Fic: Learning to Dance12: Side Step

Jan 02, 2008 07:18

Title: Learning to Dance12: Side Step
Author: purplerhino
Disclaimer: Please….

Spoilers: Everything.
Rating: M.
Characters/Pairing: Cain, Queen Lavender, Ahamo, DG/Cain
Summary: At least these parents weren’t going to tell him to keep it in his pants and threaten him with bull clippers.

Thanks to my beta readers -   erinm_4600, thebigfatman and khadence

Part One 
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight 
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven

What happened in that meeting:

Cain was used to being called into meetings by now. Hell, he’d actually called one himself last night, without the usual: ‘At your convenience.’ He’d told the Queen, the Prince Consort and Az what was going to happen, and where they were being moved to. Although, he did apologize for the presumption and explained that his priority was their safety.

The Queen’s smile of amusement - and something else - was a bit unnerving, as she simply acquiesced.

He knew this meeting would end up in a report, but he got the impression - by the lack of the presence of Commissioner Garalli and Commander Malichi - that this portion was a bit more private.

He wasn’t concerned about a reprimand, or reassignment. His relationship with DG was pretty much well-known, even outside of the palace. If their Majesties were going to voice any objections, it would have been months ago.

Although, there was a niggling part of him - a small part - that felt like a nervous kid. There was a slim chance he could be called to the floor because they viewed courting as all right, but debauching their youngest without anything formal was unacceptable. And, somehow, talking to a girl’s parents when sex was involved hadn’t gotten any easier since he was sixteen and he’d been caught with Karina Jakes in the barn… by her rather irate parents. At least these parents weren’t going to tell him to keep it in his pants and threaten him with bull clippers.

He hoped.

So he stood in the middle of the office, shared by their Majesties, hat in hand; reasonably confident, with only a butterfly or two present in his stomach.

“Please have a seat, Commander,” Queen Lavender gestured to one of the chairs in the sitting area, away from the desks.

He stood before a well-stuffed chair of green leather and waited until Her Majesty was seated before taking his own seat.

“This isn’t about last night’s attacks.” He made it a statement.

“I’m afraid not,” Ahamo answered.

“Commander… may I call you Wyatt? I already feel you are part of this family.” The Queen looked perfectly composed.

Her statement was flattering - to a point - and when the Queen requested to address you informally, it wasn’t as if you could say: “No.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” He sat his hat on his knee.

“Lavender, please,” she inclined her head.

“That would be rather inappropriate, Your Majesty.” And pretty uncomfortable.

“Hardly, as you will eventually be family in the literal sense,” she smiled gently.

Was that an order? It wasn’t as if he hadn’t already planned such in the near future. But a royal decree was a bit much.

As if reading his body language, Ahamo stepped in. “It’s hardly an order, Wyatt. But over the last year, it’s become rather obvious you’re a man of honor. I would be very surprised if your relationship with our daughter were not heading in that direction. After all, you’ve hardly hidden your courtship, pretty much making a public declaration of intent.”

“Son, what we’re about to discuss is not to leave this room. That is an order,” Ahamo continued.

Cain was surprised. No one had called him ‘Son’ in over fifteen years. It ingrained the level of acceptance here; it was an honor to be so regarded by DG’s family.

“Certainly, sir,” Cain agreed. He was certain that ‘not leaving the room’ included not telling DG herself, which could prove contentious between the two of them.

“Ahamo, please. This is a family discussion.”

“Wyatt, are you aware of the connection between the Lands of the O.Z. and its monarch?” Lavender’s hands were betraying her. She was toying with her wedding ring.

“I understand there’s a magical bond, of sorts.” Cain had no idea where this was going.

“Yes, there is. The land is protected, in a very real way, by the link. It is why there has never been a successful, outside invasion of the O.Z.” The witch’s internal takeover needed no mention.

“When I gave DG part of my life force - and most of my magic - to save her, it strained that connection. I had enough magic left to keep that link going, even imprisoned. Normally, it isn’t even felt, easily forgotten. But my lack of power now…” Lavender wrapped her arms about herself. Ahamo lay a hand on her shoulder and she reached up to cover his hand.

Something was wrong.

“I can sustain the O.Z. for five more years. Perhaps six... but no more. At such time, I must step down, for the protection of the country. We all know that, even if the people would accept Azkadellia as Queen, she is no longer able to handle the stress and strain that the position can bring. She’s rather fragile now.” Lavender met Cain’s eyes, and he found himself unable to look away.

“DG will become Queen.” He understood.

“She will. Her lessons and contribution to council sessions are to prepare her. Over the next five years, I will slowly be placing more responsibility on her. It will not be easy; she will need support and as many people as she can trust, absolutely. Her compassionate nature will also require a more worldly balance. Wyatt, you are exactly what she needs. In every way,” Lavender explained.

Ahamo spoke up once more. “Prince Consort is not just an empty title, as you know. Not only do we need to be there for the Queen; we actually take an active part in commanding and directing the army. We help in negotiations; take on duties to ease the burden on the Queen.”

We. Cain was aware that the title would likely end up his, as he did plan on marrying DG. It was one of the uncomfortable realities he’d taken into consideration. But after Jeb had made him face up to things, Cain knew he couldn’t imagine life without her. And the idea of someone else having the job made him sick.

Cain nodded. He was partly aware of the duties Ahamo fulfilled. He’d only left when the witch began her power play to work - literally - underground, at the direct command of the Queen. He’d refused a request.

“We would like you to take some time as Ahamo’s bodyguard. I know you will dislike not being there to watch over DG all the time. But you will be assigned such duties only during negotiations, at first. Not only will you be acting as bodyguard, but you will learn. You will be expected to attend lessons while DG is in hers. You will learn delicate politics known only to very few. As DG is being groomed to become Queen, you must also be prepared,” Lavender explained. “Every effort will be made to assure that you both have time for yourselves. We completely understand the need to just be with each other. We certainly take every opportunity. Five years should be plenty of time, I think. You won’t be spending all day buried under duties, although, I suspect your guarding DG will hardly stop after you are off-duty.”

Cain wasn’t sure what to think. He hadn’t considered he’d have to take classes; he was too old to going back to school. But he knew this was part of being with DG.

“When DG learns about your training is up to you. I’m certain you haven’t officially asked her yet, and we don’t want to interfere with your own plans. We also don’t want DG to know the reason for my stepping down, when the time comes. You are aware of her tendency to blame herself for things beyond her control,” Ahamo explained.

“I’ll do my best.” He couldn’t quite call them by name yet. “It is a bit… unexpected.”

“We know. But you will have five years to acclimate.” Lavender tried to be reassuring.

“I do appreciate you’re realizing I’m here for the long haul,” Cain admitted.

“If you weren’t, we’d be having a whole different conversation right now,” Ahamo assured him, every inch the father-figure.

There was a knock at the door. “That will be Commander Malichi and Commissioner Garalli. We do need to discuss the assassination attempt or what you have learned of the Reeges plans.”

Just like that, he was back on duty.

fic: work-in-progress, author: purplerhino, pairing: cain/dg

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