and some hand-drawn art and everything. What a humongous and endlessly creative fandom. I know this is one that will stick with me for a while.

In the last few months, Grimm. I'm totally obsessed with it right now, but the fandom is small, and I can already tell that my fascination with it will probably not last for more than a season. Well, we'll see. :)

Your favorite film watched this year?

Pppph. This is the first year I actually went to the movies again (it was a New Year's resolution that worked!), but still I don't remember any of them off the top of my head. The best one? Does Frankenstein from the National Theatre count? I saw that at a movie theatre, twice. Absolutely amazing both times.

Your favorite book read this year?

Oh. Check out the list here. The best fics I read this year (almost all Sherlock) are recced here.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?

I discovered Ben Folds this year. I can't say I love a particular album of his much, it's mostly too electronic for me, but he has written some awesome songs and his piano playing is just incredible live. The one I listened to most was Jesusland:

image Click to view

(blocked here, but you'll be able to find it, I'm sure)

I'd like to make a Ben Folds rec post sometime, if anyone's interested. Ask me!

Your favorite TV show of the year?

Whut? How is that different from my main fandom? It's not. Sherlock.

I also watched (in order of obsession) Grimm, Psych, Continuum, Caprica, White Collar, Game of Thrones, Fringe.
I've not picked up Merlin and Vampire Diaries again yet (but am still planning to, sometime).

Your favorite DW/LJ community of the year?

cumberbatchfans - it suffered from the MU meltdown, sadly.

grimm_daily - one single place to check. Essential for such a small fandom.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?

Grimm. It totally surprised me. I am thankful to neery for making me watch the first season, because I totally fell in love with it despite the hilarious German and the implausible procedural plots and the weird creature special effects. But it also has a French-speaking Sasha Roiz and Monroe being generally awesome.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?

Grimm 2x12. What a waste of an episode. I can't think of anything less recent. :)

General disappointment about Continuum and Grimm being way too small fandoms. Watch those two shows, people!!!

Your fandom boyfriend of the year?

Benedict Cumberbatch. Oi. Nuff said.

Your fandom girlfriend of the year?

I don't usually fangirl about women, because I don't tend to fall in love with them. But if it's about friends I've made in fandom this year: anmkosk!

Your biggest squee moment of the year?

The fangirl meetup for Frankenstein. I met an old lj friend and many tumblr girls. So much fun!

The most missed of your old fandoms?

Hmmm... Merlin? I read lots of good Merlin fic last year. This year, everyone (including me) has moved on. It was good while it lasted. I still get flashes of Merlin fic whenever I do mundane household tasks, because I read Merlin fic last year all the time.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?

I still have Lost and Fringe and Dexter on my list. I have started Fringe, but not gotten anywhere yet. That show is so terrible.

Also, everyone and their weredog is in Teen Wolf, but I really really don't want to? Because that show, too, is just so terrible. Much worse than Fringe, even. Just... so much fic I'm missing out on! I am almost at the point where I'll read the fic without watching canon.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?

Sherlock. Cabin Pressure. Star Trek. The next Hobbit. More Benedict Cumberbatch, apparently. :D

x-posted to dw (comments:

tv-grimm, lj-memes, tv-sherlock

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