(no subject)

Dec 23, 2007 17:55

Title: Learning to Dance 9: Intermission
Author: purplerhino
Disclaimer: Not mine. Really. I’m poor. If they were mine, I wouldn’t be. Just sharing the love is all.

Spoilers: Everything.
Rating: PG 13-PG16
Characters/Pairing: Cain/DG
Summary: “Where’s my family?” DG drew herself up, back straight, poised.

Thanks to my beta readers -   erinm_4600, thebigfatman and khadence

Part One 
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight

One of the male guards in the hallway saw DG peering out the door of Cain’s room and looked shocked, then horrified.

She could care less; there had been gunshots from the direction of her family’s quarters. She started to step outside, but one of the guards stepped forward and physically blocked the door. The uniformed woman shook her head and DG’s mouth pressed into a grim line as she peered around the door and down the hall. Even if she wasn’t being allowed to leave the room, she would see what was happening.

There was a woman stepping out of Azkadellia’s quarters - Az’s height and wearing one of her nightgowns - that was not her sister. And the gun in her hand was also not reassuring DG.

Cain emerged from DG’s room, his feet and chest bare; his own gun in hand. Trailing after him was another woman, small and in a pair of DG’s pjs. The short woman started to talk animatedly with the woman vaguely-looking like Az as Cain moved down to the Queen’s chambers at the very end of the hallway. He went inside without knocking and the door closed behind him.

“Why are those women dressed in Az’s and my nightclothes?” DJ looked to the guardswoman refusing to let her out. She was the only female uniformed guard in the immediate vicinity, and the men were determinedly NOT looking at DG, but keeping their rifles trained down the hall.

The woman looked momentarily surprised. “You were supposed to know. They’re the decoys. When we learned the kidnappings and assassination attempt was to happen in three days, the Commander set them up and insisted they start baiting the trap early.”

The woman was more informative than Cain had been, and DG’d have to let him have it for that later.

“Where’s my family?” DG drew herself up, back straight and poised. Regal was the look her mother tried to impress in her.

The look was doubtlessly ruined by her mussed hair, swollen lips and a bare leg showing from the split of her robe. ‘Oops.’ DG straightened both legs, so the robe was properly closed.

“The servant’s wing, under guard, your Highness. The outside guards were to allow the Reeges through, so they could be caught in the trap.”

Ah. Why hadn’t he told her? She felt more than a little betrayed.

Six guards emerged from the suite DG’s parents occupied - in the middle of them was a scowling man, hands bound behind.

“Inside, your Highness.” The female guard stepped into the doorway, causing DG to step back, and took the opening to pull the door closed, keeping DG in Cain’s room. DG pressed her ear to the door.

‘Jin-Jin, what happened?” It sounded like the guard.

“When they realized they were trapped, both of the kidnappers shot themselves. Same happened to Gen. I mean, if they wanted to die, they should have let us do it; give us the satisfaction.” Another woman sounded angry.

“And, apparently, one of the two the assassins jumped off the balcony from the Queen’s chambers. The robot guy tackled the other one - keeping him from killing himself - so,  basically, Gen and I are gonna get chewed a new one,” the one called Jin-Jin hissed lower in register.

“That’s not fair. You couldn’t have known they were fanatics.”

DG backed away from the door. How do you fight fanatics? How did they end up with frickin’ Al Qaeda in the O.Z.?

It was a few minutes before Cain returned to the room, looking grim.

“What the hell is going on out there?” She half-stormed across the room.

“We had information that an attempt would be made to kidnap you and Az, and kill the Queen and Prince Consort. Everything we learned from all sources said it would be three or four days from now.” Cain sat wearily on the edge of his bed. “I didn’t want to take any chances, so I had your family moved to the servant’s wing with twenty guards, and I had armed decoys set up on your rooms. The plan was to lure the Reeges in, then capture them. But it seems they were a bit more insistent at not being taken alive than we thought.” He set his gun back on the nightstand.

“And you never bothered to tell me this? You have a bad habit of keeping me in the dark.” She crossed her arms under her breasts, unaware how that made her robe gape open.

“I was…” he started and she joined in, “going to tell you.”

He was doing that teeth grinding-thing again.

“As soon as I fixed my knuckles, I was going to see you and ask you to join your family. But I got sidetracked about the time you said you felt safe with me.” Cain ran a hand over his face.

“As annoying as you can be, I am safe with you. It’s a good thing you put your plan into action early. At least you got one of them.” DG stepped forward and placed her hands on his shoulders. “I just wish you’d trust me enough to talk to me.”

“I do. It’s just you’re a terrible influence on my concentration.”

DG smirked, “Not very good for your job, but great for my ego.” She moved to sit beside him.

“Are you gonna be going now, questioning the prisoner and all that?” She lay her head on his shoulder.

“No. I’m going to stay here with you. There are times my being there helps, and times when it hurts.” He put his arm around her.

Technically - once the royal family was safe and secure - it was the guard’s job to imprison and interrogate, not to mention prosecute. Wyatt was only in charge of the security of the royal family.

“Not exactly how I pictured our first night together,” DG confessed.

“Me either.” He sighed then pressed a kiss to her temple. “Come on, back to bed with you. It’s the middle of the night.”

“You know the guard kinda saw me.” DG dropped her robe, enjoying Cain’s eyes on her as she slipped under the covers.

“Are you sorry about that?” He stood over her.

“No, not really. Az told me we’re the most well-known secret in the castle,” she chuckled.

She loved to see him smile. “Not limited to the castle.” He circled the bed to slip under the covers on the other side.

As she curled into him, DG felt Wyatt’s arms wrap around her, holding her a bit tightly; a bit desperately. She didn’t comment on it; just kissed his jaw and lay there, wrapped in security.

rating: pg-13, author: purplerhino, pairing: cain/dg

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