
Oct 09, 2011 12:02

Oh, I'm so glad Merlin is back. I had missed him so - and then I almost missed that he's back already. ;D

+ Finally, Merlin is a "man" in the opening credits. Yesssssssssssssss.

+ I really like Sir Agravaine. Finally a villain who is able to smile. I wonder if they cast him so he could counter Morgana's evil!face? ;) Honestly, the best villain on Merlin, ever.

- Poor Tony. I hope he doesn't have to sit around all season looking dishevelled. What a sad fate for Uther.

- Ever heard of logic? Go and sacrifice yourself, Arthur, to foil Morgana's evil plan of taking the throne of Camelot. Duh. I can't even...

* Arthur and gang simply left their horses to die before entering the Wilderen tunnels. Meh. Real knights, they are.

- Nobody wondered that Merlin didn't die from the Dorocha's touch? He was the only one to survive it. Arthur was probably so glad Merlin was still alive that he was in total denial. *G*

- The only thing that helps is light and fire, and every time they get attacked, they leave their torches behind? Wtf knights?

* I dunno what to think of Merlin summoning the dragon. He could have lit a torch way more easily. Just for the tiny prophetic bit about Lancelot? That wasn't worth the trouble. And then Kilgarrah left again right away, taking his protective breath with him. Whu?

- Morgana, get a plan already! Kill this, kill that, kill something else every episode. Ugh. At least Morgause was believably devious.

- Gwen summed the attempt on her life up rather nicely: "If anyone had tried to kill me, wouldn't they have done a better job?" You bet.

+ Very nice scenery and nice tricks everywhere.

* I'm not sure what to think of all the Merlin/Arthur bonding moments. Are those going to be the only ones all season? Again? Keep the fangirls hooked and then not follow through? Probably.

- How on earth could they have sacrificed Lancelot? He was the only one of the knights whose story from the legends I knew (yeah, yeah, everything I know I learned from movies...). He still had a job to do! And then showing Arthur and Gwen holding hands at his funeral. Ouch.

+ At least Gawaine's still alive.

* Again, noone is left who knows of Merlin's powers. Or does Gawaine know? It has never been officially established, although I know in fanon he knows.

x-posted to dw (comments:


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