
Oct 09, 2011 12:02

Oh, I'm so glad Merlin is back. I had missed him so - and then I almost missed that he's back already. ;D

Merlin 4x01 + 4x02 )


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Comments 9

poshcat October 9 2011, 15:44:15 UTC
Thanks for the heads up! I didn't know he was back already either. I skipped your comments, but I'll be back after I watch it. Yay!


tinnny October 10 2011, 06:30:16 UTC
Thanks for the heads up!

My pleasure! Let me know what you think.


mystizan October 9 2011, 18:01:49 UTC
Hai! r u in my brain? cuz this could have been MY post. IRL, Santiago got a major role in some other Show so I knew he wouldn't be able to be on Merlin as much but come ON ppl...did u HAVE to kill him? He rly is the noblest & maybe the most reliable of the lot. Or maybe I have a crush? Whatever. I miss him already. MERLIN THE MAN. FINALLY. I don't like Agravaine...I actually prefer Morgs...she is ssssssssssoo pretty this season! Dahahaha at Arthur sacrificing himself to save the ppl, thus opening the way for Morgs to steal the throne. Also, Merlin & Gaius? Stop talking abt magic the moment the door's makes me nervous. Like if Agravaine was leaning on the door he would have become suspicious.


tinnny October 9 2011, 20:09:38 UTC
Hai! r u in my brain? cuz this could have been MY post

Heeee. Yay!

Santiago got a major role in some other Show

Ooooh, I didn't know that. He's cute, I might have to check that out.

I don't like Agravaine...I actually prefer Morgs...she is ssssssssssoo pretty this season!

Heee, yes, she is. I've got to give her that. I think now that Morgana is out, so to speak, her facial expressions have improved a bit. She doesn't have to show everyone how evil she is anymore - her hut and cloak are doing that for her. ;D

Merlin & Gaius? Stop talking abt magic the moment the door's closed...

Muahaha! So true. That whole scene was extremely far-fetched, anyway. Come on, only one person could have heard the name Emrys? All the ... what were they called, those free sorcerer priest people from season one ... call him Emrys all the time.


mystizan October 10 2011, 00:31:10 UTC
He's cute, I might have to check that out. Dear Santiago, did u know that all that money u spent on acting lessons was completely unnecessary? Apparently, ur face is enough to attract fans. Who knew?

I think now that Morgana is out, so to speak, her facial expressions have improved a bit. She doesn't have to show everyone how evil she is anymore - her hut and cloak are doing that for her. ;D True...her expressions feel more natural now. But umm HELLO. If she is The Resident Evil Power now, WHY can't she use her powers to secure a nicer house?

Come on, only one person could have heard the name Emrys? All the ... what were they called, those free sorcerer priest people from season one ... call him Emrys all the time. These would be the Druids but the odds that a Druid would speak of Emrys so that anyone from Camelot's monarchy would hear are 0, simply because the prevailing policy is to kill them all. But rly Merlin & Gaius, _whisper_. Or use sign. Whatever.


tinnny October 10 2011, 06:34:51 UTC
WHY can't she use her powers to secure a nicer house?

Ahaha! Good thinking. I have a feeling she can't hold a thought longer than a minute - must be that pesky meth magic addiction. "Get a house, kill Arthur, no, get a villa, kill Gwen, no, kill Arthur, what was I doing?" ;D


enname October 10 2011, 00:21:39 UTC
They killed Lancelot? I don't watch the show, but in terms of any Arthurian tale.... er, what? It maketh no sense. Be like whacking Arthur, end game wise.


tinnny October 10 2011, 06:32:37 UTC
I know right? And then having the gall and showing Arthur and Gwen in happy unison. What were they thinking?!

It's probably the typical show-writer line of thought. They threaten to kill Arthur every week, but cannot follow through, obviously, so I guess they said "nobody expects us to kill Lancelot" and went for it. Way to go in long-term story-planning. //)

p.s.: Thanks for reading my ramblings when you're not even watching the show. Wee.


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